
时间:2016-04-07 06:29:50
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考研英语复试自我介绍开场白及结束语 篇一


Good morning/afternoon, honorable professors and respected teachers. I am [Your Name], a senior student from [Your University]. It is my great honor to be here today to introduce myself and express my sincere desire to pursue a Master's degree in [Your Major] at [University Name].

I have been dreaming of becoming a [Your Major] since my undergraduate years, as I have always been fascinated by [Specific Field]. Throughout my academic journey, I have cultivated a solid foundation in [Your Major] and obtained a deep understanding of the principles and theories in this field. In addition, I have actively participated in various research projects and internships to gain practical experience and enhance my problem-solving skills.


In conclusion, I am fully aware that the road to pursuing a Master's degree is challenging, but I am confident that my passion, perseverance, and dedication will enable me to overcome any obstacles that may come my way. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to contribute my knowledge and skills to the academic community at [University Name] and make a meaningful impact in the field of [Your Major]. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to the chance of joining the esteemed [University Name] and continuing my pursuit of academic excellence.

考研英语复试自我介绍开场白及结束语 篇二


Good morning/afternoon, respected professors, and dear distinguished guests. I am [Your Name], a graduate from [Your University], honored to stand before you today to introduce myself and express my sincere aspiration to pursue a Master's degree in [Your Major] at [University Name].

Ever since I was a child, I have been captivated by the fascinating world of [Your Major]. The endless possibilities and potential for innovation have inspired me to explore this field further. During my undergraduate studies, I have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental theories and concepts in [Your Major]. Moreover, I have actively engaged in extracurricular activities, such as academic competitions and volunteering, to broaden my horizons and develop essential skills such as teamwork and leadership.


In conclusion, I firmly believe that pursuing a Master's degree at [University Name] will provide me with the ideal environment to further expand my knowledge and skills in [Your Major]. I am determined to contribute to the field by conducting innovative research and making significant contributions to the academic community. I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration, and I am excited about the possibility of joining the esteemed [University Name] to embark on this exciting academic journey. Thank you once again for your attention, and I am looking forward to becoming a part of the vibrant intellectual community at [University Name].

考研英语复试自我介绍开场白及结束语 篇三




  1 Introduce yourself 介绍个人信息

  2 Introduce your college 介绍你的大学

  3 Introduce your family 介绍你的家庭

  4 Introduce your hometown 介绍你的`家乡

  5 Introduce your reasons for preparing the postgraduate exam 介绍自己为何要考研

  6 Why do you choose to study in our department? 讲述报考该院校的原因

  7 About your future plans 你的未来计划

  8 Do you have any hobbies? 个人爱好


  Good morning, teachers, I am honored to be informed to have this interview.

  Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself.

  Good morning. It’s my great honor to attend this interview.

  Good morning. I’m very glad to have this opportunity for this interview.

  Good morning. I’m so glad to attend the interview.


  I’m so glad to attend this interview today. This opportunity of interview is precious to me. In face of it, I feel the wish to enter this university is so urgent. It seems that my dream will soon come true. I sincerely hope all professors here can give me this opportunity

to realize my dream. In a word, if luckily I get the chance to learn MBA in Dalian University of Technology, I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time, and I hope I can form a systematic view of business management and make a solid foundation for my profession after three years study here.


