
时间:2012-03-07 08:46:20
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英语好词摘抄积累 篇一

In the fast-paced world of today, having a rich vocabulary can truly set you apart from the rest. Not only does it allow you to communicate more effectively, but it also helps you express yourself in a more precise and elegant manner. Here, we have compiled a list of some beautiful and sophisticated English words that you can add to your vocabulary arsenal:

1. Serendipity - the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

2. Mellifluous - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear

3. Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time

4. Petrichor - the pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell

5. Ethereal - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world

6. Resplendent - attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous

7. Effervescent - vivacious and enthusiastic

8. Luminous - full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark

9. Sonorous - capable of producing a deep or ringing sound

10. Eloquent - fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing

By incorporating these words into your everyday language, you can elevate your speech and writing to a whole new level. Not only will you impress those around you, but you will also find joy in the beauty and richness of the English language.


英语好词摘抄积累 篇二

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others. Having a diverse vocabulary not only enables us to express ourselves more effectively but also enhances our ability to connect with people on a deeper level. Here are some intriguing and thought-provoking English words that can help you expand your linguistic repertoire:

1. Solitude - the state or situation of being alone

2. Epiphany - a moment of sudden revelation or insight

3. Enigmatic - difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious

4. Mellifluous - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear

5. Serendipity - the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

6. Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

7. Ethereal - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world

8. Euphoria - a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness

9. Ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

10. Sagacious - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment

By incorporating these words into your vocabulary, you can enrich your language skills and communicate with greater clarity and precision. So, why not start exploring the beauty and depth of the English language today? Your words have the power to inspire, captivate, and touch the hearts of those around you.

英语好词摘抄积累 篇三


  摘抄是指从文刊、文件等资料里阅读的时候 ,把语言优美,值得品析,值得学习的词语,句子,段落记录到本子上,闲暇时拿出来翻阅。以下是小编收集整理的英语好词摘抄积累,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢!

  missile 发射物;导弹

  apartment (名) 公寓住宅

  oral 口头的;口服的

  shame 羞愧;令人惋惜的事情

  hungry (形容) 饥饿的;饿的

  clothing 衣服

  carrier 运货人,货运公司;车篮;行李架;带菌者

  beg (动) 乞求;恳求;敬请允许

  shower (名)(动) 阵雨; (名) 淋浴。

  receipt (名) 收到;收入;收据

  oxygen 氧,氧气

  disadvantage 不利,不利地位

  midnight (名) 午夜,半夜

  awake (动)(形容) 醒;醒悟

  physics (名) 物理学

  truck (名) 卡车

  envelope (名) 信封;封套

  canal 运河;渠;管道

  directory 地址簿;指南;目录

  receiver 电话听筒;破产案产业管理人

  fade (名)(动)(形容) 淡入,淡出;褪色。平淡的

  chemistry (名) 化学;化学性质;化学作用

  toy (名) 玩具,玩物

  forever (副) 永远,总是

  skirt (名) 裙子,裙服

  accent 口音

  dull 灰暗的;模糊的;迟钝的

  scholar 学者;享有奖学金的学生;学生

  sculpture (名)(动) 雕刻;雕刻品

  neat 整洁的;简洁的;纯的(酒)

  lion (名) 狮子

  dialogue (名) 对话,对白

  fantasy 空想,幻想

  poison (名) 毒药。(动) 毒杀;下毒

  lamp (名) 灯;枱灯;油灯

  flag (名) 旗;国旗。 (动) 打旗号

  pity 同情,怜悯;可惜的事

  diagram (名) 图解,图表

  wool 羊毛;毛线,绒线

  nest (名) 窝,巢穴;庇护所

  lung 肺

  teenager (名) 13-19岁的青少年

  lonely (形容) 孤独的;寂寞的

  radiation (名) 辐射;辐射线,辐射光

  musician (名) 音乐家;作曲家;乐师

  glory 荣誉;光辉;壮丽。欢乐;自豪

  equip (动)装备;配备

  liberation (名) 解放

  heel 脚后跟;后跟

  weekly (副)(形容)(名) 每周的。每周

  invent (动) 发明,创造,创作;虚构

  damp 潮湿的

  precious (形容) 珍贵的,宝贵的

  sword 剑;刀

  bean (名) 豆子;豆类;豆状果实

  crazy (形容) 疯狂的,醉心的

  unite (动) 联合;合并;协力

  separately 分离地;各别地

  instruct (动)指导


  brave (形容) 勇敢的

  downstairs (副) 往楼下。 (形容) 楼下的

  cafe 咖啡馆,小餐厅

  fetch (动) 接来;取来;(通过出售)换来

  duck (名) 鸭,雌鸭;鸭肉

  pint 品脱(八分之一加仑)

  translation (名) 翻译;译文

  digital 数字的,计数的

  steep (形容)(名) 险峻的,陡峭的

  jet (动)(名) 喷射;间断地涌出;喷射口;喷气发动机

  hey (感叹) 嗨

  packet 小包,小捆

  fancy (名) 想象力;幻想。 (形容) 别出心裁的

  fierce 凶猛的,残忍的;愤怒的;强烈的

  ours (代名) 我们的(东西)

  spray (名)(动) 喷射;扫射。浪花;水雾

  courage (名) 勇气;胆量

  mild 温柔的,温和的.;素淡的

  splendid 辉煌的,壮丽的

  ambulance 救护车

  painter (名) 油漆工人;画家

  handsome (形容) 英俊的,帅的

  navy 海军

  disappointment (名) 失望,沮丧

  photographer 摄影师

  neighbourhood 邻居关系;邻近

  pardon (名)(动) 原谅;赦免

  suite (名) 一套家具;(旅馆)一套房间

  basket (名) 篮子,篓子

  happiness (名) 幸福;快乐

  fighter 战斗者;战斗机

  decorate (动) 装饰;装璜;授予(奖章,勋位)

  ton 吨;大量

  juice (名) 果汁

  spin (名)(动) 纺纱;旋转

  medal 奖章,勋章;纪念章

  diamond (名) 钻石;钻石饰品;菱形

  peaceful (形容) 和平的,安祥的,宁静的

  horrible (形容) 可怕的;讨厌的

  slave 奴隶;苦工


