
时间:2018-05-05 07:18:49
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表达愤怒之情的英文句子 篇一

As I sat in the conference room, listening to my ideas being dismissed and my contributions belittled, a seething anger began to bubble within me. How dare they treat me like this after all the hard work I had put in? I felt a surge of frustration and resentment, and I knew I had to speak up before the rage consumed me.

I stood up, my voice trembling with anger, and demanded to be heard. I refused to be talked down to or ignored any longer. The room fell silent as I unleashed my pent-up emotions, my words sharp and cutting like a knife. I could see the shock on their faces, but I didn't care. I was done with being pushed around and disrespected.

As I stormed out of the room, my heart still racing with adrenaline, I knew that my outburst would have consequences. But I didn't care. I had stood up for myself and refused to be a doormat any longer. The fire of anger still burned within me, but it was a righteous anger, a fire that fueled my determination to never let anyone treat me that way again.


表达愤怒之情的英文句子 篇二

The betrayal cut deep, like a knife twisting in my heart. How could they do this to me, after all I had done for them? The anger I felt was a white-hot flame, consuming everything in its path. I wanted to scream, to lash out, to make them feel the same pain they had inflicted on me.

But as I sat alone in my room, the anger slowly turned to sadness. I felt a deep sense of hurt and disappointment, a heaviness in my chest that weighed me down. The tears came, hot and bitter, washing away the anger but leaving behind a hollow emptiness.

I knew that forgiveness was the only way forward, but it felt like an impossible task. How could I forgive someone who had hurt me so deeply, who had shattered my trust and left me broken? The anger still simmered beneath the surface, a reminder of the pain I had endured.

But as the days passed, I felt the anger slowly ebb away, replaced by a sense of acceptance and peace. I knew that holding onto that anger would only poison my own soul, that I had to let it go in order to move on. And so, with a heavy heart but a clear mind, I made the choice to forgive and release the anger that had consumed me for so long.

表达愤怒之情的英文句子 篇三


  1. I got so mad about it!


  2. I just flew off the handle when I found out what he'd done.


  3. I almost blew my top when I found out that she had been lying to me.


  4. I hit the roof / ceiling!


  5. I blew a fuse because he didn't do his homework.


  6. My boss had a cow at the meeting this morning.


  7. I was so shocked when he flared up in front of everyone.


  8. He really made my blood boil.


  9. She's really furious about it.


  10. I've never seen you so riled up.



