
时间:2017-08-04 06:16:48
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英语美文摘抄加翻译 篇一

Complaining is a disease, gratitude is a medicine

Life is full of ups and downs, and it's easy to fall into the trap of complaining when things don't go our way. But what we fail to realize is that complaining only serves to make us more miserable and negative. It's like a disease that spreads and infects every aspect of our lives.

Instead of focusing on what we don't have or what's going wrong, we should shift our mindset to one of gratitude. When we practice gratitude, we begin to see the good in every situation and appreciate the blessings that surround us. It's like a medicine that heals our hearts and minds, allowing us to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

So the next time you feel the urge to complain, take a moment to pause and reflect on all the things you have to be grateful for. Shift your perspective and watch as your attitude and outlook on life begin to change for the better.





英语美文摘抄加翻译 篇二

The Power of Small Acts of Kindness

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, it's easy to overlook the power of small acts of kindness. We may think that grand gestures are the only way to make a difference, but in reality, it's the little things that can have the biggest impact.

A smile to a stranger, a kind word to a friend, or a helping hand to someone in need may seem insignificant, but to the recipient, it can mean the world. These small acts of kindness have the power to brighten someone's day, lift their spirits, and restore their faith in humanity.

So let's not underestimate the power of small acts of kindness. Let's make an effort to spread love and positivity wherever we go, knowing that even the smallest gestures can make a big difference in someone's life.





英语美文摘抄加翻译 篇三














  Only through the blood of the fingers can last popup world, only experienced the hell of exercise can build up the wings of heaven.

  The preface

  I never knew what it felt like to shake the heart. I didn't even know what it would be like after shaking the heart, and I didn't know that a strong butterfly that shook my heart.

  It was a morning in a heavy rain.

  The sky is not as blue as usual, and it is cloudy. And my mood is as heavy as the sky. I was sitting at the window, looking at the gray sky and intermittent rain, don't know what to do.

  Suddenly, I found that there was a black spot in the yard on a small grass. I was curious about that black spot. So I looked at it carefully. It looked like a tiny butterfly. It seemed to be a new adult worm. It soon lost its way and had a rest on the grass.

  But after a long time, I found the butterfly never moving and stopped on the grass. At this point, I noticed that one of the wings of the butterfly was damaged and missing a big mouth. It is combing the other wing of its own, it is preparing to fly. But the merciless rain, like a cut line, still went down and hit it all the time. But it didn't care about it, and he was concentrating on its wings.

  I'm really worried about it, worrying that it can't hide the rain, and worry that it will lose his life on this rainy morning. But it doesn't seem to think so. It's always trying to sort out himself and adjust it to the best.

  At last, it made up his mind and flew with its wings. But, it has been heavily fallen to the ground by the big raindrops of the bean. The butterfly seemed to be dead, and somehow, I had an unpleasant feeling in my heart - the butterfly failed.

  I still look at the butterfly in the rain, and I hope there will be a miracle.

  Suddenly, the butterfly's wings moved - it lived strong! It fluttered its wings and flew to the grass. The butterfly still combed his wings, and it was ready to fly to the sky second times.

  Once again, it made up his mind and opened its wings to the sky... It's a success! It is sensitive to avoid rain attack, lightly fly in the rain. I was shocked at this moment, and I looked at the strong butterfly until it disappeared under the sky.

  This little butterfly shook my mind, and I had to admire its strength and confidence. It makes me know not to be afraid of difficulties, to believe in yourself, to face it bravely!

英语美文摘抄加翻译 篇四








  The most beautiful face is the shock of the heart

  From the "struggle" in the south to the "dwelling" in David, and now hit series "naked marriage age" of Lewis Yang, a portion of the work of the flight was born, scenes touching the screen picture, people can not help but remember this little guy soon entered showbiz, he called the.

  The wasted years do not go with the most beautiful face, dramatic emotions continue to unfold, to make a strong foundation for the next part of real speech deductive works, this is the beginning of the progress, is the precipitation process, is the result of hard work, but thanks all, all cannot do without his true expression, often in when shocked the audience in front of the screen.

  Many people say that TV movie far enough to capture the shot famous, but the article he did, his performance presents to us is another kind of visual front sublimation, both Steve Ma's tangled emotional outbreak, also have the tenderness and flavor of Qin and Han Dynasties as the emotional perhaps only he could have an easy job to do. Sure.

  The full bloom of the inner world made him get the proper expression in every work. It's the best interpretation to really integrate himself into the plot of the play. An emotional oath, a period of engraved love, and an awesome acting skill, we have to admire this 80 generation's little student. Every leap has written a new chapter for his life's picture. His soul is singing.

  People always have the old one day, the total loss of youth day, but always have said goodbye, and this world, don't give up your dream and adhere to the dream of the people is the most admirable, flowers bloom is not a morning shift, more care is a lifetime commitment that is not for others, just for myself, I need you.

  Not only those three works can be broken out, but his potential is infinitely expanding, burning and surpassing. We are looking forward to the extension of his next work.


