
时间:2013-05-09 07:46:47
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办公室英语祝面试成功口语 篇一

Asking for Feedback in the Workplace

Feedback is an essential part of professional growth and development in the workplace. It provides us with valuable information on our performance, areas for improvement, and helps us to reach our full potential. However, asking for feedback can sometimes be daunting, especially in a high-pressure situation like a job interview. Here are some tips on how to ask for feedback in a professional and effective manner:

1. Be specific: When asking for feedback, be specific about what you would like feedback on. For example, you could ask about your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, or time management. This will help the interviewer provide you with more targeted and helpful feedback.

2. Be open-minded: Remember that feedback is meant to help you improve, not criticize you. Approach the conversation with an open mind and be willing to listen to constructive criticism. Accept feedback graciously, even if it is not what you were hoping to hear.

3. Ask for examples: If possible, ask the interviewer for specific examples or instances where they observed your performance. This will help you understand their perspective better and give you actionable steps for improvement.

4. Thank the interviewer: After receiving feedback, be sure to thank the interviewer for their time and insights. Express your gratitude for their feedback, even if it was difficult to hear.

5. Follow up: After the interview, take the feedback on board and consider how you can implement it in your professional development. Follow up with the interviewer to let them know how you have applied their feedback and thank them again for their help.

By following these tips, you can effectively ask for feedback in a job interview and use it to improve your professional skills and performance. Remember, feedback is a gift that can help you grow and succeed in your career. Good luck!

办公室英语祝面试成功口语 篇二

Overcoming Interview Nerves

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can overcome your nerves and present yourself confidently and professionally. Here are some tips on how to overcome interview nerves and make a positive impression:

1. Prepare thoroughly: Research the company, practice common interview questions, and prepare examples of your skills and experiences. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel going into the interview.

2. Visualize success: Before the interview, take a few moments to visualize yourself succeeding. Imagine yourself answering questions confidently, making a good impression, and connecting with the interviewer. This positive visualization can help calm your nerves and boost your confidence.

3. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, or visualization exercises can help calm your nerves before the interview. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the present moment, and remind yourself that you are prepared and capable.

4. Focus on the interviewer: Instead of focusing on your nerves, shift your focus to the interviewer. Listen carefully to their questions, maintain eye contact, and engage in the conversation. By focusing on the interviewer, you can distract yourself from your nerves and present yourself more confidently.

5. Remember that it's okay to be nervous: It's normal to feel nervous before a job interview. Remember that the interviewer is human too and likely understands how nerve-wracking interviews can be. Don't be too hard on yourself for feeling nervous – focus on your preparation and presenting yourself in the best possible light.

By following these tips, you can overcome your interview nerves and present yourself confidently and professionally in a job interview. Remember, nerves are natural, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can succeed and land the job of your dreams. Good luck!

办公室英语祝面试成功口语 篇三




  I know you are going to be great in theinterview tomorrow.Break a leg!

  break a leg直译为“折断一条腿”,这个短语的确切意思是说:“祝你好运,祝你大获成功”。因此,当美国人说:"Iknow you are going to be great in the interviewtomorrow. Break a leg!"的时候,他要表达的意思就是:"Ihope everything goes well with your interviewtomorrow, I wish your interview tomorrowsuccessful."


  Shirley: Oh, I have an interview tomorrow, but I fear that I can't express myself clearly then.

  雪莉: 哦,我明天有个面试,但我怕到时候不能表达清楚自己的想法。

  Benjamin: Honey, I knnow you are going to be great in the interview tomorrow.Break a leg!



  ① I have an interview tomorrow but I dare not go.


  ② The interview tomorrow makes me feel so upset.


  ③ I have been out of work for such a long time so I want to have a try in tomorrow's interview.


  ④ I am not well prepared for the interview tomorrow, and I an afraid I can't make it.



  1.express vt. 表达,阐述

  2.upset adj. 心烦的,不安的

  3.have a try


  4.well prepared 准备好的,准备充分的


