
时间:2016-06-01 03:42:37
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写中国诗人苏轼的英语作文 篇一

Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, was one of the most famous poets in ancient China. He was not only a talented poet, but also a great calligrapher, painter, and statesman. Su Shi lived during the Song dynasty, from 1037 to 1101, and his works are still widely admired and studied today.

Su Shi's poetry is known for its deep emotions, vivid imagery, and profound philosophical insights. His poems often reflect his love for nature, his contemplation of life and death, and his concerns for the welfare of the common people. One of his most famous poems, "Ode to the Red Cliff," describes a boat trip he took with his friends on the Yangtze River, where they were inspired by the beauty of the cliffs and the flowing water.

In addition to his poetry, Su Shi was also known for his calligraphy, which is considered to be some of the finest in Chinese history. His calligraphy style was bold and expressive, with a strong sense of rhythm and balance. Su Shi's calligraphy works are highly valued and collected by art lovers around the world.

Su Shi's contributions to Chinese literature and culture are immeasurable. He was a true Renaissance man, excelling in multiple fields and leaving a lasting impact on Chinese society. His works continue to inspire and enlighten people today, reminding us of the beauty and power of art and poetry.

In conclusion, Su Shi was a literary genius whose talents and insights have stood the test of time. His poetry, calligraphy, and paintings are a testament to his creativity and passion for the arts. Su Shi's legacy will continue to inspire future generations of artists and poets, ensuring that his contributions to Chinese culture will never be forgotten.

写中国诗人苏轼的英语作文 篇二

Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, was a multifaceted talent who made significant contributions to Chinese literature and culture. Born in 1037 during the Song dynasty, Su Shi was not only a prolific poet, but also a renowned calligrapher, painter, and government official.

One of Su Shi's most famous poems is "Red Cliff Ode," which captures the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. In this poem, Su Shi reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment. His evocative imagery and profound insights have made this poem a timeless classic in Chinese literature.

In addition to his poetry, Su Shi was also a master calligrapher, known for his bold and expressive style. His calligraphy works are highly prized for their elegance and beauty, and are considered some of the finest in Chinese history. Su Shi's calligraphy reflects his deep appreciation for the art form and his dedication to preserving Chinese cultural traditions.

As a government official, Su Shi was known for his integrity and dedication to serving the people. He advocated for political reform and social justice, and his efforts to improve governance and promote the welfare of the common people have earned him a place of honor in Chinese history.

In conclusion, Su Shi was a true Renaissance man whose talents and achievements continue to inspire and influence people today. His poetry, calligraphy, and political activism have left an indelible mark on Chinese culture, and his legacy remains a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come. Su Shi's enduring influence is a testament to his genius and his enduring impact on Chinese literature and society.

写中国诗人苏轼的英语作文 篇三


  The Chinese literator and poet Su Shi lived from AD 1037 to 1101. During his life, he created many works. He was perhaps most famous for his poems, but he also wrote many essays and was famous in the officialdom. I admire Su Shi because he has made a great contribution to the literature and was tough even when facing troubles.

  In Chinese history, Su Shi, together with his brother Su Zhe and father Su Xun, were all famous and were called Three Sus. But Su Shi’s contribution was the greatest. He not only created wonderful works, but also did many good things for common people when he was an officer. Today, there is still a Su Bank in Hangzhou Province.

  Because of Su’s talent, Su was envied and was relegated to Huangzhou, a poor place. Even when Su was there, he didn’t lose his spirit for the life. What’s more, his poems created at that time was even better. Su’s time has past, but his spirit lives forever.

  Su Shi, who appears as a star in Song Dynasty, lights up my heart and soul with his great spirit. Whenever I meet difficulties, I can hear him saying, “Be hopeful and powerful, believe you can face the reality!”


