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英文关于时间的句子 篇一

Time is a valuable commodity that we all possess, yet often take for granted. It is a constant force that dictates our schedules, routines, and ultimately, our lives. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we go to bed at night, time is always ticking away, never pausing for anyone or anything. We measure our days in hours, our weeks in days, and our years in months, always striving to make the most of the time we have.

Time can be both a friend and a foe, depending on how we choose to use it. When we manage our time effectively, we can accomplish great things, meet our goals, and lead fulfilling lives. However, when we waste time on trivial matters, procrastinate, or let opportunities slip through our fingers, time can become our enemy, leaving us feeling regretful and unfulfilled.

In the grand scheme of things, time is a finite resource that we must learn to cherish and make the most of. We cannot turn back the clock or add more hours to the day, so it is essential that we prioritize our time wisely and make the most of every moment. Whether it's spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing our passions, or working towards our dreams, time is a precious gift that we should never take for granted.

As the saying goes, time waits for no man. It is up to each of us to make the most of the time we have, to seize the day and live life to the fullest. So let us cherish every moment, make the most of every opportunity, and never forget the value of time in shaping our lives.

英文关于时间的句子 篇二

Time is a fascinating concept that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and poets alike for centuries. It is a mysterious force that governs our existence, shaping the past, present, and future in a continuous cycle of moments. Time is both a linear progression and a subjective experience, with each person perceiving it differently based on their own unique perspective.

In our modern society, time has become a commodity that we are constantly trying to manage and control. We live in a fast-paced world where time is money, and every second counts. We schedule our days down to the minute, rushing from one task to the next in a never-ending quest to be productive and efficient. However, in our pursuit of time management, we often forget to savor the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of the here and now.

Despite our best efforts to control time, it remains an elusive and uncontrollable force. We cannot slow it down, speed it up, or stop it altogether. Time marches forward, indifferent to our desires and plans. It reminds us of our mortality, of the limited time we have on this earth, and the importance of making the most of every precious moment.

In the end, time is a powerful and paradoxical force that both constrains and liberates us. It is a reminder of our mortality and the impermanence of life, yet also a source of hope and possibility. As we navigate the complexities of time and existence, let us remember to cherish the present moment, to savor the beauty of the passing hours, and to embrace the mystery and wonder of time in all its forms.

英文关于时间的句子 篇三

1. I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. 昨天我起的很早,那是个美丽的清晨,阳光照耀,鸟儿在歌唱。

2. 做个废柴没有梦想吃饭睡觉保持可爱

3. The gold glinted in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。

4. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。

5. 待人退一步,爱人宽一寸,人生自然活得很快乐。

6. The dusk lake light, the setting sun illuminates. The beautiful scene is only somewhat moved, but is very beautiful so be charmed … 黄昏的湖光,夕阳斜照。美丽的情景只是有些伤感,但还是很美的,让人神往。

7. When his weapons win he is defeated himself.当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。

8. 时间,就象海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。

9. As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time.

10. 雨会停,天会晴,没有什么会一直糟糕透顶。

11. 时间是最难抓住的东西,珍惜!

12. 时间是一条金河,莫让它轻轻地在你的指尖溜过。

13. 想成事业,必须宝贵时间,充分利用时间。

14. Youth and white paper take any impression. 青年犹如白纸,可以打上任何印记。

15. 最不善于利用时间的人最爱抱怨时光短暂。

16. Time past cannot be called back again.

17. 最浪费不起的是时间。

18. Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love.生命从世界得到资产,爱情使它得到价值。

19. Time and tide wait for no man.

20. 风尘仆仆终有归途,从此余生不被辜负。

21. 人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。

22. 想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。

23. 时间不等,余生不多,懂得珍惜。

24. 北客翩然,壮心偏感,年华将暮。

25. No time like the present. 现在正是时候/只争朝夕。

26. 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

27. Not only can we stand in Poyang Lake banks feel the warmth of spring sunshine, enjoying the sunlight beautiful lake, also personally into farmland to see rape flowers, fragrant smell of earth. 我们不仅能站在鄱阳湖畔细细感受春日阳光的温暖,欣赏阳光沐浴下的美丽鄱湖,还亲自走进农田看油菜花,闻泥土香。

28. 事事及时做,一日胜三日。

29. Time reveals(discloses) all things.万事日久自明。

30. 走自己的路,去看自己的人生风景。

31. 在落叶知秋中,收敛心神适时而生。

32. 莫轻易,白了少年头,空悲切。

33. 借酒醉半生,不知谁人伴余生。

34. Oh, to you I give the sun, my heart. 哦,给你绚烂的阳光,美好的心愿。

35. Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns.阴勿虚度,青春 不再来。

36. 时间是审查一切罪犯的最老练的法官。

37. 去年寄书报阳台,今年寄书重相催。

38. Time flies. 时光易逝。

39. Time dresses the greatest wounds.

40. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. 希望今天美好的时光与挚友成为明天金子般闪闪发光的记忆。

41. Time cannot be won again.时间一去不再来。

42. Sunshine seemed like gold. 阳光看着像金子。

43. 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。

44. 百年三万六千日,光阴只有瞬息间。

45. Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock.

46. And who can say why your heart cries, When your love dies Only time… 唯有时光…又有谁能说出当爱已成谎言,你的心为何哭泣?

47. 你是被我安安稳稳爱着的人,可以大胆做任何事。

48. 每个人都经历过青春,相信在你的青春中也有那么一段令你值得回忆的。

49. 时间能使隐匿的东西显露,也能使灿烂夺目的东西黯然无光。

50. To save time is to lengthen life. 节省时间就是延长生命。

51. 总有一个人,在一段时光里,当过另一个人的神。

52. 有些人,有些事,在岁月流逝后,会变得更加刻骨铭心。

53. 再坚持一下,一切美好正在慢慢奔向你。

54. 合理安排时间就是节约时间。

55. 努力的话,什么好运都会奔向你。

56. 丢失的牛羊可以找回;但是失去的时间却无法找回。

57. 时事境迁,我们在光阴里丢了什么?岁月流转,年华里错过何家?

58. 况是青春日将暮,桃花乱落如红雨。

59. 记得珍惜那些还在身边的人,记得珍惜那些流过的时间。记得珍惜你自己。

60. 如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首.

61. 有生命,那里便有希望。

62. 流逝的岁月,流逝的神话,这些许是地是神的旨意,温柔的宇宙,我这颗小星球又能怎样?只有在流逝中等待新的奇迹。

英文关于时间的句子 篇四

1. 任何节约归根到底是时间的节约。

2. 昨别今已春,鬓丝生几缕。

3. Come and Enjoy Sunshine and Good Wine. 快来朗格多克感受阳光与美酒吧!

4. 我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。

5. However, both of them has experienced a happy life, and the extinction of their time. 他们都同样经历过一段美好的生活时光,也同样经历了国破家亡的日子。

6. “就像一座老房子窗户关久了阳光一下子照进来不是温暖是刺眼”

7. 流水落花春去也,天上人间。

8. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit. We can not flower and grow without it. 赞美就像是阳光,人的精神,没有它我们的生命就失去阳光。

9. Nation's first LADAR Institute; world class facilities for the development of laser radar technologies. 全美第一个(目前也是唯一的一个) 激光雷达研究院;具有世界一流的激光雷达研发设施。

10. 野火在远方,远方在你琥珀色的眼睛里。

11. The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。”

12. Time profound rather than shallow, please don't used to mourn rather than miss.

13. No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.

14. 同一天的周而复始,若不在哪里留下折痕,说不定会产生错觉。

15. Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns. 光阴勿虚度,青春不再来。

16. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

17. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

18. A gathering of students, like a clear river 同学相聚时的时光是何等的美好!

19. Around the galaxy, there are no brighter stars than you.

20. 没有方法能使时钟为我敲已过去了的钟点。

21. 前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。

22. 时光荏苒,过去滴翻出来,又是一个轮回,但时过境迁、物是人非。

23. 明朝寒食了,又是一年春。

24. His own mornings are new surprises to God.神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。

25. 最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你那转瞬的回眸。

26. 时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你。

27. 九马画山数命运一生伴君不羡仙

28. 时光轮转,转眼就到上半年的最后一个月。六月,是高考的奋战,是毕业的伤感,也是有世界杯陪伴的火热夏天。生活就像一场旅行,你经历的,就是最好的风景。无论你的六月关键词是什么,都愿时光不负努力,青春不负自己。

29. 当你在感慨时间的流逝的时候,你已经在开始变老了。

30. All time is no time when it is past.

31. 花有重开时,人无再少年。

32. Time gives good advice. 时间给予金玉良言。

33. 明日巴陵道,秋山又几重。

34. Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.光阴似箭,一去不返。

35. 给时间时间,让过去过去。

36. 时间就是沙子,只能顺其自然。时间不留人。

37. Beyond the other door, it's a goodtime we'll run free love free although the last man who know you in the only paradise! 穿越那扇门,在那唯一的天堂里,即使只有一个人了解你,那也是一段自由自在的美妙时光!

38. One beautiful day, the birds were singing and the beasts were enjoying the nice weather. 一个美丽的日子,鸟儿欢歌,野兽也喜滋滋地沐浴着阳光。

39. 快乐是一种境界,幸福是一种追求。

40. 萋萋春草秋绿,落落长松夏寒。

41. 错过银钱犹之可,错过光阴无处寻。

42. 勤奋的人是时间的主人,懒惰的人是时间的奴隶。

43. 记忆轻浅,只有在某个不经意的情境里,才会若有若无的想起。当年流水,就那样一去不回头,带走的,还有一段最美的光阴。

44. We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright.

45. 浪费时间是所有支出中最奢侈最昂贵的。

46. Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns.

47. Time is the father of truth. 时间是真理之父。

48. 春暖花开香满院,莺歌燕舞乐满庭。

49. Time tries friends as fire tries gold.

50. 玫瑰花对你情有独钟,这份爱不是说说而已。

51. 时间是由分秒积成的,善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更大的成绩来。

52. 晚岁登门最不才,萧萧华发映金罍。

53. 转眼一年又过去了,时光荏苒;当我们回头望,很多人很多事早已物是人非了,空留下一连串的叹息。

54. 人生岂得长无谓,怀古思乡共白头。

55. 时间如流水,默默的从你指甲滑过。

56. 盛年不再来,一日难再晨。

57. 静静的看着天空,回忆过去的点点滴滴,发现,原来完美已渐渐老去。

58. the most beautiful time, met the most beautiful you. 最美的时光,遇见最美的你们

59. 时间过的太快了,胖子瘦子都赶不上。

60. 忘记了时间,只缘身在此山中。

61. 珍惜时光,今日的事,今日便做毕。

62. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

63. 珍惜现在,莫负时光。

64. 花有重开日,人老何曾再少年。

65. Take time by the forelock.把握目前的时机。

66. 今夜,寂寞的灵魂,已无处安放,就让时光在你我的浅斟低酌中,慢些、再慢些吧,让孤独的时光不再延长。

67. Son: Mom, what is stuck to the people? 儿子:妈,什么叫唯唯诺诺的人?。

68. 希望世界安静,带走所有的小情绪。

69. In the Malagasy sunlight her skin was golden. xx岁的女孩美丽至极。 在马达加斯加的阳光下她的肤色是金黄的。

70. Time tries all.时间检验一切。

71. 时间像沙漏中的细沙,悄悄流逝。

72. The sun ripens the wheat. 阳光使麦子成熟了。

73. 时间给你的眼角留下了岁月的痕迹,记忆却是充满了美好的画面。

74. As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time. 一寸光阴一寸金。

75. Time tries truth.

76. That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。

77. 繁华千种,抵不过岁月流年,红颜易老,伤不起光阴似箭!

78. Sunlight percolated the entire house. 阳光过滤了整座房子。

79. 爱那一场场繁华落尽后的曲终人散。

80. 时间如梭,生命如歌。

81. Sweet the rains' new fall sunlit from heaven. 初下的雨水和来自天庭的阳光何等甜美。

82. 有些人,有些事,在岁月流逝后,会变得更加刻苦铭心。

83. Burkin and Ivan Ivanovitch went out on the balcony , from which there was a beautiful view over the garden and the mill-pond, which was shining now in the sunshine like a mirror. 伯京和伊凡·伊凡诺维奇去了阳台,从那儿能看到花园和磨坊池塘那边的美丽景色,磨坊池塘此刻在阳光下像镜子一样闪闪发光。

84. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. (光阴如锉,细磨无声)

85. Tomorrow comes never.

86. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。

87. ◆◇丶 Ero l'unico barlume di vostro esistente.我是唯一为你存在的微光。

88. 一切都不是我们的,而是别人的,只有时间是我们的财产。

89. My love is written in the wind ever since the whole world is you.

90. What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my l...

91. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.

92. 时间如流水,半点不等人。

93. 我们微笑着说我们停留在时光的原处其实早已被洪流无声地卷走

94. 最是江南好,情深几许何人了?

95. Today is the only day, and now is the only time that I can make my dreams come true. 今天是唯一的日子,而现在也是唯一的时间,来让我朝着梦想努力奋进。

96. 岁月无痕,流水时光,却容不下我这一只残破孤零的扁舟。

97. What could happen to a beautiful girl sleeping in the chaise lounge on the sunny beach ? 美丽的女孩就是魔法的代名词,在阳光充足的海滩上将会发生什么呢?

98. 时间的不可听见的无声脚步。---莎士比亚

99. 时间,抚摸的是记忆,而非回忆。

100. 将来有一天,月亮应该会这么想吧,你才是月亮。

101. 春宵一刻值千金,花有清香月有阴。

102. 我们就应该抓紧每一个现在时,不让青春白白流逝。

103. Smile. Have a good time. 微笑,享受美好时光。

104. Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq.

105. Time is money.

106. 曾经一度想要得到的东西,随着时间的流逝,多年以后却觉得索然无味。

107. Time discovered truth. 时间发现真理。

108. I can remember the good old days. 我还记得那些美好的旧时光。

109. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. 村路边有很多美丽的野花、青草、大树,阳光照耀的枝叶闪耀。

110. 为君聊赋今日诗,努力请从今日始。

111. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。

112. No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed.光阴如流水,一去不复返。

113. 时间,有时候是一种宽恕。

114. The slant of sun becomes significant. 斜射的太阳光显得如此美妙。

115. 人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。

116. Time and chance reveal all secrets.

117. Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.

118. 银河寂静星馥闪,晚风轻吹夜阑珊。

119. Time is , time was , and time is past.现在有时间,过去有时间,时间一去不复返。

120. Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.

121. 不要争争吵吵,一晃缘份就物是人非了;不必斤斤计较,一闪时光就今非昔比了,还是随和点最好。时光,珍重;岁月,相惜!

122. Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.

123. 人生一场虚空大梦,韶华白首,不过转瞬。百年的光阴流转,早已是酒徒萧索,不似去年时。

124. Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair… 让我们站在阳光下尽情舞蹈,发间插满美丽的野花儿,……

英文关于时间的句子 篇五

1. 时间,一分一秒的进行着,我们常常会忘记了它的存在。

2. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。

3. 我总是学不会争取,也不习惯挽留

4. Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.

5. 岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,激情不再却使心灵枯萎。

6. Only with ultrahigh-intensity lasers , however, are there enough photons in each pulse to produce a significant number of gamma-gamma collisions. 不过呢,唯有使用超高强度的雷射,每个脉冲内才有足够的光子可以制造数量显著的伽玛光子碰撞事件。

7. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.

8. No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed.

9. 岁月流走,蓦然回首,有我们相守,不离左右。

10. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失

11. Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭。

12. 如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。

13. 余生,等一场相知,念一人安暖。

14. Time brings the truth to light.时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。

15. 最忙的人有最多的时间。

16. 所有的青春都会逝去,却并非所有的逝去都会有补偿。

17. Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.充分利用时间的人不会有余暇。

18. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the blind boy could not. 第二句话却告诉人们,他们能够享受美好时光而盲童却不能。

19. The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies.群星不怕显得象萤火那样。

20. 志士嗟日短,愁人知夜长。

21. 你们夸美女一般都怎么夸的呀?评论教我一下可以吗?

22. 小生不才,与姑娘萍水相逢,却妄自喜欢姑娘许久。

23. I love three things in this world. 浮世三千,吾爱有三。

24. 我不会再有期望,真诚的感谢你曾经给过我的最美的时光。

25. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray... 你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光,你让阴郁的天空充满欢笑……

26. 一日无二晨,时间不重临。

27. And in conclusion, a few words about leisure of a seaman. 用几句话总结一下海员的闲暇时光。

28. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

29. 从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。


