
时间:2015-06-05 08:36:26
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小学生春节拜年的英语日记带翻译 篇一

Title: Elementary School Students' Chinese New Year Greetings

Today is Chinese New Year, and our teacher taught us to say "Happy New Year" in Chinese, which is "新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè)". We were all very excited to practice our greetings and go visit our neighbors to wish them a happy new year.

In the morning, I put on my new red outfit, which symbolizes good luck for the new year. My mom gave me some red envelopes with money inside to give to our relatives and friends as a sign of good fortune. I felt so lucky and grateful to have such a loving family.

As I walked around the neighborhood with my friends, we greeted everyone we met with our cheerful "新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè)" and handed out red envelopes. People smiled and thanked us for our well wishes, and some even gave us candies in return. It was such a joyous and heartwarming experience to spread happiness and blessings on this special day.

When we returned home, my family gathered for a big feast to celebrate the new year. We ate delicious food, played games, and watched the fireworks lighting up the night sky. I felt so happy and content, surrounded by my loved ones and the festive atmosphere.

Today was truly a memorable day filled with love, laughter, and blessings. I am grateful for my family, friends, and the traditions that bring us together during this auspicious time. Happy New Year to all!

今天是中国新年,我们的老师教我们用中文说“新年快乐”,这是“新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè)”。我们都很兴奋地练习问候语,并去拜访邻居,祝他们新年快乐。





小学生春节拜年的英语日记带翻译 篇二

Title: Elementary School Students' Joyful Chinese New Year Celebrations

Today was the most exciting day of the year – Chinese New Year! Our school organized a special assembly where we performed traditional dances, songs, and skits to celebrate the start of the new year.

In the morning, we wore our colorful traditional costumes and practiced our performances one last time before the big show. I was a bit nervous but also thrilled to showcase our cultural heritage to our teachers, parents, and classmates.

As the assembly began, the whole school cheered and clapped for each performance. The lion dance was particularly impressive, with the dancers moving in sync to the rhythm of the drums and cymbals. I couldn't help but feel proud of our school and our rich cultural traditions.

After the performances, we enjoyed a delicious feast with dumplings, noodles, and other festive dishes. We played games, exchanged gifts, and had a blast celebrating together. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, joy, and a sense of unity among us all.

As the day came to an end, I reflected on the happiness and togetherness that Chinese New Year brings. It's a time to appreciate our heritage, spend time with loved ones, and look forward to a prosperous year ahead. I felt grateful for the memories made today and the traditions that keep us connected to our roots.

Chinese New Year is truly a time of celebration, reflection, and renewal. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this special day with my school community and to honor the customs that make our culture so vibrant and unique.







小学生春节拜年的英语日记带翻译 篇三



  On the second day of the new year, I went to my grandfather's house with my mother's father, uncle, aunt, sister and brother to pay a new year's Eve. I went to my third uncle's house and gave my sister 100 yuan, and I went to my grandmother's house and gave my sister 100 yuan. I was very happy.


  My sister and mother went to grandma's house and earned 100 yuan. I made a lot of money in the new year. I'm so happy, hee hee.


