
时间:2017-04-03 04:33:19
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七年级英语DreamHomes说课稿 篇一

Hello everyone, today I am going to present to you the lesson on Dream Homes for our seventh grade English class. In this lesson, students will learn vocabulary related to different types of homes and practice describing their dream homes. Let's get started!

To begin with, we will introduce the topic of Dream Homes by showing students pictures of different types of homes such as apartments, houses, and cabins. We will then ask students to discuss in pairs or small groups what their dream homes would look like. This will help them activate their prior knowledge and get them excited about the topic.

Next, we will introduce key vocabulary related to Dream Homes such as "spacious," "modern," "cozy," and "luxurious." We will provide definitions and examples of each word to help students understand and remember the new vocabulary.

After introducing the vocabulary, we will have students work on a speaking activity where they will describe their dream homes to a partner using the new vocabulary. This will give students an opportunity to practice using the vocabulary in context and improve their speaking skills.

To wrap up the lesson, we will have a class discussion where students can share their dream homes with the rest of the class. This will give students a chance to practice speaking in front of a larger audience and also learn about their classmates' dream homes.

Overall, this lesson on Dream Homes is designed to help students expand their vocabulary, practice speaking skills, and express their creativity. I hope you enjoy the lesson and have fun describing your dream homes!

Thank you for your attention.

七年级英语DreamHomes说课稿 篇二

Hello everyone, welcome to today's lesson on Dream Homes for our seventh grade English class. In this lesson, students will learn about different types of homes and practice describing their ideal living spaces. Let's dive into the lesson!

To start off, we will introduce the topic of Dream Homes by showing students a video tour of various types of homes around the world. This will help students visualize different living spaces and get them thinking about what they would like in their dream homes.

Next, we will introduce key vocabulary related to Dream Homes such as "furnished," "spacious," "scenic," and "state-of-the-art." We will provide definitions and examples of each word to help students understand and remember the new vocabulary.

After introducing the vocabulary, we will have students work on a writing activity where they will create a description of their dream home. Students will be encouraged to use the new vocabulary and be as descriptive as possible in their writing.

Following the writing activity, students will have the opportunity to share their descriptions with a partner or small group. This will give students a chance to practice speaking and listening skills as they describe their dream homes to their classmates.

To conclude the lesson, we will have a class discussion where students can share their favorite dream homes from the writing activity. This will help students practice speaking in front of a larger audience and also learn about different preferences when it comes to dream homes.

In summary, this lesson on Dream Homes is designed to help students expand their vocabulary, practice writing and speaking skills, and foster creativity. I hope you enjoy the lesson and have fun creating your own dream homes!

Thank you for your attention.

七年级英语DreamHomes说课稿 篇三




  今天我说课的教材是<译林版七年级英语> 。我说课的内容是第1单元第一课时Dream Homes中的Welcome to theunit 部分. 本单元的主题是“梦想家园”


  (一) 依据新课标,本课时要达到教学目标有以下三点:

  1知识目标:: 识别不同的国家的标志性建筑。



  (二):本课的重点:是用Would you like todo...I’d like to...谈论自己心中的理想居所。

  ( 三 ) 本课的难点:是用 The capital of ...is...句型 谈论不同国家及其首都。


  多媒体课件 投影仪


  (自主学习 探究学习 合作学习)指导学生转变学习方式,即要主动的富有个性的学习,锻炼口语,听力又提倡合作与交流来共同运用新知识进行语言表达,即自主探究式,促进学生创新意识的形成,与听说读写用能力的培养。



  为了活跃课堂气氛,鼓励学生积极参与到活动中,引起他们感情上的共鸣,我采用了Free talk的形式:if you have enough money and time: What country would you like to live in? Whatcity would you like to live?”引导学生运用I’d like to.”进行回答”而导入新课的。

  step2.新授countries and capitals

  (1) 传统教学模式与多媒体教学相结合。新授表示国家的生词时,由提问问题:What countries in the world do you know? 然后教授新词。通过这个环节,让学生感知新单词并给学生展示自己的机会,激发他们学习的信心。

  (2) 接着,我采用了放图片与猜问题相结合的形式:what nameis it?what country isitin?,让学生猜这些图片是什么地方,在什么国家,为了吸引学生的注意,我把课件制的有声有色,例如:展示出一张富士山的图片让学生猜问题,并再次带读Japan(日本)一词并用同样的方式呈现美国的白宫、法国的艾菲尔铁塔等几个国家的标志性建筑。


  Task one: Look at thepictures,have a guess:

  Tasktwo: fill in the blank (page 7 Part(A))


  (3)接着,我将呈现天安门的图片,引出“首都”的概念,带读capital (首都)这个单词.

  Task one:pair work (口语练习编对话) 两人一组,根据问题:what nameis it?what country isitin?whatis the capitalof......运用表示国家及首都的单词编写对话。


  Step 3:利用插图导入话题二 Where would you liketo live? 围绕听力训练,课本comicstrips部分的内容难度不太大,我采用了“听录音,回答问题”的形式来处理的再由学生结对表演对话,主要训练了学生听和说的能力。

  Step 4: Sum up最后对这节课进行简要的总结:



  3.一些词组和句型:would you like to …?

  I’dlike to … The capital of…is …

  Step 5: Exercise:达标检测

  教学内容完成之后,我设计一个show time,也就是根据本课所学知识点,所出的练习题,在有限的时间内,看看哪位同学做得又快又准。这样既检测了达标情况,又培养了学生的合作意识和自我表现能力。

  Task one : 首字母填充: Task two : 根据题意完成句型

  Task three: 根据中文完成句子: Task four: Writing

  Step 6: Homework:







