
时间:2012-02-07 05:18:40
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初中英语作文教学论文 篇一

Title: The Importance of Teaching Writing Skills in Middle School English Classes

In middle school English classes, teaching writing skills is crucial for students to become proficient in English. Writing is not only a way for students to express their thoughts and ideas, but also a way for them to demonstrate their understanding of the language. Therefore, it is essential for teachers to focus on developing students' writing abilities from an early age.

One of the main reasons why teaching writing skills is so important is that it helps students improve their overall English proficiency. When students practice writing regularly, they are able to expand their vocabulary, improve their grammar, and enhance their sentence structure. This not only benefits their writing skills, but also their reading and speaking abilities.

In addition, teaching writing skills in middle school English classes helps students develop critical thinking skills. When students write essays or reports, they are required to analyze information, organize their thoughts coherently, and present their ideas logically. This process encourages students to think critically and develop their analytical skills, which are essential for academic success.

Furthermore, teaching writing skills in middle school English classes helps students become more confident in expressing themselves. Writing allows students to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a creative and meaningful way. As students practice writing and receive feedback from their teachers, they become more confident in their writing abilities and are more willing to express themselves in English.

In conclusion, teaching writing skills in middle school English classes is essential for students to become proficient in English. By focusing on developing students' writing abilities, teachers can help students improve their overall English proficiency, develop critical thinking skills, and become more confident in expressing themselves. Therefore, it is important for teachers to prioritize writing instruction in their English classes.

初中英语作文教学论文 篇二

Title: Strategies for Teaching Writing Skills in Middle School English Classes

Teaching writing skills in middle school English classes can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies, teachers can effectively help students improve their writing abilities. By implementing various teaching techniques and providing students with opportunities to practice writing, teachers can support students in developing their writing skills.

One effective strategy for teaching writing skills in middle school English classes is to provide students with models of good writing. By showing students examples of well-written essays, reports, and stories, teachers can help students understand the characteristics of good writing, such as organization, coherence, and clarity. Students can then use these models as a guide when writing their own compositions.

Another strategy for teaching writing skills in middle school English classes is to provide students with regular writing assignments. By assigning writing tasks on a regular basis, teachers can give students opportunities to practice and improve their writing skills. Teachers can also provide feedback on students' writing and help them identify areas for improvement. This feedback is crucial for students to learn from their mistakes and make progress in their writing.

Additionally, teachers can use peer review activities to help students improve their writing skills. By having students read and provide feedback on each other's writing, teachers can encourage collaboration and help students develop their editing and revising skills. Peer review activities also provide students with different perspectives on their writing and help them see their work from a reader's point of view.

In conclusion, there are various strategies that teachers can use to teach writing skills in middle school English classes. By providing students with models of good writing, regular writing assignments, feedback on their writing, and opportunities for peer review, teachers can help students improve their writing abilities. With the right strategies in place, teachers can support students in becoming proficient writers in English.

初中英语作文教学论文 篇三







  例如,七年级英语教材(外研上)起始模块,形容词性物主代词:第一人称单数my,我先给出一个示范:my book,随即让学生展开想象大量列举。如,my desk,my English teacher…用这种方法,我们学习完形容词性物主代词。学生很快整理出不同人称单复数的形容词性物主代词,总结出了“形容词性物主代词在使用时需和一个名词连用”的用法。学生有了成功的体验,更加积极地参与下面的活动。用同样的方法操练句型:It’s time to + V动词原形…,我先给出示范:It’s time to go to school。 随即学生列举出:It’s time to go home。 It’s time to have breakfast…一直拓展到同学全部练习完。学生的模仿能力很强,在整个学习过程中,学生能运用短语、句型清晰地进行意思的表达。这一点我非常肯定,小学英语为中学英语课堂教学奠定了基础。因此,在课堂教学中,重视词句部分的教学,是写作训练非常重要的一步。


  根据以上两个知识点的练习,我开始介绍班里的新同学。要求被介绍的同学要自己设计情境,发挥自己的想象力,要把我们今天学到的两个知识点编进对话中。我说:Mike,This is Tom。Tom,This is my friend,Mike。下面的情境由这两位同学自己创设。

  Mike:Hello,Tom。Nice to meet you。

  Tom:Hello,Mike。Nice to meet you,too。(两位学生又创设出以下对话)

  Mike:How are you?

  Tom:Fine,thank you。 And you?

  Mike:I’m fine,too。(这个小对话是我们在第2模块中学到的。)It’s time to go now。(同学们学了会使用该句型)Goodbye,see you tomorrow。

  Tom:Bye,see you。












  My Family Hobbies

  Hello everyone!I’m Li Ming。 Everyone has own(刚刚学过的新词)hobby。Such as reading, painting or taking care of small animals。 Let me introduce(这是语法使役动词Let的用法)my family hobbies to you today。

  My father likes playing(这是like+doing的用法)computer games and reading newspapers。He can learn about(这是对词learn about的运用)something new(这是形容词new修饰不定代词something要后置的用法)from the newspapers。My mother is interested in shopping and cooking(这是短语be interested in及语法介词的用法)。My sister loves growing(这是love+doing的用法)flowers in her garden and painting。She thinks that(这是that引导的宾语从句的用法)painting is creative。I like playing basketball。It makes me healthy(这是对make+sb。+adj。的运用)

  Hobbies can develop my interests and help me learn some new skills。(这句话来源于课文同步阅读材料)And it makes me happy and excited。My hobby is good for(这是对词be good for的运用)me。












