
时间:2011-08-05 07:30:22
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太平湖英语导游词 篇一

Welcome to Tai Ping Lake!


Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Tai Ping Lake, one of the most beautiful and serene attractions in our country. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your tour guide for today. Please follow me as we explore the wonders of Tai Ping Lake.


Located in the heart of our country, Tai Ping Lake covers an area of approximately 50 square kilometers. It is surrounded by lush green mountains and dotted with charming islands. The lake is known for its crystal-clear waters, tranquil atmosphere, and breathtaking scenery. It is truly a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.


Our first stop is the Lakeside Park. Here, you can take a leisurely stroll along the lakeshore, enjoying the cool breeze and the soothing sound of the waves. The park is also home to a variety of plants and flowers, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.

Next, we will visit the Fairy Island. Legend has it that fairies used to reside on this island, hence its name. The island is accessible via a boat ride, which will take approximately 10 minutes. Once we arrive, you will be amazed by the picturesque landscapes and the charming pavilions scattered around the island. Don't forget to take some memorable photos!

Afterwards, we will head to the Fisherman's Village. This village is famous for its traditional fishing culture and rustic charm. Here, you can witness local fishermen in action, as they skillfully navigate their boats and cast their nets into the lake. You may even have the opportunity to taste some freshly caught fish!

Lastly, we will explore the Temple of Peace. This ancient temple was built during the Ming Dynasty and is dedicated to the goddess of peace. Inside, you will find beautifully carved statues, intricate paintings, and a serene atmosphere conducive to meditation and reflection.


As our tour comes to an end, I hope you have enjoyed the beauty and tranquility of Tai Ping Lake. Whether it's the serene lakeside, the enchanting Fairy Island, the rustic Fisherman's Village, or the peaceful Temple of Peace, each stop offers its own unique charm and experience. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have a wonderful time exploring Tai Ping Lake.

太平湖英语导游词 篇三


  Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen! Today, with such great joy, on behalf of Anhui Travel Agency. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the Pacific. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Xin and I work for Anhui Travel Agency .During your short stay in Huangshan, I’ll be your local guide. It’s my honor to be of your service. If you have any request, go ahead! I’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

  Today, we will visit the lover of Huangshan Mountain—Taiping Lake. I think it’s a perfect resort for you to have a relief after climbing the mountain, an escape into blessed silence.

  Ok, now, I want to give you a brief introduction about Taiping Lake.

  As a deep water lake, Taiping Lake is the largest fresh water man-made lake in Anhui Province, and situated between the Yellow Mountains and Jiuhua Mountain. It extends 80 kilometers from east to west, which is roughly the same distance down the Li River from Guilin to Yangsuo, and covers an area of about 100 square kilometers. Taiping Lake is quite young, it’s not on the map until 1970 that a dam was built on Qingyi River, which is a branch of Yangtze River. A reservoir was formed when the dam was completed, and called Chencun Reserve.

  To better promote it and develop the tourist industry here, this reservoir was renamed Lake Taiping in 1979, for most part of the lake lies in Taiping County that is today’s Huangshan District. In Chinese, Taiping means peace or peaceful. So it can be also called Lake Peace, or Lake Taipinghu.

  Here, now, please get off the bus and follow me, you can see woods and forests everywhere, isn’t it? Yeah, how fresh air! This high quality of natural environment is not easily seen in other parts in China. A person once point out its three major features: Cleanness, domination of green & blue, reflections. Now, you can see the water is quite clean and clear, free from industrial pollution. Cleanness is the base of its natural beauty. Seeing is believing, you can enjoy by your own eyes.

  Oh, you see the view of the lake is dominated by the color of green and blue: the surrounding mountains are green, the sky above is blue, parts of the water is green where the mountains are mirrored, parts of the lake is blue when it just reflects sky and clouds. All you can see on the lake is green and blue, that’s the main body of the beauty. You can take a photo, it just like a painting! The mountains, sky and clouds are mirrored in the lake, the lake also reflects its flickering lights and colors on the mountains and trees. These reflection and mirror connect each items as a whole, reflection is the beauty additive.

  You know, Taiping Lake is an irregularly shaped one, and after two-decade years of development, five scenic areas have taken shape in Taiping Lake, namely Gongxin Scenic Area, Guangyang Scenic Area, Longme

n Scenic Area, Huangjin Scenic Area and Sanmen Scenic Area. Now, follow me, we’ll enjoy it!

  Here, we’ve arrived Sanmen Scenic Area. It’s in the eastern part of the lake, the mountains here are high, and trees are prosperous. It’s a must for you to go fishing, cruising or yachting along the three Gorges, or just enjoy the lake scenery, taste the white the while tender small whitebait and spend leisure hours as vacationers!

  Here, you just relax yourself! Have a totally relaxing! Then we’ll go to the eastern side of this area lies the well-known Qiaoshan Immortal Cave. This cave is about 3,000 meters in length with upper, middle and bottom levels. It has been listed as an underground palace in the Directory of Chinese Scenic Areas. Now, nine scenic spots have been open to public including Peach Garden, Doushuai Palace, Linshan and Yaochi, to name just a few.

  Ok, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get on the boat and enjoy its beauty and the lakeside. And you’ll find the feeling that once a famous poet Li Bai, who toured the lake and wrote a poem in appreciation of hospitality of Wang Lun, his host 1,200 years ago.


