
时间:2019-08-04 08:16:44
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回忆我的母亲大学英语作文 篇一

My Mother, My Role Model

My mother has always been my role model. She is a strong, independent woman who has faced many challenges in her life with grace and determination. Growing up, I watched her balance work, family, and personal goals with ease, and she has always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader.

One of my earliest memories of my mother is watching her study for her college exams. She would stay up late into the night, poring over textbooks and notes, determined to do her best. I remember being in awe of her dedication and work ethic, and it has inspired me to work hard in my own studies.

My mother has always emphasized the importance of education and learning. She has instilled in me a love of reading and a curiosity about the world around me. She has always encouraged me to pursue my passions and never give up on my dreams, just like she did when she went back to college to earn her degree while raising me and my siblings.

As I grow older, I realize more and more how lucky I am to have such a wonderful role model in my life. My mother has taught me the value of perseverance, compassion, and integrity. She has shown me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

I am grateful for all the sacrifices my mother has made for me and my siblings, and I hope to make her proud by following in her footsteps and achieving my own goals. She is not only my mother but also my mentor, my friend, and my inspiration. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

In conclusion, my mother is my hero. She has shaped me into the person I am today, and I will always be grateful for her love, guidance, and support. I hope to make her proud and carry on her legacy of strength, resilience, and determination.

回忆我的母亲大学英语作文 篇二

Lessons Learned from My Mother

Growing up, my mother taught me many valuable lessons that have shaped the person I am today. She has always been a source of wisdom, guidance, and love, and I am grateful for all the things she has taught me over the years.

One of the most important lessons my mother taught me is the value of hard work and perseverance. She has always been a dedicated and diligent worker, and she has instilled in me a strong work ethic. From a young age, she taught me that success does not come easy and that I must be willing to put in the effort and dedication to achieve my goals.

My mother has also taught me the importance of kindness and compassion. She has always been a caring and empathetic person, and she has shown me the importance of treating others with respect and understanding. She has taught me that small acts of kindness can have a big impact on others and that we should always strive to be kind and compassionate towards those around us.

Another valuable lesson my mother has taught me is the importance of family and relationships. She has always emphasized the value of spending time with loved ones and building strong connections with friends and family members. She has shown me that relationships are the most important thing in life and that we should always cherish and nurture them.

In addition to these lessons, my mother has also taught me the importance of staying true to myself and following my own path. She has always encouraged me to be authentic and to pursue my passions and dreams, even if they may be different from what others expect of me. She has taught me that it is important to stay true to who I am and to never compromise my values and beliefs.

In conclusion, my mother has been an incredible teacher and mentor to me. She has taught me so many valuable lessons that have helped me navigate through life with grace and confidence. I am grateful for all the wisdom, guidance, and love she has shared with me, and I hope to pass on these lessons to future generations. My mother is not only my parent but also my teacher, my mentor, and my friend. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

回忆我的母亲大学英语作文 篇三



  "long, long ago, there was an island in the distant sea,where lived a fairy who was said be able to make a child lovely and bright. one day, ..." as the story went on, mumps voice grew fainter and fainter, when she gently looked down at me.then a melodious song came into my ear as if music made by th

e angels flying in the faraway sky. gradually, moms smile dimmed, and her glittering eyes were just like the brightest stars on the dark blue curtain of night...

  countless nights had passed in this way during my infancy. in my naive heart, mothers voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. even now i still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before i fell asleep. those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.to me, mothers companionship was the most important thing in my childhood.

  mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. she taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,ecitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. she is quite at home in literature because of her active and imaginative mind. every new eperience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her. www&8226;

  i went off to college, but mum is still always in my memory. i could hear her voice every time i fell short in anything.from breast to cradle to reassuring hug, mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. however, she never epressed herself. upon my entry into university, when she and father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. i knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my presence. this separation would last nearly five months during which she could not see me. she was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. i was refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an eact person like her. later, father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. i knew that, because i love you, mum, and you already knew that too.


