
时间:2012-09-06 07:20:36
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ted演讲稿中英文对照 篇一


TED演讲者:Sir Ken Robinson


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of nurturing creativity and fostering innovation in our society.

Creativity is a fundamental human trait. It enables us to imagine, create, and innovate. Unfortunately, our education system often fails to nurture this innate ability. We prioritize knowledge and conformity over creativity and divergent thinking.

In schools, creativity is often seen as a luxury, rather than a necessity. Children are taught to follow rules and memorize facts, rather than think critically and solve problems creatively. This approach stifles their natural curiosity and limits their potential for originality.

To cultivate creativity, we need to rethink our education system. We should encourage students to explore their passions, think outside the box, and embrace failure as a valuable learning opportunity. We need to integrate arts and creative subjects into the curriculum, as they provide a unique platform for self-expression and innovation.

Furthermore, we must create an environment that promotes innovation. This means fostering a culture of collaboration, where diverse perspectives and ideas are welcomed and celebrated. We should provide resources and support for entrepreneurs and inventors, enabling them to turn their ideas into reality.

In conclusion, we must recognize the importance of creativity and innovation in our society. By nurturing these qualities in our education system and creating an environment that fosters innovation, we can unleash the full potential of individuals and drive positive change in the world.








ted演讲稿中英文对照 篇二


TED演讲者:Adam Alter


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I want to discuss the challenges of information overload and the importance of managing our attention in the digital age.

We live in a world where information is readily accessible at our fingertips. With the proliferation of smartphones and social media, we are constantly bombarded with emails, notifications, and updates. This constant stream of information can be overwhelming and lead to a phenomenon known as "infobesity."

Infobesity is the overconsumption of information, resulting in mental fatigue and decreased productivity. It can hinder our ability to focus, make decisions, and retain information. In order to combat infobesity, we need to become more mindful of our attention and develop strategies to manage it effectively.

One effective strategy is to practice digital detoxes. This involves taking regular breaks from technology and disconnecting from the constant flow of information. By setting aside designated periods of time to unplug, we can recharge our minds and regain control over our attention.

Another strategy is to practice selective attention. This means consciously choosing what information and stimuli to focus on, and filtering out the rest. By prioritizing important tasks and eliminating distractions, we can maintain our focus and maximize our productivity.

Furthermore, we need to be aware of the design tactics used by technology companies to capture and hold our attention. Many apps and platforms are designed to be addictive, employing techniques such as infinite scrolling and push notifications. By understanding these tactics, we can better resist their influence and regain control over our attention.

In conclusion, in the digital age, managing our attention is more important than ever. By practicing digital detoxes, practicing selective attention, and being aware of the design tactics used by technology companies, we can navigate the information overload and reclaim our ability to focus and be productive.









ted演讲稿中英文对照 篇三



