PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed(最新3篇)

时间:2016-01-07 04:10:22
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PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed 篇一

In unit 5 of the PEP English textbook for fifth graders, students learn about different items in a bedroom. One of the items mentioned is a big bed. A big bed is an essential piece of furniture in any bedroom, providing a comfortable place to rest and sleep.

A big bed typically consists of a mattress, a bed frame, and bedding such as sheets, blankets, and pillows. The size of a big bed can vary depending on the needs and preferences of the person using it. Some people prefer a larger bed to have more space to move around, while others may opt for a smaller bed to save space in their bedroom.

Having a big bed in a bedroom is important for ensuring a good night's sleep. A comfortable bed can help promote relaxation and restfulness, allowing the body to recharge and rejuvenate after a long day. In addition, a big bed provides a cozy and inviting space for relaxation, reading, or watching TV.

When choosing a big bed, it is important to consider factors such as size, comfort, and support. The mattress should be firm enough to provide adequate support for the body, while also being soft enough to offer comfort. It is also important to choose bedding that is suitable for the season, such as lightweight sheets and blankets for summer and heavier bedding for winter.

Overall, a big bed is a key element in creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom. By selecting the right size, mattress, and bedding, individuals can ensure a good night's sleep and enjoy a relaxing and peaceful environment in their bedroom.

PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed 篇二

Unit 5 of the PEP English textbook for fifth graders introduces students to different items found in a bedroom, including a big bed. A big bed is an important piece of furniture that plays a central role in creating a comfortable and relaxing sleeping environment.

A big bed typically consists of a mattress, bed frame, and bedding such as sheets, blankets, and pillows. The size of a big bed can vary depending on personal preferences, with options ranging from twin and full size beds to queen and king size beds. The choice of bed size often depends on factors such as available space in the bedroom and individual comfort preferences.

Having a big bed in a bedroom is essential for ensuring a good night's sleep. A comfortable bed can help promote relaxation and restfulness, allowing the body to recharge and rejuvenate. In addition, a big bed provides a cozy and inviting space for activities such as reading, watching TV, or simply relaxing.

When selecting a big bed, it is important to consider factors such as mattress firmness, support, and comfort. A good quality mattress should provide adequate support for the body while also being soft enough to offer comfort. It is also important to choose bedding that is suitable for the season, such as lightweight sheets and blankets for summer and heavier bedding for winter.

Overall, a big bed is a key element in creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom. By choosing the right size, mattress, and bedding, individuals can ensure a restful night's sleep and enjoy a peaceful and relaxing environment in their bedroom. A big bed is not just a piece of furniture, but a sanctuary for rest and relaxation in the home.

PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed 篇三

PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed说课稿

  作为一无名无私奉献的教育工作者,通常需要用到说课稿来辅助教学,借助说课稿可以更好地提高教师理论素养和驾驭教材的能力。怎样写说课稿才更能起到其作用呢?以下是小编精心整理的PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed说课稿,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

  各位领导:上午好!今天,我说课的内容是PEP Primary English Book Unit Five There is a big bed的第二课时。根据本课时的教学内容,我将本节课定位为一节词汇课。接下来我将从教材的分析、教学方法、教学目标及重难点、教学过程、板书设计、评价及反思这几个方面来呈现我的说课。


  1.教材内容本课时内容包括Let’s learn和Let’s play这两部分。其中,重点内容在于Let’s learn部分的五个与日常生活息息相关的家居物品类单词clock, plant, water bottle, photo, bike以及句型there is …

  2.教材地位首先,Unit Five There is a big bed与四年级上册Unit Four My home有一定的相关性。在学习了各个房间的基础上再来学习家居物品类单词,既体现了教材循序渐进、螺旋上升的编排意识,又体现了英语知识承前启后的紧密相关性,符合学生的认知规律。其次,there be结构对五年级的学生而言,是全新的知识。本课内容直接关系到Part B部分将要学习的there be结构的复数形式以及Unit 6 In a nature park将要出现的一般疑问句形式。总而言之,本课在教材中起着承上启下的重要作用。


  1.知识目标:能够听、说、读、写五个家居物品类的单词和词组:bike,clock,photo,water bottle,plant

  2.能力目标:能够在语境中正确运用所学的五个家居物品类单词和词组以及句型there is...




  (1)重点:掌握五个家居物品类的单词bike,clock,photo,water bottle,plant和句型there is…以及会运用它们描述房间内的物品。

  (2)难点:如何对所学单词和there is…结构进行综合运用。词汇:bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room,etc.句型:This is my room. There is a big bed.







  Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in

  1.Let’s do(学生边唱边做动作)Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. ……

  2.Guessing game请学生猜一猜老师手中藏着什么物品。通过引导和提示使学生猜得正确答案——It’s a key.

  T : I have something in my hand.Can you guess what it is?


  T : Do you want to visit my house?Ss : Yes.

  T : Ok, let’s go !What can you see in my house? Ss :There is a living room/ study/ kitchen/ bathroom.

  Step 2 Prensentation出示卧室的图片,让学生边读,边观察). Hello,now let me tell you about my room.My room is really nice .There is a big bed and a small clock.They are pink.There is an end table(床头柜)next to the bed.And there is a green plant on it.There is a desk in front of my bed.And there is a water bottle on the desk.What’s more,I like taking photos and riding very much.Can you find me and my(课件展示)

  T : Which one is my bedroom?Ss:…(小组讨论,交流信息,汇报答案)

  T : How do you know?(请学生通过图片观察来回答) Ss: …

  1.由短文中的句子顺势引出新单词clock, plant, water bottle, photo, bike.


  3.T:What’s this Ss: … bike?

  T: It’s a clock /plant/water bottle/photo/ bike.

  4.Let’ read通过课件出示下列句子,引导学生对比、拼读。 Mike likes bikes.

  A small lock and a big clock. …

  5.在读单词的同时,把单词放到主干句there is…中操练运用。 T: bike a bike There is a bike. There is a bike in the photo.(结合房间图片,运用句型)(课件展示图片,进行操练)。

  Step 3 Consolidation

  1、Let’s chant (老师同各组分工合作,共同说唱) Clock clock, there is a clock. Plant plant,there is a plant. Photo photo,there is a photo. …

  2、Let’s play句子接龙游戏(通过图片补充之前学习过的家居物品类,学习用品类单词等)S1:There is a clock. S2: There is a clock and a plant. S3: There is a clock, a plant and a water bottle. ……

  3、Group work学生分组活动,拿出课前准备好的卧室图画,用句型there is…向组员描述自己理想中的卧室(鼓励大家通过写一写,说一说等方式进行描述)。与此同时,教师展现导入部分对自己房间描述的小短文,供给学生参考。

  4、Show your rooms请小组推荐表现较好的成员,利用投影仪向全班展示自己设计的卧室,并且对它进行描述。

  Step 4 Summary and Evaluation请学生小结本节课的主要学习内容,教师补充强调。统计本节课,个人及各组的得分情况,对于表现得较好的学生和小组给予表扬。

  Step 5 Homework


  Unit Five There is a big bed

  Part A Let’s learn &Let’s play

  This is my room. Clock plant

  There is a water bottle,photo,bike




PEP英语五年级上册 unit 5 There is a big bed(最新3篇)

