
时间:2017-09-07 09:21:37
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Engineering Cost Graduate's English Resume Format

Article 1:

As an engineering cost graduate, it is essential to have a well-structured and professional resume to showcase your skills, education, and experience to potential employers. Here is a recommended format for your English resume:

1. Contact Information:

Include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Make sure your contact information is easily visible at the top of the page.

2. Objective Statement:

Write a brief objective statement that highlights your career goals and aspirations in the field of engineering cost. This statement should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for, emphasizing your relevant skills and qualifications.

3. Education:

List your educational background in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, degree obtained, major, and graduation date. You can also mention any notable academic achievements or honors.

4. Technical Skills:

Highlight your technical skills related to engineering cost. This can include proficiency in software programs such as Excel, AutoCAD, and cost estimating software. Add any certifications or training courses you have completed that are relevant to the field.

5. Work Experience:

Detail your work experience, starting with the most recent position. Include the name of the company, position held, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Focus on any cost estimation or analysis projects you have worked on, as well as your ability to manage budgets and control expenses.

6. Projects:

If you have completed any notable projects during your academic or professional career, create a separate section to highlight them. Provide a brief description of each project, including the objectives, methodologies used, and outcomes achieved. This will demonstrate your practical application of engineering cost principles.

7. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities:

Include any leadership roles or involvement in extracurricular activities that showcase your teamwork, communication, and organizational skills. This can include participation in student organizations, volunteering, or leading group projects.

8. References:

It is recommended to include references from professors, employers, or mentors who can speak to your skills and qualifications. Provide their contact information, including their name, position, company, phone number, and email address.

Remember to proofread your resume carefully for any grammatical or spelling errors. Tailor your resume for each job application to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences. With a well-structured and professional resume, you will increase your chances of landing a job in the field of engineering cost.

Article 2:

In the competitive job market, it is crucial for engineering cost graduates to present a well-organized and impactful English resume. Here is a suggested format to help you create an impressive resume:

1. Contact Information:

At the top of the page, provide your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Make sure this information stands out and is easy to find.

2. Summary or Objective Statement:

Write a concise summary or objective statement that highlights your key strengths and career goals in the field of engineering cost. Tailor this statement to the specific job you are applying for, emphasizing your relevant skills and qualifications.

3. Education:

List your educational background in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, degree obtained, major, and graduation date. Mention any academic achievements or honors that are relevant to the field.

4. Technical Skills:

Highlight your technical skills related to engineering cost. Include proficiency in software programs such as Excel, AutoCAD, cost estimating software, and any other relevant tools. Add any certifications or training courses you have completed.

5. Work Experience:

Detail your work experience, starting with the most recent position. Include the name of the company, position held, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Focus on any cost estimation or analysis projects you have worked on, as well as your ability to manage budgets and control expenses.

6. Projects:

If you have completed any significant projects during your academic or professional career, create a separate section to highlight them. Provide a brief description of each project, including the objectives, methodologies used, and outcomes achieved. This will demonstrate your practical application of engineering cost principles.

7. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities:

Include any leadership roles or involvement in extracurricular activities that demonstrate your teamwork, communication, and organizational skills. This can include participation in student organizations, volunteering, or leading group projects.

8. References:

Consider including references from professors, employers, or mentors who can vouch for your skills and qualifications. Provide their contact information, including their name, position, company, phone number, and email address.

Ensure that your resume is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Customize your resume for each job application to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences. With a well-structured and impactful resume, you will enhance your chances of securing a job in the field of engineering cost.

工程造价毕业生的英文简历格式 篇三

  name: sex don't: female

  people family: the han nationality

  date of birth: on february 22,

  telephone number:13766666666

  marriage status: single

  body high: 158 cm body weight: 54 kg

  education experience

  graduate school: fuzhou software vocational and technical college study calendar: junior professional name: civil class engineering cost graduation year: XX

  job objective

  position properties: the whole job

  position title: planner,;

  treatment requirements: (interview) yuan/month does not need to provide housing

  starting time: may at any time to work

  skill expertise

  language: english class b;

  computer level: general

  work experience

  company: fujian zhuo know project investment consulting co., ltd fuzhou branch

  time range: january XX -

  the company properties: private/private company

  by sector: construction, real estate, property management, decoration

  position: civil planner

  job description: intern

  leaving reason:


  i have a bright and cheerful disposition to treat serious and responsible work, sincere, good at communication, coordination has the strong organization ability and team spirit. lively and cheerful, optimistic progress, has the compassion and good at teaching parallel; self-motivated, diligently study can progress their own ability and the comprehensive quality. in the future work, i will with abundant energy, studies assiduously the spirit to work har

d, steady progress their work ability, and the company synchronous development.












