
时间:2013-01-01 08:26:43
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上网用英语怎么说 篇一

In English, how do we say "上网" (shàngwǎng)? The equivalent term in English for "上网" is "to go online" or "to surf the internet". When we say "to go online", it means to connect to the internet using a computer, smartphone, or other electronic device. People go online to check emails, browse websites, watch videos, play games, and communicate with others through social media platforms.

There are many ways to go online, such as using a Wi-Fi connection, mobile data, or a wired internet connection. With the advancement of technology, going online has become an essential part of our daily lives. From students doing research for school projects to professionals working remotely, the internet has revolutionized the way we access information and communicate with others.

If you want to tell someone that you are going online in English, you can simply say "I'm going online" or "I'm surfing the internet". You can also use phrases like "I'm checking my emails" or "I'm browsing the web" to specify what you are doing online. In informal conversations, you can also use slang terms like "I'm scrolling through social media" or "I'm watching cat videos online".

Overall, when it comes to expressing the idea of "上网" in English, the phrases "to go online" or "to surf the internet" are commonly used and easily understood by English speakers. So next time you want to talk about going online in English, remember these phrases and start connecting with the world wide web!

上网用英语怎么说 篇二

In English, how do we say "上网" (shàngwǎng)? The concept of going online has become so ingrained in our daily lives that we often take it for granted. Whether it's checking the latest news updates, shopping online, or connecting with friends and family through social media, the internet has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate.

When it comes to expressing the act of going online in English, there are several phrases that you can use. The most common term is "to go online", which simply means to connect to the internet. You can also say "to surf the internet" or "to browse the web" to convey the idea of using the internet for information or entertainment.

In addition to these basic phrases, there are also more specific terms that you can use depending on what you are doing online. For example, if you are sending or receiving emails, you can say "I'm checking my emails" or "I'm replying to messages online". If you are watching videos on platforms like YouTube or Netflix, you can say "I'm streaming videos online" or "I'm watching online content".

Overall, the English language offers a variety of ways to express the concept of "上网". Whether you are connecting to the internet for work, leisure, or socializing, there are plenty of phrases that you can use to communicate your online activities in English. So the next time you are going online, remember these phrases and start exploring the vast world of the internet in English!

上网用英语怎么说 篇三

  上网英语怎么说?surf the internet或者surf on the net 都是正确的.


  Victor: What do you usually do in your free time?

  Grace: I like to surf.

  Victor: So do I. How often do you do it?

  Grace: I surf every day from ab

out 8 P.M. to midnight.

  Victor: You surf at night?

  Grace: Yes. It’s the best time for chatting and making friends.

  Victor: You can’t surf at night. I always go surfing in the morning. The waves aren’t very big, and there aren’t many people on the beach.

  Grace: Waves? Beach? I surf on the Internet.


  Victor: 你在空余时间都干些什么?

  Grace: 我喜欢冲浪。

  Victor: 我也是,你多久去冲一次浪?

  Grace: 我差不多每天晚上八点到半夜(上网)冲浪

  Victor: 你在晚上冲浪?

  Grace: 是的,这是聊天和交朋友的最好时机。

  Victor: 你不能在晚上冲浪。我经常在早上冲浪,那时浪不大,海滩上人也不多。

  Grace: 海浪?海滩?我说的是网上冲浪啊!

  现在大家都明白了吧,Grace所说的"I surf on the Internet. "是“我上网冲浪”的意思。


  1. A: What’re you doing? 你在干什么?

  B: I’m on the Internet. 我在上网。

  这里要注意介词用的是on,而不是in。I’m in the Internet. (×)

  要把自己当成在因特网上爬的网虫,所以上网是on the Internet。

  2. How can I get the details about the exhibition? 我如何才能获得那个展览的具体消息?

  You can find the information on the Internet. 你可以从网上得到相关信息。


  3. Can I surf the Internet in your hotel? 你们宾馆能上网吗?

  Yes, in our hotel all rooms have access to the Internet. 可以的,我们每一间房间都能连接到因特网。

  连接网络的英文是access to the Internet,注意不要漏了the。

  4. Where can I buy the book Pride and Prejudice? 我在哪里能买到《傲慢与偏见》?

  You can buy the book over the Internet. 你可以通过网络买到这本书。

  在网上买东西用的是over the Internet哦,千万不要用in the Internet。

  看了这么多句子不知道大家发现了没有?英特网的Internet是以大写开头的,并且和the连用,而the Internet可以缩写成Net。


