
时间:2012-01-01 08:14:20
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含有cup的英文句子 篇一

Cups of tea soothe my soul

As I sit by the window and watch the world go by

The steam rising in gentle wisps

From the porcelain cup in my hands

Each sip brings a sense of calm

And a moment of peace in my day

The warmth of the tea spreads through me

Like a comforting embrace from within

I cherish these moments of stillness

Where the chaos of the world fades away

And all that matters is the cup in my hands

And the quiet rhythm of my breath

So I hold onto this cup of tea

Like a lifeline in a stormy sea

And let its simple beauty remind me

That sometimes, all we need is a moment of peace

含有cup的英文句子 篇二

The cup of coffee sits on the table

Steam rising in lazy curls

A promise of warmth and energy

In the early morning light

I wrap my hands around the cup

Feeling the heat seep into my skin

As the rich aroma fills the room

Waking me up from my slumber

With each sip, I feel more alive

The bitter taste awakening my senses

And the caffeine coursing through my veins

Like a jolt of electricity

I savor this moment of solitude

With just me and my cup of coffee

A brief respite from the chaos of the day

And a chance to gather my thoughts

As the cup empties, I feel renewed

Ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead

Because with a cup of coffee in hand

I know I can conquer anything that comes my way

含有cup的英文句子 篇三

1. Grow up cup a cup with a grassy bottom. (Designer: Jinsik Kim).

2. Had another cup of coffee.

3. I love sitting in the garden with a cup of hot tea.我喜欢坐在花园里喝著热茶。

4. Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.伊莎贝尔把一只酒杯放在桌上他伸手可及的地方。

5. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

6. Can I have a cup of draft beer please能给我来杯扎啤吗?

7. bridled-cup anemometer

8. Football is not my cup of tea.足球不是我所喜爱的。

9. The road to the World Cup is not easy, but I believe in the Argentine players.世界杯之路并不好走,不过我相信阿根廷球员的能力。

10. I can do with a cup of coffee我想喝一杯咖啡。

11. cup coated with pewter

12. 1 cup fresh or canned, unsweeten

ed peach slices.1杯新鲜或罐装不加糖的桃片。

13. Max held out his cup for a refill.马克斯伸出他的杯子要求再满上。

14. Crisp crusts crackle crunchily. Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

15. I poured myself a cup of tea我给自己倒了一杯茶。

16. Baking cup machine, hotplate and other related industries machinery and equipment.烤杯机,烤盘机等相关行业机械设备。

17. Would you please take a seat and have a cup of tea first您先到后边坐一下喝杯茶可以吗?

18. Would you prefer a round of ham sandwich and a cup of coffee?您是否来份火腿三明治和一杯咖啡?

19. I drink good wine cup by cup!

20. L would like a cup of tea, please请给我一杯茶。


