
时间:2016-06-03 06:31:33
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拾金不昧令人敬佩的英语作文带翻译 篇一

Title: Admiration for Honesty in Returning Lost Money

Honesty is a virtue that is highly respected in every society. When someone shows integrity by returning lost money instead of keeping it, it not only reflects their moral character but also restores our faith in humanity.

I still remember the day when I lost my wallet on the crowded streets of the city. I was devastated, as it contained all my identification cards, credit cards, and a significant amount of cash. I retraced my steps, hoping against hope to find it, but to no avail. Just when I was about to give up, a kind-hearted stranger approached me and asked if I had lost something. With tears of gratitude in my eyes, I confirmed that I had lost my wallet. To my surprise, the stranger handed me my wallet, untouched and with all its contents intact. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration for this person who had chosen honesty over personal gain.

The act of returning lost money is not just about the money itself, but about the values and principles that guide our actions. It shows that there are still good people in the world who are willing to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. It is a reminder that honesty is a choice, and one that can make a profound impact on others.

In conclusion, the act of returning lost money is truly admirable and deserving of respect. It serves as a shining example of integrity and sets a positive precedent for others to follow. Let us all strive to be honest and uphold the values that make us better human beings.

拾金不昧令人敬佩的英语作文带翻译 篇二

Title: The Power of Integrity in Returning Lost Money

Integrity is a quality that is rare but invaluable in today's world. When someone demonstrates integrity by returning lost money, it not only restores faith in humanity but also inspires others to do the same.

I had the privilege of witnessing an act of honesty that left a lasting impression on me. A colleague of mine found a wallet lying on the ground in the parking lot of our office building. Instead of keeping the money for himself, he took the time to look for the owner and return the wallet to its rightful owner. The owner was overjoyed and grateful, not just for getting his money back, but for the kindness and honesty shown by a stranger.

This incident taught me that integrity is a choice that we make every day. It is not always easy to do the right thing, especially when faced with temptation or personal gain. However, the rewards of integrity far outweigh any material gain. When we choose honesty over deceit, we not only earn the respect and trust of others but also uphold our own values and principles.

In a world filled with corruption and dishonesty, acts of integrity stand out as beacons of hope and inspiration. They remind us that there is still goodness in the world and that we have the power to make a positive difference through our actions. Let us all strive to be people of integrity and lead by example for others to follow.

In conclusion, the act of returning lost money is a testament to the power of integrity and the impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. Let us all be guided by honesty and integrity in our actions, and make the world a better place for future generations.

拾金不昧令人敬佩的英语作文带翻译 篇三



  Qu Mengmeng, a new classmate of our class, was a new comer last semester. Because she often did small movements in class and didn't finish her homework, the students were reluctant to play with her. Her angry mother and grandmother said, "I can't help you. I'd rather not have you!" However, the teacher didn't give up on her. He often talked with her and told her: "a person can achieve anything if he is willing to work hard." The teacher asked her, "Mengmeng, why do you always make mom and grandma angry and don't do homework?" She said rightfully: "anyway, they all think I'm ugly. They don't care about me." The teacher smiled and said to her, "no, no one's family will look at their children very beautiful. Only if you don't listen to the adults, they will say this outrage. Besides, it doesn't matter whether a person's appearance is beautiful or not. It's important to have a beautiful mind. As long as you are willing to work hard to learn, grandma, mom and everyone around you will like you very much.


  Since then, Qu Mengmeng has become a different person. There is no unfinished homework.


  It was half a month ago. At about 5:00 p.m. on April 24, Mengmeng was going to go to his classmates' home to do his homework. Suddenly she found a mobile phone on the ground. She looked left and right and saw that there was no one around, so she had to talk to her classmates about what to do. Because there was no one in the school at that time, impatient, a classmate said: "take it home by yourself!" She said, "no, it's someone else's, they must be in a hurry." So she went straight to the police station and gave her cell phone to the police uncle, who praised Mengmeng as a good boy who could not find money.


  On Monday, the police station wrote another letter of commendation and sent it to the school. After the school knew about this, the principal praised Mengmeng in front of all the teachers and students of the school and awarded her the honor award. Now, Mengmeng's classmates have not only learned well, but also many good friends around her.


  Through this matter, I understand a truth: a person's appearance is beautiful, does not mean that the soul is beautiful, only the soul is really beautiful. Mengmeng in our class is a girl with beautiful heart.


