
时间:2011-05-06 04:31:16
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“数字电影”用英语怎么说 篇一

How to Say "Digital Movies" in English

With the rapid advancement of technology, the film industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. One of the most notable changes is the shift from traditional film production to digital filmmaking. In English, "数字电影" is translated as "digital movies."

Digital movies refer to films that are shot, edited, and distributed using digital technology, as opposed to the traditional method of using celluloid film. This transition to digital filmmaking has revolutionized the way movies are made, allowing filmmakers to explore new creative possibilities and streamline the production process.

One of the main advantages of digital movies is the cost-effectiveness compared to shooting on film. With digital cameras and editing software becoming more affordable and accessible, independent filmmakers and aspiring directors now have the opportunity to create high-quality films on a limited budget. This democratization of filmmaking has led to a diverse range of voices and stories being told on screen.

Furthermore, digital movies offer greater flexibility and efficiency in the post-production process. With digital editing software, filmmakers can easily manipulate and enhance the visual and auditory elements of their films, allowing for more creative control and experimentation. Additionally, digital distribution platforms have made it easier for filmmakers to reach a wider audience without the constraints of traditional theatrical release.

However, the transition to digital movies is not without its challenges. Some filmmakers argue that the digital format lacks the warmth and authenticity of celluloid film, leading to a debate over the aesthetic qualities of digital versus film. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the long-term preservation of digital movies, as technology continues to evolve and older formats become obsolete.

Despite these challenges, the rise of digital movies has opened up new possibilities for filmmakers and audiences alike. As technology continues to advance, the future of filmmaking is sure to be shaped by the innovations and opportunities presented by digital cinema.

“数字电影”用英语怎么说 篇二

The Evolution of Digital Movies

In the world of cinema, the term "digital movies" has become synonymous with the modern era of filmmaking. From the early days of digital video to the latest advancements in virtual reality, the evolution of digital movies has transformed the way we experience and consume film.

Digital movies first began to gain traction in the late 1990s, with the introduction of digital cameras and editing software that allowed filmmakers to shoot and edit their films entirely in a digital format. This shift from traditional film production marked a significant turning point in the industry, paving the way for new creative possibilities and technological innovations.

One of the key advantages of digital movies is the ability to easily manipulate and enhance the visual and auditory elements of a film through digital editing software. Filmmakers can experiment with different visual effects, color grading techniques, and sound design to create a more immersive and engaging viewing experience for audiences. This level of creative control has empowered filmmakers to push the boundaries of storytelling and visual aesthetics in ways that were previously not possible.

Furthermore, the rise of digital distribution platforms such as streaming services has revolutionized the way films are consumed and shared with audiences. Digital movies can now reach a global audience instantaneously, without the need for traditional theatrical release or physical distribution. This accessibility has opened up new opportunities for independent filmmakers to showcase their work and connect with viewers on a global scale.

As technology continues to advance, the future of digital movies holds exciting possibilities for immersive experiences such as virtual reality and augmented reality. These emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we engage with storytelling and blur the lines between fiction and reality. With the continued evolution of digital movies, the possibilities for creativity and innovation in filmmaking are truly limitless.

In conclusion, the evolution of digital movies has transformed the landscape of cinema, offering filmmakers new tools and platforms to create and share their work. As technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in filmmaking, the future of digital movies is sure to be filled with endless opportunities for creativity and storytelling.

“数字电影”用英语怎么说 篇三




  During the past five years the country ensured that satellite broadcasting signals reached every village with more than 20 families, and today many villages are able to receive many radio and TV programs. Meanwhile, digital film screening services now are available in 640,000 villages。



  上面报道中的digital film就是数字电影,是指以数字技术和设备摄制、制作存储,并通过卫星、flash memory(闪存)、hard disc(磁盘)、optical disc(光盘)等物理媒体传送,将数字信号还原成符合电影技术标准的影像与声音,放映在银幕上的'影视作品。在农村播放数字电影需要携带mobile digital projectors(流动数码投影机)。

  现在科技日新月异,新的观影模式层出不群,有更能适应人类视觉特征的wide-screen film(宽银幕电影),能产生极强身临其境感的circular-screen movie(环幕电影),更有突出电影视觉震撼的IMAX 3D(巨幕立体电影),带给观众前所未有的体验。


