
时间:2011-02-05 08:27:46
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英语作文:全家福 篇一

My Family Portrait

When I look at our family portrait hanging on the wall, I can't help but smile. It captures a moment in time when we were all together, smiling and laughing, creating memories that will last a lifetime. In the photo, my parents are standing proudly in the middle, with their arms around each other, radiating love and happiness. My younger sister is sitting on my dad's lap, her infectious laughter echoing in the room. And there I am, standing next to my mom, with a big grin on my face, feeling grateful for the family I have.

Our family portrait is more than just a picture – it's a symbol of love, unity, and strength. It reminds me of all the good times we've shared together, from family vacations to simple Sunday dinners at home. It also serves as a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we will always have each other's backs.

As I grow older, I realize the importance of family more and more. They are the ones who support me, encourage me, and love me unconditionally. Our family portrait is a constant reminder of the bond we share, the memories we've created, and the love that binds us together. It's a snapshot of happiness that I will cherish forever.

英语作文:全家福 篇二

The Meaning Behind Our Family Portrait

Our family portrait is not just a picture – it's a reflection of who we are as a family. Each smile captured in the photo tells a story, each gesture a glimpse into our unique dynamics. When I look at it, I see more than just faces; I see the love, the laughter, and the bonds that hold us together.

In the portrait, my parents are smiling warmly, their eyes filled with pride and joy. My siblings and I are standing around them, each with our own personalities shining through. It's a snapshot of a moment frozen in time, a moment that encapsulates the essence of our family.

But our family portrait is more than just a visual representation of us – it's a symbol of our values, our traditions, and our shared experiences. It reminds us of the importance of family, of coming together in times of joy and in times of need. It serves as a reminder that no matter where life takes us, we will always have each other to lean on.

Our family portrait hangs prominently in our living room, a constant presence in our daily lives. It's a source of comfort, a reminder of the love that surrounds us, and a reflection of the happy moments we've shared together. It's a treasure that we will always hold dear, a testament to the strength and beauty of our family bond.

英语作文:全家福 篇三

  Look at this photo. This is a nice picture of my family.

  There are five people on it. I am in the middle. I’m laughing. It looks that I am very happy. There’re some pretty flowers in my hands. A man beside me is my father. He is happy, too. Where’s my mother?

  Oh.. She is behind me. She is a good mother, I think. She’s my friend, too. I love her. My grandparents are behind me, too. They both love me.

  I like this picture. And I love my family.

英语作文:全家福 篇四

  Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing beside him. She is not as my father.

  She is three years younger than my father. Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me. I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.

英语作文:全家福 篇五

  This afternoon I joined in the English Corner at the Wuyi Square. There I met Tom, an American boy. He was tall and cute, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was as old as I. We talked with each other for two hours. He told me that his parents had come to China on business. It so happened that he was on holidays. So he came with them.

  He was glad to see that so many Chinese children like English, and we agreed to keep in touch with each other later on. How happy I am to have made a new friend!

英语作文:全家福 篇六

  I am so impressed by the family picture, it took when I was in grade 6. At that day, my mother woke me up in the morning, she told me that I should wash my face quickly, today our family had an important thing to do.

  So I got dressed, after finishing everything, I asked my mom what would I do next, she said that our family would take a family picture, it meant so lot. I didn’t figure out what it was, but I thought it was so funny, so I stood as they asked, and smiled.

  Two years pass, I now understand the meaning of the family picture, I take the picture when I am out for school. Taking the picture is like my family around me.


