
时间:2016-05-04 04:10:33
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信英文样本 篇一

Subject: Inquiry about Product Availability

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inquire about the availability of a specific product in your store. I recently came across your website and was impressed by the range of products you offer. The item I am interested in is the XYZ model laptop, which I saw listed on your website.

Could you please confirm if this product is currently in stock and available for purchase? If so, I would like to know the price and any relevant details about the product, such as specifications and warranty information.

I am also wondering if you offer any discounts or promotions for this product, as I am keen to make a purchase soon. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with information on the shipping options available and the estimated delivery time to my location.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you soon with the relevant information. Please feel free to contact me via email or phone if you require any further details.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

信英文样本 篇二

Subject: Complaint about Poor Customer Service

Dear [Customer Service Manager],

I am writing to express my disappointment with the level of customer service I received during my recent visit to your store. I have been a loyal customer of your company for several years, but the experience I had on [date of visit] has left me feeling frustrated and dissatisfied.

Firstly, I would like to bring to your attention the rude and unprofessional behavior of one of your staff members. I found their attitude to be dismissive and unhelpful, which made me feel unwelcome and undervalued as a customer. This type of treatment is unacceptable and does not reflect the high standards of customer service that I have come to expect from your company.

Furthermore, I was disappointed to discover that the product I purchased was faulty and not as described. When I approached the staff for assistance, I was met with resistance and a lack of willingness to resolve the issue. I was left feeling frustrated and out of pocket, as I had to seek a refund from another store.

I believe that it is important for you to be aware of these issues so that you can take appropriate action to improve the customer service experience in your store. I hope that you will investigate this matter further and take the necessary steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read my complaint. I look forward to hearing back from you with a resolution to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

信英文样本 篇三

  Prof. Dr. 0000

  Center for Fluorescence and Spectroscopy

  Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

  University of Maryland School of Medicine

  725 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201,


  (410)706-8409, FAX: (410)706-8408

  Dear Prof. Dr. 0000

  I take great pleasure in writing this letter of recommendation for Dr. 0000 to support his application for a postdoctoral position in your lab. Dr. 000 is an outstanding graduate student working for the M.S. degree under my supervision. In my contact with him in the University, his creativity and attitude to research work gave me deep impression. He always proposed new ideas on his research and could

  resolve problems by himself, I was very satisfied with him. Dr 000 has been working on molecular luminescence research about six years. As I know, most of his researches have been concentrated on bioanalytical chemistry in his Masters work, such as protein and nucleic acids assays etc. In these fields, Dr. 000 has strong background and research ability. He has and would be published several papers in international journals. I am often interested in reading his papers in publication and discussing with him. I am very appreciated of his research ability. Dr 0000 also possesses very fine character. He is a devoted research worker. He works on weekends. He is an honest and smart, reliable and responsible person, and is very cooperative too. Based on these qualities, I believe this young man will achieve greater academic success in his future work. Therefore, I strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.

  Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any additional questions about 00000. My address is as follows:

  Professor 00000


  P. R. China

  Your Sincerely

  Professor of Analytical Chemistry

信英文样本 篇四


  dear sir or madam:

  i am xxx, general manager of xxx. learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. xxx is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned university.

  mr. xxx once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. xxx thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted to other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his acquisition, mr. xxx still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).

  by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. xxx works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. xxx has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.

  to some extent, it may be a great loss of our company that such a superexcellent employee as mr. xxx is going to study abroad. however, in consideration of his prospect, i, without any hesitation, am in great favor of his decision of studying at your reputable university. with great sincerity, i expect that you will support his application fully and grant him an opportunity to uplift himself and realize his dream. thanks a lot.

  respectfully yours,


  general manager


  tel: xxx

  e-mail: xxx

信英文样本 篇五

  Dear Colleagues:

  As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD program.

  In September, 2004, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, the first professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.

  Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to her creative and logical

and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about General Biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.

  I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program.

  Sincerely yours,

  Prof. ×××

信英文样本 篇六

 To Whom It May Concern:

  It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss Lili Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students in our department.

  Miss Zhang began attending my English classes in the Department of International Trade University in 1992 and graduated in spring of 1996. Though it has been over eight years since I last saw her, the deep impression she made on me has not faded in the least. She is very intelligent, honest, creative, articulate, adaptive person. Her high academic achievement speaks for itself: she consistently scored in the top 5% in class.

  I am certain that Miss Zhang would make great contributions to your company, and I strongly recommend her for the position. Please do not hesitate to inquire further if I can be of help to you.


  Tim wu

  Dr. Tim Wu


