
时间:2013-09-02 08:30:31
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还盘常用英语词汇与句型 篇一

In international trade, the term "counteroffer" is often used when negotiating prices and terms of a sale. A counteroffer is a response to an initial offer and indicates a willingness to continue negotiations. Here are some common English vocabulary and sentence structures related to counteroffers:

1. Offer: The initial proposal made by one party to another.

Example sentence: We have received your offer and would like to make a counteroffer.

2. Counteroffer: A response to an offer that proposes different terms or conditions.

Example sentence: The buyer made a counteroffer to the seller's original price.

3. Negotiation: The process of discussing and reaching an agreement on terms.

Example sentence: The two parties are currently in negotiations over the contract terms.

4. Terms: The conditions and details of a sale or agreement.

Example sentence: The terms of the counteroffer include a shorter payment deadline.

5. Acceptance: Agreeing to the terms of an offer or counteroffer.

Example sentence: The seller accepted the buyer's counteroffer on the property.

6. Reject: Refusing an offer or counteroffer.

Example sentence: The company decided to reject the counteroffer and look for other options.

7. Counterproposal: A new offer made in response to a counteroffer.

Example sentence: The counterproposal included a lower price and extended payment terms.

Remember to use these vocabulary words and sentence structures effectively when engaging in negotiations involving counteroffers. Clear communication and understanding of terms are essential for successful transactions.

还盘常用英语词汇与句型 篇二

When engaging in negotiations involving counteroffers, it is important to use the appropriate English vocabulary and sentence structures to convey your message effectively. Here are some additional words and phrases commonly used in the context of counteroffers:

1. Compromise: Finding a middle ground or solution that satisfies both parties.

Example sentence: The two parties were able to reach a compromise on the delivery schedule.

2. Bottom line: The minimum price or terms that a party is willing to accept.

Example sentence: The seller's bottom line was $500,000 for the property.

3. Deadline: The date by which a response or action must be taken.

Example sentence: We need to set a deadline for the buyer to respond to our counteroffer.

4. Final offer: The last proposal before closing the deal.

Example sentence: This is our final offer, and we expect a decision by the end of the week.

5. Terms and conditions: The specific details and requirements of an agreement.

Example sentence: The buyer agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the counteroffer.

6. Walk away: To end negotiations without reaching an agreement.

Example sentence: If the buyer doesn't accept our counteroffer, we may have to walk away from the deal.

7. Good faith: A sincere effort to negotiate and reach a fair agreement.

Example sentence: Both parties entered into the negotiations in good faith and with the intention of reaching a mutually beneficial deal.

By incorporating these vocabulary words and sentence structures into your negotiations, you can effectively communicate your position and work towards reaching a successful agreement on counteroffers. Remember to be clear, concise, and respectful in your communication to ensure a positive outcome.

还盘常用英语词汇与句型 篇三



  counter-offer 还盘,还价

  offering date 报价有效期限

  wild speculation 漫天要价

  subject to 以...为条件,以...为准

  to withdraw an offer 撤回报盘

  to reinstat

e an offer 恢复报盘

  to decline an offer 谢绝报盘

  unacceptable 不可接受的


  I'm afraid the offer is unacceptable.


  The price you offered is above previous prices.


  We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.


  I'm afraid I don't find your price competitive at all.


  We cannot make any headway with your offer.


  We regret we have to decline your offer.



