How I learn my oral English作文【通用3篇】

时间:2011-07-03 04:16:28
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How I Learn My Oral English - Part 1

Learning a new language can be challenging, especially when it comes to speaking skills. As a non-native English speaker, I have encountered numerous obstacles in improving my oral English. However, I have developed a method that has proven to be effective in enhancing my spoken language abilities.

Firstly, I believe that practice makes perfect. To improve my oral English, I engage in conversations with native speakers on a regular basis. This allows me to familiarize myself with the correct pronunciation, intonation, and fluency of the language. By actively participating in conversations, I am able to gain confidence and overcome my fear of making mistakes.

In addition to conversing with native speakers, I also make use of various language learning resources. I listen to podcasts, watch English movies and TV shows, and read English books and articles. These activities expose me to different accents, vocabulary, and grammar structures. By immersing myself in the language, I am able to absorb new words and phrases, and improve my overall language proficiency.

Another important aspect of learning oral English is pronunciation. I practice pronunciation exercises regularly, focusing on specific sounds and intonations that are challenging for non-native speakers. I also record myself speaking and compare it to native speakers to identify areas for improvement. By paying attention to pronunciation details, I am able to refine my speaking skills and sound more like a native English speaker.

Furthermore, I actively seek feedback from native English speakers. This could be through language exchange programs, online language forums, or even hiring a language tutor. By receiving feedback on my speaking, I am able to identify my weaknesses and work towards improving them. Constructive criticism helps me make necessary adjustments and reinforces positive habits in my spoken English.

Lastly, I believe that consistency is key. Learning a language requires continuous effort and practice. Therefore, I allocate a specific amount of time each day to focus solely on improving my oral English. Whether it is through listening exercises, speaking with native speakers, or practicing pronunciation, I ensure that I consistently dedicate time towards enhancing my spoken language skills.

In conclusion, improving my oral English has been a journey that requires dedication and perseverance. Through regular practice, exposure to the language, pronunciation exercises, seeking feedback, and maintaining consistency, I have been able to make significant progress. Learning a new language is not easy, but with the right approach and mindset, it is certainly achievable.

How I Learn My Oral English - Part 2

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to developing oral communication skills. As a non-native English speaker, I have encountered various challenges in improving my spoken English. However, I have discovered strategies that have proven to be effective in enhancing my oral language abilities.

One of the key components to improving my oral English is building vocabulary. I continuously expand my vocabulary by reading extensively in English. I make it a habit to read a variety of materials, such as newspapers, magazines, and novels, to expose myself to different writing styles and terminology. Additionally, I make use of vocabulary-building apps and flashcards to practice and review new words. By consistently working on expanding my vocabulary, I am able to communicate more effectively and express myself with greater precision.

Another important aspect of learning oral English is practicing speaking in real-life situations. I actively seek opportunities to engage in conversations with native English speakers. This could be through language exchange programs, joining English conversation clubs, or even interacting with English-speaking friends. By actively participating in conversations, I am able to apply the language skills I have learned and gain confidence in expressing myself orally.

In addition to speaking with native speakers, I also make use of technology to enhance my oral English. There are numerous language learning apps and websites available that provide interactive exercises and pronunciation practice. These resources allow me to practice speaking in a controlled environment and receive instant feedback on my pronunciation and intonation. By utilizing technology, I am able to supplement my learning and improve my spoken English at my own pace.

Furthermore, I make it a point to regularly watch English movies and TV shows. This helps me improve my listening skills and exposes me to authentic spoken English. By watching and listening to native speakers, I am able to familiarize myself with different accents and improve my understanding of colloquial expressions and idioms. I also make an effort to mimic the pronunciation and intonation of the actors, which helps me internalize the language and improve my own speaking skills.

Lastly, I believe that building a supportive language learning community is crucial in improving my oral English. I surround myself with fellow language learners who share the same goals and challenges. We practice speaking together, provide each other with feedback, and motivate each other to keep pushing forward. Having a supportive community not only makes the language learning process more enjoyable, but it also provides a platform for continuous improvement.

In conclusion, improving my oral English has been a continuous journey that requires dedication and a multifaceted approach. By expanding my vocabulary, actively practicing speaking, utilizing technology, exposing myself to authentic spoken English, and building a supportive language learning community, I have been able to make significant progress. Learning a new language is a lifelong endeavor, and I am committed to continually enhancing my oral English skills.

How I learn my oral English作文 篇三

How I learn my oral English作文

  I would like to say that interest is the best teacher if anyone ever asks me how to learn oral English. Like many learners of English, I began to learn English when I went to junior high school. That was a school, which was quite poor in language-teaching facilities. No projector, no computer, and what could be used in the classroom was a small recorder. But my first teacher of English worked hard to teach well. He didn’t have a chance to go to college to study English. He was actually a self-taught learner of English, but he spoke English well. I really appreciate his speaking English with a perfect British accent. He used to keep telling us that interest is the best teacher and he asked us to listen carefully to the native speakers of English, to imitate them and to speak English as much as possible.

  Encouraged by what he said, I bought a transistor radio and listened to BBC or VOA in my spare time. Soon I found I could speak a little English. But you need a good partner to practice English with if you want to learn oral English, and you also need certain topics to talk about. Generally speaking, listening and speaking plays an important role in communication. If you can’t understand what the other is saying, you are deaf; if you can’t express yourself in the same language as the other is using, you are mute. Listening and speaking helps me a lot in my reading and writing.

  Now I find “Studio Classroom (空中英语教室)” the best of all media. I try to catch each telecast of the program. I find that I have hardly any difficulty in communicating with native speakers of English. I owe all this to my first teacher of English.

  In a word, if you want to learn oral English well, you have to get interested in it, find a good partner and also good medium. The most important of all is, perhaps, your persistence in practicing oral English.

How I learn my oral English作文【通用3篇】

