English writing textbook精彩美文(精简3篇)

时间:2014-03-04 09:48:35
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English writing textbook精彩美文 篇一

In our English writing textbook, there is a particularly inspiring passage that I always find myself coming back to. The passage is about the power of words and how they can shape our reality. It begins with a quote from the famous author, J.K. Rowling, which says, "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic."

The passage goes on to explain how words have the ability to create worlds, to transport us to different times and places, and to evoke emotions that we never knew existed. It talks about how a single word can spark a revolution, inspire a generation, or heal a broken heart. It emphasizes the importance of choosing our words carefully, as they have the power to build us up or tear us down.

As I read through this passage, I am reminded of the times when I have been moved to tears by a beautifully written poem, or when a well-crafted story has transported me to a different reality. I am reminded of the power of language to connect us with others, to bridge the gap between cultures, and to foster understanding and empathy.

This passage in our English writing textbook serves as a constant reminder of the beauty and power of words. It inspires me to continue honing my writing skills, to strive for clarity and precision in my expression, and to always choose my words thoughtfully. It reminds me that as writers, we have a responsibility to use our words wisely, to uplift and inspire, and to create a world that is rich with meaning and beauty.

English writing textbook精彩美文 篇二

One of the most memorable passages in our English writing textbook is a reflection on the process of writing itself. It begins with a quote from the renowned author, Ernest Hemingway, which says, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

The passage goes on to describe the often painful and arduous process of putting pen to paper and bringing our thoughts and emotions to life. It talks about the vulnerability of sharing our innermost thoughts with the world, and the courage it takes to expose our true selves through our writing. It emphasizes the importance of perseverance and dedication in the face of rejection and criticism, and the resilience required to continue writing in the face of doubt and uncertainty.

As I read through this passage, I am reminded of the countless hours I have spent agonizing over the perfect turn of phrase, the right word choice, or the most compelling narrative structure. I am reminded of the moments of self-doubt and frustration, the fear of failure, and the relentless pursuit of perfection that often accompanies the writing process. And yet, despite the challenges and obstacles, I am reminded of the sheer joy and satisfaction that comes from creating something truly meaningful and authentic.

This passage in our English writing textbook serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles and triumphs that come with the creative process. It inspires me to continue writing, to push through the moments of self-doubt and uncertainty, and to always strive for authenticity and truth in my work. It reminds me that writing is not just about putting words on a page, but about baring our souls and sharing our deepest truths with the world.

English writing textbook精彩美文 篇三

English writing textbook精彩美文

  English writing textbook

  I would urge the English Department to change its English composition textbook from The Standard Textbook of English to The Modern Writer. By helping to make the students more enthusiastic about writing, the new textbook should ultimately boost the students writing skills in general.

  To give credit where credit is due, we must acknowledge that The Standard Textbook of English is not a bad book. This textbook has shown itself to be somewhat effective in helping to improve the students basic writing skills, and it presents a variety of essay forms, exposing the students to different types of essays they have to either write or understand late on. It would be a safe choice for the department to continue its use of this time-tested book.

  But the past glories of the old textbook cannot hide its problems, particularly its dullness. The essays in this textbook are obviously too long for first-year students to appreciate their beauty. While various essay forms are illustrated in this textbook, they are often illustrated with content that students find very hard to relate to. Students using The Standard Textbook of English may have improved their writing skills in the past three years, but if that is true, they must have had a hard time doing so, to the possible detriment of their performance in other areas. Such problems can only be solved with a new textbook like The Modern Writer.

  The Modern Writer is such that it should generate a lot more enthusiasm in students for learning English writing. The essays in this book are much shorter and therefore easier for university beginners to grasp. Moreover, these essays explore topics that are of interest to most college students such as popular music and career planning. Given the built-in appeal in this new textbook, just no student will have to be compelled to read and learn from it. With this book, the students can be expected to learn while they are having fun or at least thinking of issues that they care about. In all likelihood, the enthusiastic student will be a better student than the bored student.

  The Modern Writer should be able to reach students basic writing skills at least as well as, if not better than,The Standard Textbook of English. The new textbook contains not only a good description of the basics of grammar but also carefully designed exercises to aid students in developing their own essays. In contrast, the old textbook may load the students with too much grammar but give them little chance to actually use it. With their enthusiasm and opportunities to practice, students should be able to pick up writing skills fairly easily, even those skills that are not fully covered by the textbook. The interested students can, for example, do their own research on essay forms.

  Although The Standard Textbook of English is okay as a writing textbook, The Modern Writer should now be preferred. The new textbook can match the old one in strength bur does not have its problems. Besides, the new textbook contains qualities that are not only lacking in the old one but also fundamentally important to the learning students.

English writing textbook精彩美文(精简3篇)

