
时间:2014-07-03 05:43:18
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英语谈判 篇一

In the world of business, negotiation is an essential skill that can make or break deals. English negotiation, in particular, requires a certain level of language proficiency and cultural understanding to be successful. In this article, we will explore the key components of English negotiation and provide tips on how to navigate this challenging process.

The first step in English negotiation is preparation. Before entering into any negotiation, it is important to research the company or individual you will be negotiating with. This includes understanding their business practices, cultural norms, and any specific language or communication styles they may prefer. By taking the time to prepare, you will be better equipped to anticipate their needs and preferences, which can give you a competitive edge in the negotiation process.

During the negotiation itself, it is important to be clear and direct in your communication. English negotiation tends to be more straightforward and to the point compared to other cultures. Avoid using overly complex language or beating around the bush, as this can lead to misunderstandings or confusion. Instead, state your position clearly and provide supporting evidence or data to back up your claims.

Another key aspect of English negotiation is active listening. While it is important to be assertive in stating your own position, it is equally important to listen to the other party's perspective. By actively listening to their concerns and needs, you can better understand their motivations and find common ground for compromise. This can help build trust and rapport, which are essential in reaching a successful negotiation outcome.

Finally, it is important to be flexible and open to compromise during English negotiation. While it is important to advocate for your own interests, it is also important to recognize when a compromise is necessary to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Be willing to explore alternative solutions and be open to creative problem-solving to find a resolution that satisfies both parties.

In conclusion, English negotiation requires a combination of language proficiency, cultural understanding, and negotiation skills. By preparing in advance, communicating clearly, actively listening, and being flexible, you can increase your chances of success in English negotiation. Remember, negotiation is a two-way street, and by working collaboratively with the other party, you can create win-win outcomes that benefit both sides.

英语谈判 篇二

Negotiation is an art form that requires finesse, skill, and strategy. When it comes to English negotiation, there are certain cultural nuances and language considerations that can impact the outcome of the negotiation. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of English negotiation and provide tips on how to navigate this complex process successfully.

One of the key aspects of English negotiation is understanding the importance of building rapport and trust with the other party. In English-speaking cultures, relationships are often valued in business dealings, and establishing a positive rapport can go a long way in fostering a successful negotiation. This can include small talk, finding common ground, and showing genuine interest in the other party's perspective.

Another important aspect of English negotiation is being aware of non-verbal communication cues. In English-speaking cultures, body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can all play a significant role in conveying meaning and building rapport. It is important to be mindful of your own non-verbal cues and to pay attention to the other party's cues to ensure effective communication and understanding.

In English negotiation, it is also important to be prepared to make concessions and compromises. While it is important to advocate for your own interests, it is equally important to be willing to give a little to get a little. This can involve being flexible in your negotiation strategy, exploring alternative solutions, and finding creative ways to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Lastly, it is important to be mindful of language barriers in English negotiation. If English is not your first language, it is important to practice and improve your language skills to ensure clear and effective communication. This can involve working with a language tutor, engaging in language exchange programs, or simply practicing speaking and listening in English on a regular basis.

In conclusion, English negotiation requires a combination of cultural understanding, language proficiency, and negotiation skills. By building rapport, being aware of non-verbal communication cues, being willing to compromise, and improving your language skills, you can increase your chances of success in English negotiation. Remember, negotiation is a dynamic and fluid process, and by being adaptable and open-minded, you can achieve successful outcomes in your negotiations.

英语谈判 篇三

  3、I know I can count on you.


  4、Tust me.


  5、We are here to solve problems.


  6、We'll come out from this meeting as winners.


  7、Ihope this meeting is productive.


  8、I need more information.


  9、Not in the long run.


  10、Let me explain to you why .


  11、That's the basic problem.


  12、Let's compromise.


  13、It depends on what you want.


  14、The longer we wait ,the less likely we will come up with anything.


  15、Are you negotiable?


  16、I'm sure there is some room for negotiation.


英语谈判 篇四

  17、We have another plan.


  18、Let's negotiate the price.


  19、We could add it to the agenda.


  20、Thanks for reminding us.


  21、Our position on the issue is very simple.


  22、We can not be sure what you want unless you tell us.


  23、We have done a lot.


  24、We can work out the details next time.


  25、I suggest that we take a break.


  26、Let's dismiss and return in an hour.


  27、We need a break.


  28、May I suggest that we continue tomorrow.


  29、We can postpone our meeting until tomorrow.


  30、That will eat up a lot of time.



