
时间:2017-07-08 02:34:25
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高中课前三分钟的英语演讲稿:Friendship 篇一

Title: The Importance of Friendship

Good morning everyone,

Today, I would like to talk about the importance of friendship. Friendship is a bond between people that goes beyond just being acquaintances. It is a special relationship that brings joy, support, and understanding into our lives.

Firstly, friendship brings joy. When we have good friends, we often feel happier and more fulfilled. Friends are there for us during both the ups and downs of life, and they celebrate our successes and share our sorrows. They make us laugh, ease our burdens, and bring a sense of happiness and contentment into our lives.

Secondly, friendship provides support. True friends stand by our side in times of need. They offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and guidance when we are lost. They believe in us, encourage us, and help us overcome challenges. With the support of friends, we can face any difficulty with strength and determination.

Lastly, friendship offers understanding. Friends know us deeply, sometimes even better than we know ourselves. They understand our feelings, thoughts, and fears. With friends, we can be our authentic selves, without fear of judgment or rejection. They accept us for who we are and love us unconditionally. This understanding creates a sense of belonging and acceptance that is essential for our emotional well-being.

In conclusion, friendship is vital in our lives. It brings joy, support, and understanding that enrich our experiences and make life more meaningful. Let us cherish and value our friendships, and strive to be good friends ourselves. Remember, true friendship is a treasure that should be cherished and nurtured.

Thank you for your attention.

高中课前三分钟的英语演讲稿:Friendship 篇二

Title: Building and Maintaining Strong Friendships

Good morning, everyone,

Today, I want to talk about the importance of building and maintaining strong friendships. In our busy lives, it is easy to overlook the significance of having genuine connections with others. However, strong friendships are essential for our personal growth, happiness, and overall well-being.

Firstly, building strong friendships requires effort and investment. Like any relationship, friendships need time, attention, and care to grow. We need to be proactive in reaching out to others, showing genuine interest, and being open to new experiences. By investing in our friendships, we build trust, deepen connections, and create a support system that will be there for us in times of need.

Secondly, maintaining strong friendships requires communication and understanding. We need to be good listeners and actively engage in conversations with our friends. By being attentive and empathetic, we can better understand their needs, concerns, and dreams. Regular communication helps us stay connected and allows us to offer support when it is needed most.

Lastly, building and maintaining strong friendships requires mutual respect and acceptance. We should celebrate our friends' successes, respect their boundaries, and accept them for who they are. True friends do not judge or criticize; instead, they embrace each other's differences and support one another's growth.

In conclusion, strong friendships are essential for our well-being. They bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging into our lives. By investing in our friendships, communicating effectively, and showing acceptance, we can build and maintain strong connections that will enrich our lives for years to come.

Thank you for your attention.

高中课前三分钟的英语演讲稿:Friendship 篇三


  I often wonder what friendship is. Friendship is too big a topic to talk about either specifically or generally. I guemost of us are still in a puzzling state about what friendship is, and I myself should be included. Maybe people who define friendship according to his own life experience will say that they have a good concept of friendship, which I think is too narrow to get an objective definition of it. But how hard it would be to talk about friendship without mixing personal fee

ling in it, especially when it comes to the matter of CLOSEST friend. So here I would like to share my views with you about friendship, about my closest friend. I have had friends since I was born, some of whom have come along with me through my life, and it is impossible to always keep your friends around you since departure is one part of life that everybody must experience. Though some of you may oppose me by exaggerating the connotation of the concept of being together that is friends may not stay together physically but they can stay together always psychologically,

  I still hold that departure is an absolute thing. How could it be possible that your friend (even your closest friend) always keeps you in heart as he/she had, is having and will have different experiences from yours? Somehow different experiences make up of different hearts. Man’s heart is a quite strange thing. Never think that one can wholly touch it. Sometimes our heart is so abstract that you don’t even know how to get to them. If we take heart as a cube, and closest friend a gentle breeze, this breeze can only blow one facet of this cube from one direction and can rarely reach any other sides of your heart. I’m not sure whether I have put it very clearly but believe me that there are no fixed closest friend in your life. With different time, place, space, emotion and situation, you have different closest friends. When I play basketball, I have a closest friend who knows how to cooperate with me and together give our opponents a deadly attack; when I am alone and feel so lonely, I have a friend who can always comfort me by saying that he is my friend; when I am in need of money, the one who comes all the way and lend his money to me without any hesitation is my closest friend;

  when I am proud and a friend dares to stand out to warn me that I should keep modest, he is my closest friend; and, when I read Old Man and the Sea, I think Hemingway is my best friend. You see then, how many closest friends I have. But I must say, though I always want to keep all of them in my heart, they are not actually always in my heart. They have their own friends and their own life. Winston Churchill once said that there’s no perpetual friend, nor perpetual enemy, only perpetual interest. I guehe’s right in some way.Personally I think it is a shame for people who take a pet as his closest friend as this is a sheer insult to human being and an absolute indignity for the word FRIENDSHIP. If a dog is his closest friend, what is human to him? You can imagine how would a person with his ANIMAL closest friend do to PEOPLE. And maybe sometimes a dog can give him mental comfort, but what a dog likes best is just a bone. Friendship is indeed an inborn desire of mankind, and it is relationship between people, not between people and animals. If you seek friendship, please seek it from people, from people around you.Actually I have much more to say but… your criticism welcome!


