
时间:2017-06-03 04:14:36
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小学英语评课稿 篇一

Title: Engaging Young Learners in English Class

As an English teacher for young learners in a primary school, it is crucial to create a fun and engaging learning environment to spark their interest in the language. In this lesson, I focused on incorporating interactive activities and games to make the learning experience enjoyable and effective.

To begin the lesson, I started with a warm-up activity where students had to match pictures of animals with the corresponding English words. This not only helped review vocabulary but also got the students excited and ready for the lesson ahead. I then introduced a new set of vocabulary related to colors by showing flashcards and having the students repeat after me. To make it more engaging, I used colorful props and encouraged students to say the words aloud in a playful manner.

Next, I conducted a group activity where students had to work together to create sentences using the new vocabulary they had learned. This not only encouraged collaboration among students but also provided them with an opportunity to practice their speaking skills in a supportive environment. I also incorporated a fun game of "Simon Says" to reinforce the vocabulary and encourage listening comprehension. The students were highly engaged and enthusiastic throughout the lesson.

To assess their understanding, I ended the lesson with a short quiz where students had to match colors with corresponding objects. This helped me gauge their comprehension and retention of the new vocabulary. I also provided positive feedback and encouragement to each student to boost their confidence and motivation in learning English.

Overall, the lesson was a success in engaging young learners and fostering a positive learning environment. By incorporating interactive activities, games, and group work, students were able to actively participate and enjoy the English lesson. Moving forward, I plan to continue incorporating these strategies to make learning English a fun and rewarding experience for my students.

小学英语评课稿 篇二

Title: Integrating Technology in English Language Teaching for Young Learners

In today's digital age, incorporating technology in English language teaching has become increasingly important, especially for young learners in primary schools. In this lesson, I focused on integrating technology to enhance the learning experience and provide students with a more interactive and engaging approach to learning English.

To begin the lesson, I introduced a fun and interactive language learning app that allowed students to practice vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation in a gamified manner. The students were excited to use the app and were highly engaged throughout the activity. I also used multimedia resources such as videos and audio clips to expose students to authentic English language input and provide them with opportunities to listen to native speakers.

Next, I incorporated an online interactive quiz where students had to answer questions related to the vocabulary and grammar structures they had learned. This not only assessed their understanding but also provided immediate feedback, allowing students to track their progress and identify areas for improvement. I also encouraged students to use online resources such as language learning websites and educational apps to further practice English outside of the classroom.

To promote collaboration and communication, I organized a virtual group activity where students had to work together on a project using digital tools such as Google Docs and online whiteboards. This not only improved their teamwork skills but also allowed them to practice writing and speaking in English in a digital environment. The students were highly motivated and engaged in the activity, showcasing their creativity and language skills.

To assess their learning outcomes, I conducted an online assessment where students had to complete a writing task and submit it electronically. This not only saved time but also provided me with a convenient way to evaluate their writing skills. I also provided personalized feedback and encouragement to each student to support their language development and growth.

Overall, integrating technology in English language teaching proved to be a successful approach in engaging young learners and enhancing the learning experience. By leveraging digital tools and online resources, students were able to practice English in a fun and interactive way, leading to improved language skills and motivation. Moving forward, I plan to continue integrating technology in my lessons to provide students with a modern and effective approach to learning English.

小学英语评课稿 篇三

  《Toys I like》是3BModule2 Unit2的一课内容。我也已将这一课内容教授完毕,但是与陈老师的一课相比较,我的课就显得比较单一,设计思路似乎也比较狭窄,也可以说是属于"传统"型的,并没有注重学生学习能力的培养与提高,由此也想到,我班的学生阅读能力较差实在也不能太怪罪于那群孩子们,纯属"教导无方"。






小学英语评课稿 篇四



  旧知引入新知。课堂伊始,教师对A 部分的食物类单词进行了复习。通过free talk活用旧知,把学生带入到一定的情景中,并过渡到新知。新旧知识相联结,符合学生的认知规律。

  新知引入新知。老师在用旧知引入新知时,还能利用新知引入新知。如:从drink the Coke到drink the juice.利用刚刚学过的单词Coke来引入drink the Coke,继而也引入了drink the juice.循序渐进,使学生在新知中得到进一步发展。

  在整个教学过程中,教师都非常注重情境的创设。将学生带入到真实贴切的情境中,将每个单词在一定的情境中呈现。如:前面讲的 “I‘m thirsty. Can I have some water?”呈现 “water”,而后以a bottle, a cup 这样贴切学生实际的教具,依次呈现了 “coffee”, “milk”,教学了 “pour the water”这一动作。又如:show the milk,教师又是在Listen and do当中呈现,而不是生硬地把它搬到学生面前。


  在课堂结束,教师设计了一个Group work,要求学生操练所学单词,运用所学语句:I like…。 Can I have some…? Have some…。此活动设计一方面能巩固所学,培养学生应用英语的能力;另一方面又能促进生生之间的交流,增进同学之间的情谊。其次,课文中的Let‘s do,经老师巧妙设计,以一个Listen and number的形式得到了应用,注重培养学生将所学知识应用到练习中。看似简单,内容却丰富。


小学英语评课稿 篇五


  教师在设计这节课中,充分注意到"学中用,用中学,学用结合"的教学要求.从warming-up开始就为新课的导入作了细心的铺垫:sing an English song. Ask the question. Whose farm is it Have a match. Read a chant. Play a guessing game and do a reading. Answer the questions. 兴趣是学习的动力.学习的最好刺激力量仍是对所学材料的兴趣.因此教师在教学过程中很重视变换多种形式,吸引学生注意力.在上课前,认真地准备好必需的教具,图片,录音机等;不能用教具时,则创设情景,以姿势助说话.大大激发学习兴趣,学生从中享受到学习英语乐趣.本班学有困难学生也教多,在单词,句子的朗读模仿上差距较大,如果在课堂上能注意进行瞬时记忆训练,让学生把所学的单词,句型和课文记在脑子里,课后去进行复习巩固,就容易多了.因此,在课堂上培养学生的瞬时记忆能力.教单词时,要求学生眼,耳,口,脑同时起作用,并要求学生根据音节,音标记忆单词,每教一个单词,要求学生边读边写有意识地把单词的形象输入脑子里去,再把单词放在词不达意组和句子中,同时记忆和单词有关的词组和句子,效果更好.通过图片,实物和情景,配上录音来教课文和对话,再让学生进行交际练习,他们掌握得特别快.然后指导学生背诵课文,记忆能力变强了,学生自然觉得英语这门学科是轻松有趣的.

小学英语评课稿 篇六


  本课达到预定的教学目标,即让学生掌握本课时的教学内容; 激发和调动学生的学习热情和兴趣,主动参与到本课教学中来.本着这两条原则,教师在设计这堂课时,从Warming-up开始就为新课的导入到最后的复习作了精心的设计:Sing a song. Introduce the teacher's pen-friend. Find the UK. Ask questions about your classmate's pen-friend. Where does Lily's pen-friend live Guessing game. Do the reading and answer questions. Write a letter. 所有的活动都围绕教学目标展开:He is… He has … He lives in He likes He likes to He can In Spring, it's ……同学们在活泼真实的教学氛围中体验获取知识的快乐感受.


