
时间:2011-01-05 06:18:48
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投资的英文翻译 篇一


Investment is an essential practice in the financial world. It refers to the allocation of resources such as money, time, or effort into an asset or project with the expectation of generating a return in the future. There are various types of investments, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities.

One of the key principles of investment is the concept of risk and return. Generally, the higher the risk associated with an investment, the higher the potential return. Investors must carefully assess their risk tolerance and investment goals before making any investment decisions.

Diversification is another important strategy in investment. By spreading investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographical regions, investors can reduce their overall risk exposure. This helps to mitigate the impact of market fluctuations on their investment portfolio.

Investment can be done through various channels, such as individual brokerage accounts, retirement accounts like 401(k)s, or through managed investment funds. Each investment option has its own risk and return profile, so it's important for investors to do thorough research and seek professional advice if needed.

In conclusion, investment is a crucial tool for building wealth and achieving financial goals. By understanding the principles of investment, diversifying their portfolio, and staying informed about market trends, investors can maximize their chances of success in the financial markets.

Investment的英文翻译 篇二


Investment plays a significant role in the global economy, driving growth, innovation, and prosperity. It involves the commitment of capital to assets or projects with the expectation of generating a financial return. Individuals, businesses, and governments all engage in investment activities to build wealth and secure their financial futures.

There are various reasons why people choose to invest. Some investors seek long-term capital appreciation, while others aim to generate income through dividends or interest payments. Additionally, investment can serve as a hedge against inflation and a means of diversifying wealth.

When considering investment opportunities, it's important to conduct thorough research and due diligence. Investors should assess the potential risks and returns of each investment option, as well as consider factors such as liquidity, volatility, and market conditions. By carefully evaluating these factors, investors can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.

In today's interconnected world, investment opportunities span a wide range of asset classes and industries. From traditional investments like stocks and bonds to alternative assets like cryptocurrencies and real estate, there are numerous options available to investors. It's important for investors to stay informed about market trends and seek professional advice when needed to navigate the complexities of the investment landscape.

Ultimately, investment is a powerful tool for building wealth and achieving financial independence. By understanding the principles of investment, diversifying their portfolio, and staying disciplined in their investment approach, individuals can set themselves up for long-term financial success.

投资的英文翻译 篇三


  v. 投资,耗费;授予;穿衣,装饰;覆盖,包围


  Invest in real estate.

  投资于房地产Real estate investment

  房地产投资Invest money in Business enterprise

  投资于工商企业Misappropriation or persion of financial investment

  挤占、挪用财政投资1. Portfolio Theory

  1.投资组合概念Channels of persified investment

  多元化投资渠道an unappreciated investment.

  未升值的投资reinvestment and pyramiding are not inevitable

  再投资和投资递增不是必然发生的。Arbitration Rules [ICSID]

  仲裁规则[解决投资争端国际中心]People should persify their investments.


  覆盖材料 profits and losses on disposal of investments

  转让投资的损益 He bought it purely as an investment.

  他纯粹是作为投资而购买的。Antiques are a ver

y safe investment.

  古玩是一种非常保险的投资对象。Networking is an investment not a nuisance.




