考研复试英语自我介绍 面试【通用4篇】

时间:2014-03-06 02:30:12
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考研复试英语自我介绍 面试 篇一

Good morning/afternoon, professors and fellow students. It's my honor to be here today and have the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am a candidate for the postgraduate program in [Your Major] at [University Name].

Let me begin by giving you a brief overview of my educational background. I obtained my bachelor's degree in [Your Major] from [University Name]. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I consistently ranked among the top students in my class, which earned me several scholarships and awards. These achievements not only reflect my academic abilities but also demonstrate my dedication and hard work.

During my undergraduate years, I actively participated in various extracurricular activities and took on leadership roles in several student organizations. For example, I served as the president of the English Club, where I organized events such as English corner and debate competitions to enhance students' English proficiency. These experiences helped me develop excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

Besides my academic and extracurricular achievements, I also have practical work experience. Last summer, I interned at [Company Name], where I worked in the [Department Name]. This experience allowed me to apply the knowledge I acquired in the classroom to real-world situations. It also helped me develop a strong work ethic and problem-solving skills.

As for my research interests, I am particularly interested in [Your Research Area], which is why I am applying for the postgraduate program at [University Name]. I believe that pursuing further studies in this field will enable me to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and make a meaningful impact in society.

In conclusion, I am confident that my strong academic background, leadership experiences, practical work experience, and research interests make me a suitable candidate for the postgraduate program at [University Name]. I am eager to learn from distinguished professors and fellow students, and I am committed to devoting myself to research and academic excellence. Thank you for considering my application.

That's all for my self-introduction. I am ready to answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

考研复试英语自我介绍 面试 篇二

Good morning/afternoon, professors and fellow students. I am delighted to stand here today and introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am applying for the postgraduate program in [Your Major] at [University Name].

To begin, I would like to give you a brief overview of my academic background. I graduated from [University Name] with a bachelor's degree in [Your Major]. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects, which not only broadened my knowledge but also cultivated my critical thinking and analytical skills. Additionally, I consistently achieved outstanding academic performance and was awarded scholarships for my achievements.

Apart from my academic pursuits, I actively engaged in extracurricular activities during my undergraduate years. I volunteered as a tutor for underprivileged children, helping them improve their academic performance and providing guidance and mentorship. This experience allowed me to develop a sense of social responsibility and empathy for others. Furthermore, I participated in several research projects, where I had the chance to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations and develop problem-solving skills.

In terms of my research interests, I am particularly interested in [Your Research Area]. I am fascinated by the potential for innovation and the impact it can have on society. I believe that pursuing further studies in this field will not only allow me to contribute to the advancement of knowledge but also enable me to make a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that my strong academic background, active involvement in extracurricular activities, and research interests make me a suitable candidate for the postgraduate program at [University Name]. I am eager to learn from distinguished professors and fellow students and contribute to the academic community. Thank you for considering my application.

That concludes my self-introduction. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

考研复试英语自我介绍 面试 篇三

Good morning/afternoon, professors and fellow candidates. It is a great pleasure to be here today and have the chance to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am from [Your Hometown], [Your Province/State].

Firstly, let me give you a brief overview of my educational background. I completed my undergraduate studies in [Your Major] at [Your University] in [Year]. Throughout my academic journey, I have always been passionate about acquiring knowledge and pushing myself to excel in my studies. I consistently ranked among the top students in my major, which reflects my dedication and hard work.

Moreover, I have actively engaged in extracurricular activities to broaden my horizons and enhance my skills. For instance, I joined the university debate team, where I honed my critical thinking and public speaking abilities. This experience not only improved my confidence but also enabled me to effectively express my ideas and opinions. Additionally, I participated in several leadership training programs, which equipped me with essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making. These experiences have not only enriched my university life but also prepared me for future challenges.

In terms of research experience, I have been involved in various projects that have deepened my understanding of my field of study. For instance, I conducted research on [Your Research Topic] under the guidance of my professor. This experience not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge but also improved my research methodologies and analytical skills. I presented the research findings at a national conference, which not only expanded my academic network but also sharpened my presentation skills.

Furthermore, I have gained practical experience through internships. Last summer, I interned at [Company/Organization Name], where I was responsible for [Your Responsibilities]. This experience not only enhanced my understanding of the industry but also developed my problem-solving and communication skills in a professional setting.

Lastly, I actively contribute to my community through volunteer work. I firmly believe in the importance of giving back to society. For instance, I have been volunteering at a local elderly care center, where I organize recreational activities and provide companionship for the residents. This experience has not only taught me the value of empathy and compassion but also reinforced my dedication to making a positive impact on others' lives.

In conclusion, my solid educational background, research experience, practical skills, and community involvement have shaped me into a well-rounded individual. I am confident that I can contribute to the academic and social environment at your esteemed university. Thank you for your attention.

考研复试英语自我介绍 面试 篇四









Good morning , I am glad to be here for this interview . First let me introduce myself. My name is DengAnLiang, 22 Years old. I come from XiaoGan City HuBei Province . I study in China Three Gorges University .And my major is Computer Science And Technology .

I have many interests such as reading books 、watch movies and play ping-pong, but I most interested in Programming , especially web programming . During my four years in university , I build many websites .In grade one , I write my first personal homepage ,which gives me great pleasure . Later I use wordpress to build my personal blog , and when I learn PHP by myself ,I used it to write my own blog program . Though I did not make any money by my site , I think it is very meaningful , because it help me to build self-confidence .

In grade two and grade three , I entered our school’s qimingxing studio, at where I learnt many useful things ,such as team spirit . I think it is important to learn from others ,and we should help each other during the project .

At the end of grade three , I decided to take the National Graduate Entrance Examination . When asked about why I want to be a graduate student ,at least I have two answers . First , I think I need to learn more . In university I learnt too much languages but did not learn deep enough even in one subject. I think if I was a graduate student I can learn something deeply and be expert in some subject . Second , I think I will have a brilliant future if I can be a graduate student , I can have good salary and make my parents happy , and my life will be more smooth .

That’s all , thank you very much!

考研复试英语自我介绍 面试【通用4篇】

