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小学三年级英语上册期末试卷 篇一

Title: My Favorite Animal

Hello, everyone! Today I want to talk about my favorite animal. My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins are very intelligent and friendly creatures. They live in the ocean and can swim very fast. They have a beautiful gray skin and a cute smile.

Dolphins are known for their playful behavior. They love to jump and play in the water. Sometimes they even swim alongside boats and do tricks for people watching them. I think it's amazing how dolphins can communicate with each other using different sounds and clicks.

I first saw a dolphin at an aquarium when I was very young. I was fascinated by how graceful they were in the water. Since then, I have always loved dolphins and have read many books about them. I even have a stuffed dolphin toy that I sleep with every night.

I hope one day I can see dolphins in the wild and maybe even swim with them. I think it would be a dream come true! Dolphins are truly amazing animals and I will always cherish them as my favorite.

Thank you for listening to my presentation about my favorite animal, the dolphin. I hope you learned something new about these wonderful creatures.

小学三年级英语上册期末试卷 篇二

Title: My Favorite Sport

Hello, everyone! Today I want to talk about my favorite sport. My favorite sport is soccer. I love playing soccer with my friends at school and in the park. Soccer is a fun and exciting game that requires teamwork and skill.

I started playing soccer when I was very young. My dad taught me how to kick the ball and dribble. I practiced every day after school and soon became really good at it. I love the feeling of running on the field and scoring a goal.

Soccer is a great way to stay active and healthy. It helps me build my strength, endurance, and coordination. I also enjoy watching professional soccer games on TV and cheering for my favorite team.

One of the best things about soccer is that it brings people together. I have made many friends through playing soccer and we always have a great time on the field. We encourage each other and celebrate each other's successes.

I hope to continue playing soccer for many years to come and maybe even join a soccer team someday. Soccer is more than just a sport to me, it's a passion that brings me joy and excitement.

Thank you for listening to my presentation about my favorite sport, soccer. I hope you enjoyed hearing about why I love it so much.

小学三年级英语上册期末试卷 篇三


  一. 听录音,写出你所听到的字母大小写。念两遍。(5分)

  二. 听录音,将你所听到的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。(10分)

  ( ) 1. A. flat B. hat C. Pat

  ( ) 2. A. thirty B. thirteen C. sixty

  ( ) 3. A. city B. clinic C. cinema

  ( ) 4. A. stamp B soft toy C. square

  ( ) 5. A. whose B. who C. where

  ( ) 6. A. jeans B. shorts C. shoes

  ( ) 7. A. get B. but C. wet

  ( ) 8. A. wear B. umbrella C. sweater

  ( ) 9. A. dry B. cold C. hot

  ( ) 10. A. 10:00 B. 11:00 C. 12:00


  ( ) 1. A. Flat 201 B. Flat 102 C. Flat 402

  ( ) 2. A. 36 soft toys B. 47 stamps C. 98 coins

  ( ) 3. A. put on B. take off C. come on

  ( ) 4. A. Pat’s square B. Tim’s star C. Tom’s circle

  ( ) 5. A. blue shorts B. red trousers C. purple socks

  ( ) 6. A. whose shoes B. whose sweater C. whose jacket

  ( ) 7. A. hot and dry B. cool and dry C. cold and wet

  ( ) 8. A. get presents B. wrap presents C. give presents

  ( ) 9. A. his key rings B. her triangles C. my stars

  ( ) 10. A. play basketball B.play football C. play volleyball


  ( ) 1. A. I live at 45 Daming Street.

  B. I live at 87 Yunnan Street.

  C. I live 26 Shennan Street.

  ( ) 2. A. Where’s the bookshop?B. Where’s the supermarket?C. Where’s the restaurant?

  ( ) 3. A. How many coins do you have?

  B. How many stamps are there?

  C. How many badges can you see?

  ( ) 4. A. What are you doing?B. What’s he doing?C. What’s she doing?

  ( ) 5. A. Linda’s playing badminton.B. Tom’s playing football.C. Bob’s playing basketball.

  ( ) 6. A.Put on your coat. B. Take off your scarf. C. Don’t forget your sweater.

  ( ) 7. A. Sue is wearing yellow socks.

  B. Mark is wearing orange shoes.

  C. Tim is wearing blue trousers.

  ( ) 8. A. What time is it? B. Whose circle is this? C. Who’s wearing the red sweater?

  ( ) 9. A. What’s the weather like?B What do you like? C. How is the weather?

  ( ) 10. A. He has a raincoat. B. I have an umbrella. C She has an umbrella.

  五、听录音,判断下列图画对(√)错( X )与录音内容相符,念两遍。(10分)


  ( ) 1. A. I live in Flat 403, Block 7, Houshan Estate. B. It’s in Market Street.

  ( ) 2. A. What do you have? B. Where do you live?

  ( ) 3. A. Where’s the post office? B. What time is it?

  ( ) 4. A. It’s cold and dry. B. It’s Tom’s.

  ( ) 5. A. How many IC cards do you have? B. How many stamps do you have?

  ( ) 6. A. I’m wrapping the presents. B. She’s making cards.

  ( ) 7. A. She’s playing badminton. B. He’s playing football.

  ( ) 8. A. It’s Lily’s. B. That’s Lily.

  ( ) 9. A. Yes, it’s her square. B. Yes, it’s his square.

  ( ) 10. A. We eat turkey. B. We’re eating turkey.


  1. Where do you ____________? 98 Tianjin Street.

  2. What is Ken doing? He’s ____________ basketball.

  3. What’s the ____________ like today? It’s cold and wet.

  4. What ____________ is it? It’s 12 o’clock.

  5. ____________square is this?

  笔试部分( Writing Part )(40分)

  一、 仔细看图,将正确的单词写在横线上。(6分)

  umbrella make cardskey rings jeans volleyball clinic


  ( ) 1. A. cinema B. restaurant C. supermarket D. city

  ( ) 2. A. raincoat B. scarf C. umbrella D. jeans

  ( ) 3. A. cold B. wet C. dry D. star

  ( ) 4. A. run B. table tennis C. badminton D. football

  ( ) 5. A. triangle B. square C. circle D. coin

  三、 选择填空。(10分)

  ( ) 1. Where_____ you live? A. do B. does C. is

  ( ) 2. Our estate_____ 35 blocks. A. is B. have C. has

  ( ) 3. Is there a bookshop near our school? _____ .

  A. Yes, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is.

  ( ) 4. How many_____ do you have?

  A. key rings B. coin C. badge

  ( ) 5. Who’s _____ a yellow jacket? A. wear B. wears C. wearing

  ( ) 6. There_____ one triangle and three square.

  A. is B. are C. have

  ( ) 7. It’s very hot today. _____ your sweater.

  A. Put on B. Take off C. Don’t forget.

  ( ) 8. What do you do_____ Christmas?A. / B. in C. at

  ( ) 9. Koko’s _____ table tennis on the playground.

  A. play B. playing C. plays

  ( ) 10. _____ shoes are these? They’re Pat’s.

  A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose

  四、 情景会话,根据情景选择正确的答案。(10分)

  ( ) 1. 你想知道Pat正在做什么,你可以问:

  A. When is Pat doing? B. What is Pat doing?

  ( ) 2. 你想知道今天的.天气怎样,你可以问:

  A. What’s the weather like today? B. Where do you live?

  ( ) 3. 如果今天是圣诞节,你应该和身边的人说:

  A. Happy Birthday! B. Merry Christmas!

  ( ) 4. 我们正在做卡片,你可以说:

  A. We are making cards. B. We are getting cards.

  ( ) 5. 你想知道 Sue 正穿着什么,你可以问:

  A. Where is Sue? B. What is Sue wearing?

  五、认真读短文,回答下列问题,对的打(√)错的( X )。(4分)

  Today is very cold. Sam and his sister Kim are staying at (呆在) home. Sam is wearing a yellow jacket and blue jeans, he is watching TV. Kim is a pretty girl. She is wearing a pink sweater and green trousers. She is making cards for her mum and dad, because(因为) tomorrow(明天) is Christmas Day.

  ( ) 1. Sam is wearing a yellow jacket and blue jeans.

  ( ) 2. Kim is making cards for her grandma.

  ( ) 3. Kim is wearing a purple sweater and green trousers.

  ( ) 4. The weather is very cold today.

  六、 连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号。(5分)

  1. where the post office is


  2. she getting is cards


  3. are you doing what


  4. what the like weather is


  5. hot dry and it is






  1. E e 2. H h 3. P p 4. J j 5. R r


  1. flat 2. thirty 3. cinema 4. soft toy 5. whose

  6. shorts 7. wet 8. umbrella 9. dry 10. 12:00


  1. Flat 402 2. 98 coins 3. take off 4. Tim’s star

  5. blue shorts 6. whose shoes 7. cool and dry

  8. give presents 9. her triangles 10. play volleyball


  1. I live at 45 Daming Street. 2. Where’s the supermarket?

  3. How many badges can you see? 4. What’s he doing?

  5. Linda’s playing badminton. 6. Don’t forget your sweater.

  7. Sue is wearing yellow socks. 8. A. What time is it?

  9. What’s the weather like? 10. C She has an umbrella.

  五、听录音,判断下列图画对(√)错( X )与录音内容相符,念两遍。(10分)

  1. What time is it? It’s 1 o’clock. What’s Pat doing? She is playing table tennis.

  2. Whose picture is this? It’s Tim’s. His picture has two stars and two circles.

  3. What are you doing? I’m wrapping presents.

  4. Where’s the supermarket? It’s in Green Street.

  5. Where do you live now? I live at Flat 6, Block 7, Banana Estate.


  1. Where do you live?

  2. I have 45 coins.

  3. It’s 9 o’clock.

  4. What’s the weather like?

  5. I have 90 stamps.

  6. What’s Pat doing now?

  7. It’s 6 o’clock. I can see Billy, what’s he doing?

  8. Who’s wearing the pink shoes?

  9. Look, is this Peter’s square?

  10. What do you do at Christmas?


  1. Where do you live? 98 Tianjin Street.

  2. What is Ken doing? He’s playing basketball.

  3. What’s the weather like today? It’s cold and wet.

  4. What time is it? It’s 12 o’clock.

  5. Whose square is this?


