
时间:2012-01-03 01:35:11
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成人仪式英文美文及翻译 篇一

Growing Up: Embracing the Journey of Adulthood

As we transition from adolescence to adulthood, we are faced with a myriad of challenges and opportunities that shape our identity and define our path in life. The coming of age ceremony, a rite of passage celebrated in many cultures around the world, serves as a symbolic milestone marking our entrance into the adult world.

In many societies, the coming of age ceremony is a time-honored tradition that signifies the end of childhood and the beginning of a new chapter in life. It is a time for reflection, celebration, and self-discovery as we embark on the journey of adulthood.

During the coming of age ceremony, we are surrounded by family and friends who offer their love, support, and guidance as we navigate the uncertainties of the adult world. We are encouraged to embrace our individuality, pursue our passions, and take responsibility for our actions as we strive to become independent and self-sufficient individuals.

As we reflect on our past experiences and look towards the future, we are reminded of the values and beliefs that have shaped our identity and guided our choices. The coming of age ceremony serves as a reminder of the importance of tradition, community, and personal growth as we embark on the next chapter of our lives.

In embracing the journey of adulthood, we are faced with challenges that test our resilience, determination, and character. We must learn to navigate the complexities of the adult world, make difficult decisions, and take risks in order to grow and evolve as individuals.

The coming of age ceremony is a time for celebration and reflection as we transition from adolescence to adulthood. It is a time to honor our past, embrace our present, and look towards the future with hope, courage, and determination. As we embark on the journey of adulthood, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way and continue to grow and evolve as individuals.








成人仪式英文美文及翻译 篇三


  Adult Ceremony 成人仪式

  Last week, I had my birthday party, it was my Adult Ceremony. Unlike the birthday party I had before, this time, my mother treated it as an important meeting, she invited many of my friends, she wanted to give me a big surprise and an unforgettable birthday. In China, when the children are 18, it means they have grown up and been adults. They can make their own decisions, their parents can’t treat them as kids any more. My mother gave me a present, it was a computer, I was so happy, she said that since I had been 18, I should be mature, I should think twice before action. I was so moved, at that moment, I felt it was so hard for my mother to raise me up, I would never let her down. My Adult Ceremony is sweet, I will never forget it.



