
时间:2014-09-07 07:28:28
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并列关系的难句子 篇一


1. Not only did he fail to finish the project on time, but he also failed to communicate with his team members effectively.

2. She not only lost her job, but also lost her house due to the economic recession.

3. The company needs to increase its revenue and cut its expenses in order to stay afloat in the competitive market.

4. The students not only studied hard for the exam, but also participated in extracurricular activities to enhance their skills.

5. The government must address the issue of income inequality and improve access to education for all citizens.


并列关系的难句子 篇二


1. The company is facing challenges not only in terms of market competition, but also in terms of internal restructuring.

2. She not only needs to finish her homework, but also needs to prepare for the upcoming exams.

3. The government must address the issue of environmental pollution and promote sustainable development.

4. The project requires both financial investment and human resources to be completed successfully.

5. The students not only need to improve their academic performance, but also need to develop their soft skills for future career opportunities.

在写作中,我们可以通过使用连接词如and, but, or, nor, yet, so等来连接并列关系的句子,以确保句子的结构清晰,逻辑关系明确。并列关系的句子可以帮助我们表达更加复杂的想法,提高文章的质量和深度。因此,在写作中,我们应该多加练习并列关系的句子,以提高自己的写作水平。

并列关系的难句子 篇三

1. 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

2. 萨姆一边等着一边翻阅杂志。

3. 这不是势均力敌的两军作战,而是兵力十分悬殊的交锋。

4. 她一边唱歌一边跳舞。

5. 北极光变幻莫测,时而像流星掠过,时而像群星闪耀,时而又像一颗颗绿色的信号弹。

6. 承诺不是戏言,而是一种责任。

7. 高明的老师不是把知识直接灌输给学生,而是引导和指点学生自己去学习。

8. 他的为人又豪爽,又真诚。

9. 有的……有的……、一方面……另一方面……、有时候……有时候……、那么……那么……、既然……又……、也、又、还、同时。一边……一边……,一会儿……一会儿……,一面.......一面......,有……有……等。

10. 做人既不要自高自大,也不要妄自菲薄。

11. 小明一边听着音乐,一边喝着牛奶。

12. 王明一边干活一边吹着口哨。


