
时间:2016-04-01 07:50:39
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我们的家二年级英语作文 篇一

My Family

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to introduce my family to you. I have a small but loving family.

Firstly, let me introduce my parents. My father's name is Mr. Li. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital and helps people get better. He is very hardworking and caring. My mother's name is Mrs. Li. She is a teacher. She works in a primary school and teaches children like me. She is patient and kind. Both of them love me very much and always support me in everything I do.

I also have a younger sister. Her name is Lily. She is 4 years old. She is very cute and playful. We often play games and laugh together. Sometimes, she can be a little naughty, but I still love her.

Our house is not very big, but it is cozy and warm. We have a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a small garden. In the living room, we have a big TV where we watch movies and cartoons together. In the kitchen, my mother cooks delicious food for us. In the bedrooms, we have our own beds and study desks. I love my bedroom because it has my favorite toys and books. In the small garden, we grow flowers and vegetables. It's a great place to relax and enjoy nature.

In my family, we always spend quality time together. On weekends, we often go for a picnic or visit my grandparents. We also have family dinners every night where we share our stories and experiences of the day. My parents always listen to me and help me with my homework. They are my best friends.

I am really grateful to have such a wonderful family. They give me love, care, and support. I feel safe and happy with them. No matter what happens, I know that my family will always be there for me.

That's all about my family. Thank you for listening.


我们的家二年级英语作文 篇二

My Pet

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to tell you about my pet. I have a dog named Max. He is a golden retriever and he is 2 years old.

Max is very friendly and playful. He has a golden coat and a big, wagging tail. He loves to run and fetch balls. Whenever I come back from school, he always jumps around me and licks my face. He is very excited to see me and it makes me happy.

Max also loves going for walks. Every evening, my father and I take him to the park. He enjoys running and playing with other dogs there. Sometimes, we even meet new friends who also have pets. It's a great way to socialize and have fun.

Taking care of Max is a responsibility. We make sure he eats healthy food and drinks clean water. We also give him baths regularly to keep him clean and fresh. My mother brushes his fur to make it shiny. We take him to the veterinarian for regular check-ups and vaccinations to keep him healthy.

Max is not just a pet, he is a part of our family. He brings joy and happiness to everyone. Whenever I feel sad or lonely, he is always there to comfort me with his warm presence. We love him very much and he loves us too.

Having a pet is a great experience. It teaches me about love, care, and responsibility. I have learned to be patient and kind towards animals. Max has become my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him.

That's all about my pet Max. Thank you for listening.

我们的家二年级英语作文 篇三




  This is our house.It`s nice and big!It`s a warm world. All family are live in it. Ha!This is my parents`room.It`s big.My father is sit on the this chair.My mother is sleep on this bed. This is my room.It`s big,too.It`s name`s "Ann park" beacause it`s very lovely and interisting.This is my desk.Everyday I do homework here.This is my bed.It`s pink beacause pink is my favourite couler. This is our sitting room.It`s tidy.It has a table,four chairs,a TV,a mat and a flower.We often sing songs here and watch TV here. This is our book room.It`s big but small than the sitting room.It has many many wonderful books.We are read books and newspapers here. This is our bathroom .It`s big.We take baths,wash faces and brush teeth here.

  Our house!Our warm world!I love U!





