
时间:2017-05-07 02:27:46
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《黄色》中英文美文赏析 篇一

Yellow is the color of sunshine, warmth, and happiness. It is a vibrant and energetic color that can instantly lift one's spirits and brighten up any space. In literature, yellow is often used to symbolize joy, hope, and optimism. Let's explore the beauty of yellow in the following passages from both Chinese and English literature.



In English literature, yellow is often associated with happiness and positivity. In "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the color yellow is used to symbolize wealth, luxury, and the carefree lifestyle of the characters. The character Daisy Buchanan is often described wearing yellow dresses, which represents her privileged background and materialistic nature. The color yellow in this novel adds a layer of complexity and depth to the characters and themes, making it a powerful literary device.

In conclusion, the color yellow holds a special place in literature, symbolizing a wide range of emotions and themes. Whether it represents joy, hope, wealth, or luxury, yellow has the power to evoke strong feelings and create vivid imagery in the minds of readers. Next time you see the color yellow, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and significance in the world of literature.

《黄色》中英文美文赏析 篇二

Yellow is a color that is often associated with warmth, energy, and positivity. In literature, yellow is used to symbolize a wide range of emotions and themes, from joy and happiness to wealth and luxury. Let's explore the beauty of yellow in the following passages from both Chinese and English literature.



In English literature, yellow is often used to symbolize wealth, luxury, and extravagance. In "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, the color yellow is associated with the character Lord Henry, who represents the decadent and hedonistic lifestyle of the upper class. Lord Henry is often described wearing yellow clothes and surrounded by yellow objects, which symbolize his materialistic values and superficiality. The color yellow in this novel serves as a contrast to the darker themes of vanity and corruption, adding depth and complexity to the story.

In conclusion, the color yellow is a versatile and powerful symbol in literature, representing a wide range of emotions and themes. Whether it evokes feelings of joy and happiness or symbolizes wealth and luxury, yellow has the ability to create vivid imagery and convey deeper meanings to readers. Next time you come across the color yellow in a literary work, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and significance in the storytelling.

《黄色》中英文美文赏析 篇三

  Just tie your yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.


  What comes to mind when you think of yellow?


  Yellow makes me feel warm,it's a sunny color.


  Sure, I think different things like a big tall glass of cool yellow lemonade, a large branch of yellow bananas, or an old book with yellow pages, but I also think of a few of yellow sunflowers, the yellow sun rising in the morning, a near yellow trap of goldfish swimming around, a group of trooping yellow chicks?

  当然,我也会想到不同的东西,就像一大杯很凉爽的黄柠檬汁,一大把黄色的香蕉,或者是一本旧书的黄页,但我也会想到黄色的向日葵, 在早晨升起金黄色的太阳,金鱼游来游去,成群结队的黄色小鸡?

  I'm not sure why someone who was easily frightened is describe as yellow, or why that person is sometimes called yellow bellied.


  Yellow is a closest color to gold,which is a very nice color, but I'm not rich, so I'm under the shadow of yellow.


  Talk about it:


  When you hear the word yellow, what comes to your mind?


  How does the color yellow make you feel?


  What are some things that are yellow?


  Do you know any idioms that use the word yellow?


  What are some colors that are similar to yellow?


  What does the color yellow symbolize?


  Can you name some fictional characters that are associated with the color yellow?


  Do you think that the color yellow means different things or different cultures?


《黄色》中英文美文赏析 篇四




















  Yellow, Color of Forgiveness

  ray for me and I'll pray for you

  ray for the wicked and the evil, too

  ray for the genius and the not so smart

  Who with their smiles still touch our hearts

  ray for those who would destroy

  All the baby girls and all the baby boys With their evil toys

  ray for the robber, pray for the thief

  ray for the loss of our belief

  ray for those who can no longer pray

  ray for the loss of another day

  My mother and my father have gone from here

  Others I've loved from yesteryear

  As I grow old and move toward sleep

  Releasing pains I've held so deep

  Deeper than the soul's regret Memories I've yet to forget

  O hope, my love, don't leave me yet

  Your lips speak softly of the light

  As I move humbly into night


