
时间:2014-03-02 05:26:17
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网页设计师英文简历精选 篇一

Name: John Smith

Email: johnsmith@email.com

Phone: (123)456-7890

Website: www.johnsmith.com


Highly skilled web designer with 5 years of experience seeking a challenging position in a reputable company. Committed to creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites to enhance client satisfaction and drive business growth.


Bachelor of Arts in Web Design

XYZ University, City, State

Graduated May 20XX


- Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Adobe Creative Suite

- Strong understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles

- Experience with responsive design and mobile optimization

- Knowledge of SEO best practices to improve website visibility

- Ability to work with cross-functional teams and meet project deadlines

- Excellent communication and problem-solving skills


Web Designer

ABC Company, City, State

June 20XX - Present

- Collaborated with clients to understand their website requirements and design objectives

- Created wireframes and mockups using design tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator

- Developed responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

- Conducted usability testing and made necessary adjustments to improve user experience

- Optimized websites for search engines to increase organic traffic and improve rankings

Freelance Web Designer

City, State

June 20XX - Present

- Worked with various clients to design and develop custom websites based on their specific needs

- Implemented responsive design techniques to ensure optimal viewing experience across different devices

- Collaborated with clients throughout the design process to ensure their vision was accurately reflected

- Utilized SEO strategies to improve website visibility and increase organic traffic

- Managed multiple projects simultaneously and consistently met project deadlines


- Designed a fully responsive e-commerce website for a local boutique, resulting in a 30% increase in online sales within the first month of launch

- Redesigned the corporate website for a technology company, resulting in a 50% increase in website traffic and a higher conversion rate

- Developed a user-friendly website for a nonprofit organization, resulting in a 20% increase in online donations


Available upon request

网页设计师英文简历精选 篇二

Name: Emily Johnson

Email: emilyjohnson@email.com

Phone: (123)456-7890

Website: www.emilyjohnson.com


Creative and detail-oriented web designer with a passion for creating visually stunning and functional websites. Seeking an opportunity to utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the success of a dynamic company.


Bachelor of Fine Arts in Web Design

ABC University, City, State

Graduated May 20XX


- Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Adobe Creative Suite

- Strong understanding of user experience (UX) design principles

- Experience with responsive design and mobile optimization

- Knowledge of SEO best practices to improve website visibility

- Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams

- Excellent attention to detail and problem-solving skills


Web Designer

XYZ Agency, City, State

June 20XX - Present

- Collaborated with clients to conceptualize and develop visually appealing websites that align with their brand identity

- Translated client requirements into wireframes and mockups using design tools such as Sketch and InVision

- Developed responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks

- Conducted usability testing and gathered user feedback to optimize website performance

- Collaborated with developers to ensure seamless integration of design elements

Freelance Web Designer

City, State

June 20XX - Present

- Worked with a diverse range of clients to design and develop custom websites tailored to their unique needs

- Implemented responsive design techniques to ensure optimal user experience across devices

- Conducted competitor analysis and utilized SEO strategies to improve website visibility and drive organic traffic

- Managed multiple projects simultaneously and consistently met project deadlines

- Provided ongoing website maintenance and support to clients


- Designed a visually stunning portfolio website for a photographer, resulting in increased client inquiries and bookings

- Redesigned the website for a local restaurant, resulting in a 20% increase in online reservations and improved user engagement

- Developed a user-friendly e-learning platform for an educational institution, resulting in improved student satisfaction and increased course enrollment


Available upon request

网页设计师英文简历精选 篇三


  Mr.Peter Hayek

  654, Plains borough

  East Hanover, NJ-94342

  Phone: 034-234-9342



  To seek a position of a web designer in a company where my skills and abilities will be used and nurtured.


  Copley Web Designers, Boston MA

  2000 - Present

  Web Designer

  Responsible for the design and development of Internet, Intranet, web sites and web applications through the use of Macromedia Dream weaver, Front Page and Adobe Photo Shop 5.0.

  Developed page layout, navigation, copy, animation, buttons and icons.

  Presented designs and concepts to Clients and the Management for review.

  Installed Shopping Carts, Automatic Response mailers and Online Forms.

  Assisted help desk staff in streamlining the process.

  Brighton Web Design Studio, Boston MA

  1998 - 2000

  Web Designer

  Responsible for the design of client websites right from conceptualization stage to its implementation.

  Worked with digital graphical design tools including Adobe PhotoShop, Fireworks, Flash and Illustrator.

  Created animations using flash for an on-line multimedia store.

  Responsible for web hosting and the installation of e-mail and forms.

  Developed access database and web interface suitable for client needs.

  Perform the validation and testing of the finished web s



  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  Boston MA

  1994 - 1998

  BS in Computer Science


  Windows 95/98/2000 MS DOS

  Java HTML

  JavaScript Shell

  Visual Basic 4.0 Microm Rbase

  Macromedia Dream Weaver Fireworks

  Adobe PhotoShop MS Access

  Microsoft Front Page Oracle

  Corel Paradox Visual C++

  Adobe Photo Mill


  In my spare time I enjoy athletics and have participated in both the Boston and New York marathons. I also enjoy reading and traveling to different places.


