
时间:2017-08-07 08:11:27
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外贸广告英语口语对话 篇一

Title: Effective Strategies for Foreign Trade Advertising


In today's globalized world, effective advertising plays a crucial role in attracting customers and promoting products in the foreign trade industry. This article aims to provide insights into effective strategies for foreign trade advertising through English dialogue.


A: Hi there! Have you seen the latest advertisement for our products?

B: Yes, I have. The visuals and graphics are impressive, but I think we can improve the English text to make it more appealing to our target audience.

A: That's a good point. What changes do you suggest?

B: Firstly, we should ensure that the text is concise and easy to understand. Many potential customers might not have English as their first language.

A: Absolutely! We don't want to confuse or overwhelm them with complex sentences. How about using shorter sentences and bullet points?

B: That's a great idea. It will make the advertisement more visually appealing and easier to read. Additionally, we should use simple and straightforward language to convey the key features and benefits of our products.

A: Definitely. We want our message to be easily comprehensible. It's also important to include a clear call-to-action in the advertisement.

B: Yes, we should guide potential customers on how to contact us or make a purchase. Including our website or contact information would be beneficial.

A: Agreed. Lastly, let's not forget to localize our advertisement. We should consider cultural differences and adapt our content accordingly.

B: That's crucial. We should research the target market's values and preferences to ensure our advertisement resonates with them.


Creating effective foreign trade advertisements requires careful consideration of language, content, and cultural context. By using concise and straightforward language, including a clear call-to-action, and adapting the content to the target market, we can maximize the impact of our advertisements and attract more customers.

外贸广告英语口语对话 篇二

Title: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Foreign Trade Advertising


In today's digital era, social media has become a powerful tool for advertising in the foreign trade industry. This article aims to explore the benefits and strategies of utilizing social media platforms to promote products and attract customers through English dialogue.


A: Hey, have you considered using social media to advertise our products to international customers?

B: Yes, I think it's a great idea. Social media platforms have a wide reach and allow us to target specific demographics effectively.

A: Absolutely. We can create engaging content such as videos, images, and infographics to showcase our products and attract attention.

B: And we can also leverage influencer marketing. Collaborating with influencers who have a large following in our target market will help us expand our reach.

A: That's a smart move. Additionally, we should encourage user-generated content by running contests or campaigns that encourage customers to share their experiences with our products.

B: User-generated content adds authenticity and credibility to our brand. Engaging with customers through comments and direct messages is also important to build relationships and address their queries promptly.

A: True. We should also keep track of our social media analytics to understand which platforms and posts are performing well and optimize our strategies accordingly.

B: Definitely. By analyzing data, we can identify trends, understand customer preferences, and refine our content to maximize engagement and conversion rates.

A: Lastly, let's not forget to interact with our customers regularly. Responding to comments and messages promptly shows that we value their opinions and reinforces our commitment to customer satisfaction.

B: Absolutely. Building a strong online presence and establishing a positive brand image will help us stand out in the competitive foreign trade market.


Incorporating social media into foreign trade advertising strategies is essential in today's digital landscape. By creating engaging content, leveraging influencer marketing, encouraging user-generated content, analyzing data, and interacting with customers, we can harness the power of social media to effectively promote our products and attract a global customer base.

外贸广告英语口语对话 篇三


  W: Excuse me, are you Mr. Yang?


  Y: Yes, I am. And you are?


  W: I am White. You called me earlier to let me come over.

  怀特:我是怀特。你之前给我打电话让我 过来的。

  Y: Oh, yes. Thank you for being here.Please sit down.



May I ask what is the matter?


  Y: I am thinking of doing a sales promotion for our products. Can you give me some suggestion?

  杨:我想为我们的产品做一个促销活 动。你能给我们建议一下吗?

  W: Of course. We have investigated your products before and found that although the quality of your product is very good, the customer's awareness is not high. So I think you need an advertising campaign.

  怀特:当然可以。我们之前调査过你们的 产品,发现虽然你们的产品质量很 好,但顾客认知度不高。因此我觉 得你们需要做一个广告活动。

  Y: What is advantage of advertising? Doesn't it cost money to advertise?

  杨:广告有什么好处吗?做广告不是要 费用的吗?

  W: There is a saying which goes “Wine needs no bush'".But today the market competition is more and more fierce, so “Wine needs bush”. It is not enough for the enterprise to have just good quality and service. Only by matching with good advertisement can an enterprise be in the indefectible position.

  怀特:俗话说“酒香不怕巷子深”,但在 市场竞争日益激烈的今天,“酒香 也怕巷子深”,企业仅有优质的产 品和服务是不够的,只有配以良好 的广告宣传,才能在市场上立于不败之地。

  Y: What you said is very reasonable. Our products are very good, but the sales volume is not high. Maybe that is because customers don't understand our products and dare not to buy easily.

  杨:你说得很有道理。我们的产品很 好,但就是销售量不高,可能就是 因为顾客对我们的产品不了解,不敢轻易购买。

  W: It is right for you to think like this. Advertising does need certain fee, but you may earn more the cost of advertising.


  Y: Good, I think this is worthy of a try.



