
时间:2015-01-05 03:35:32
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英语演讲开场白与结束语句型 篇一


1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.

2. Honorable judges, distinguished guests, fellow speakers, and friends.

3. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak today.

4. I am honored and humbled to stand before you all.

5. It is a great pleasure to be here with you today.


Today, I would like to talk about the importance of education in shaping our future. Education is the key to success and plays a crucial role in our personal and professional development. It equips us with knowledge, skills, and values necessary to navigate through life.

As we all know, education is not limited to the classroom. It extends far beyond the boundaries of textbooks and exams. Education is a lifelong process that continues beyond our formal schooling years. It is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.

Education opens doors of opportunities for us. It broadens our horizons, exposes us to different cultures and perspectives, and helps us become well-rounded individuals. It empowers us to make informed decisions, think critically, and solve problems effectively. Education also fosters creativity, encourages innovation, and promotes social and economic development.

However, despite its significance, education is still inaccessible to many around the world. Millions of children are deprived of the right to education due to poverty, conflict, gender discrimination, and other socio-economic factors. This is a global issue that requires collective efforts to address.

In conclusion, education is not a luxury but a fundamental right that should be accessible to all. It is the foundation on which we build our future. Let us strive to create a world where education is accessible to every child, regardless of their background or circumstances. Together, we can shape a brighter and more inclusive future for all.


1. Thank you for listening.

2. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the importance of education once again.

3. Let us work together to make education a priority in our society.

4. I hope my speech has inspired you to take action and make a difference.

5. Thank you for your attention and support.

英语演讲开场白与结束语句型 篇三


  Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:
  Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  1. Let me start by thanking...
  2. I’m very pleased to be here.
  3. I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...

. I feel great honored to be here.
  5. It’s a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.
  6. We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.
  7. We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...
  8. Today I’d like to say something about...
  9. Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...
  10. I’m sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...
  Thank you very much.
  That is all. Thank you/Thanks for your attention.
  Thank you.


