介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother(经典6篇)

时间:2016-03-09 02:50:34
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介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇一

My mother is an extraordinary woman who has always been my role model and inspiration. She is a hardworking and caring individual who always puts her family first.

My mother is a dedicated teacher who has been teaching for over 20 years. She is passionate about education and is always striving to help her students succeed. Despite her busy schedule, she always finds time to help me with my homework and encourage me to do my best in school.

In addition to being a great teacher, my mother is also an amazing cook. She can whip up delicious meals in no time and always makes sure that our family eats healthy and nutritious food. I have learned so much from her about cooking and I always look forward to the meals she prepares for us.

But what I admire most about my mother is her kindness and generosity. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and is involved in various charity activities in our community. Her selflessness and compassion inspire me to be a better person every day.

In conclusion, my mother is truly a remarkable woman who has shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and I hope to one day be as caring and loving as she is.

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇二

My mother is a strong and independent woman who has overcome many challenges in her life. Despite the hardships she has faced, she has always remained positive and determined to provide the best for our family.

My mother grew up in a small village where opportunities were limited. However, she never let her circumstances define her and worked hard to pursue her dreams. She eventually moved to the city to further her education and build a better future for herself.

After graduating from university, my mother started her own business and became a successful entrepreneur. She has always been a visionary leader who is not afraid to take risks and explore new opportunities. Her determination and perseverance have been an inspiration to me and have taught me the importance of resilience in the face of adversity.

In addition to her career success, my mother is also a loving and caring parent. She has always been there for me, providing guidance and support whenever I needed it. Her unconditional love and belief in me have given me the confidence to pursue my own dreams and goals.

Overall, my mother is a remarkable woman who has shown me the importance of hard work, determination, and compassion. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and I strive to make her proud every day.

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇三

  My mother, with a pretty face, small mouth, long black hair, always put on the shoulders, looks like a fairy, I love my mother.

  My mother is strict with me. I remember once, I wrote a typo, mother said: "give me write ten times!" I was very unhappy and walked away, I thought: is not a few words? Need to write so much? But in the end Id written the words, ah! See their own handwriting, is really a kind of enjoyment! Thanks to my mom taught me!

  Mother love me very much, as long as I like to eat what, mother will try to help me to do. When I was ill, my mother was anxious, she will be careful to take care of me. Although the mother is very tired every day, but she still often take me to the place I love.

  "Who grass inch heart, reported in the apartments", a mothers love is happy, I love my mother.

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇四

  My mother is 36 years old, long longhair, intermediate mixed with a few gray hair, a pair of gentle eyes, high nose, big eyes, in my opinion, mother as a whole is very beautiful.

  Mother, you comforted me in my sad; You encourage me when I encounter a failure, you guide me when I walk in the wrong direction.Strict with me in your learning; You to me in life takes good care of me.

  Ah! Your mother for the sake of my life, learning to pay a lot, I will not live up to your expectations, study hard and make a good filial piety you in the future, contribute to the country!

  My mother is my best friend.

  Mom is very thin, much higher than I. She likes to wear long hair, and sometimes the shoulders; Sometimes done in a beautiful bun.

  Her eyes bright and big, two shallow dimples smile on his face.Mother likes to play badminton. She always wants me to play with her, and in the process of playing, taught me to do things.

  On one occasion, I always can not pick up the ball, quick temper and tears, and the mother doesn't let me, just took my hand and said: "crying is not ready, want to beat me, you must yourself to strive for, do any

thing, only unremitting efforts, will succeed."

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇五

  I have a beautiful and hard-working mother.

  Mother's hair is inclined bang, long curly hair, ear lobe greatly, there is a hole! Estimation is wear earrings. Mother fine eyes, small nose, mouth, small and exquisite.

  My mother also boast. When mother bought new clothes will say to us: "beautiful?" We occasionally glance at replied "general" she didn't say anything, because she had already familiar.

  My mother some bad temper, she very fierce when the mood is bad, remember the last time I ask her: well mom this thesis how to write ah, she is very fierce of say: cannot go as documents by yourself, "I don't know, go away!" I think mother like a "bitch", I was so sad.

  Although fierce, but my mother attaches great importance to my study. Me exam, my mother will be hanging from the contented smile on his face, even will reward me, I got bad, mother will carefully explain my wrong topic, until I understand, I suddenly felt very guilty and ashamed.

  I said that mom is very industrious beginning? Said I'll give you about my mother how industrious: my mother bear the all the housework every day. My mother want to go to work, she also try to do the housework. My mother do the housework wholeheartedly, not half-hearted.

  This is my mom, though a bit rude at ordinary times, but, I know my mother's heart is very love me.

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother 篇六

  Said the mother, everyone will write like this: "my mother is beautiful and gentle." Like the same composition, the reader can also upset it at? Who can write such a composition, not mother back to the hospital, in rainy day is mother wash clothes for himself in the middle of the night.

  My mother is different, how different to feel my mother! My mother grows in general, short hair, and half is dyed color, half is golden, half is black, appear very different. My mom and dad porced, I used to live with my mother, mother won't let me play computer, ready to hit people. Now, my mother and I lived in one place, the mother is surprisingly gentle to me, every time go to mother there, mom let me play computer, no longer limit my freedom. Mother is a women don't go out for a long time, only to work, or have something to go out, when eating it yourself, or make a take-away. Clothes are all buy on the net, day and night to get to the Internet. Mother does not like to laugh, every time she looked at me, I will be afraid, my mother is the pursuit of fashion, she online shopping is very beautiful, but to buy me clothes is very ugly. This is my mother, a different mother; A like to play my mother; A fiery mother; A tender mother; A mum don't like to laugh; A love my mother!

介绍妈妈的英语作文My mother(经典6篇)

