
时间:2018-09-03 05:30:28
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每日英语经典语录 篇一

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

This quote reminds us that true success comes from finding joy and fulfillment in what we do, rather than chasing after external markers of success. When we are passionate about our work and derive happiness from it, success naturally follows. This is because when we love what we do, we are more likely to put in the effort and dedication needed to excel in our chosen field.

Many people mistakenly believe that achieving success will bring them happiness. They think that once they reach a certain level of wealth, status, or recognition, they will finally be happy. However, this mindset often leads to disappointment, as external achievements alone do not guarantee lasting happiness.

On the other hand, when we prioritize our own happiness and well-being, we are better equipped to achieve success in a sustainable and fulfilling way. When we are happy and content with our lives, we are more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. We are also more likely to attract positive opportunities and relationships that can help us reach our goals.

So, instead of chasing after success as a means to happiness, let us focus on cultivating happiness in our daily lives. Let us find joy in the work we do, the relationships we nurture, and the passions we pursue. By prioritizing our own happiness, we can unlock our full potential and achieve success on our own terms.

Remember, happiness is not the destination – it is the journey. And when we approach life with a positive and joyful attitude, success will naturally follow.

每日英语经典语录 篇二

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple Inc., understood the importance of passion and purpose in achieving greatness. In this quote, he emphasizes that in order to produce exceptional work, one must have a deep love and commitment to their craft.

When we are truly passionate about our work, we are willing to invest the time, energy, and effort needed to excel. We are constantly seeking to improve and innovate, pushing ourselves to new heights of creativity and achievement. This dedication and drive are what set apart those who do great work from those who merely go through the motions.

Furthermore, when we love what we do, our enthusiasm and energy are contagious. We inspire others with our passion and dedication, creating a positive and productive work environment. Our enthusiasm becomes a driving force that motivates us to overcome obstacles and challenges, leading us to success and fulfillment.

However, finding work that we truly love is not always easy. It requires self-reflection, exploration, and sometimes taking risks to pursue our passions. But the rewards of doing work that we are passionate about are immeasurable. We experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose that goes beyond mere financial or material success.

So, let us take inspiration from Steve Jobs and strive to find work that we love. Let us pursue our passions with dedication and enthusiasm, knowing that it is the key to doing great work and achieving greatness in our lives. As we follow our hearts and pursue our dreams, we will not only find success but also find true happiness and fulfillment.

每日英语经典语录 篇三




  If women are not cruel to themselves, men will be cruel to you.


  You quietly into my heart, I never pay attention to accidentally fall in love with you.


  A good man often has a cheap mouth, and a bad man a sweet one.


  Integrity is only once, don't challenge with lies.


  I think my missing is a kind of disease, which can't be cured for a long time.


  Meet like, probably like a never landing ship, finally found the harbor.


  Never promised people, not necessarily do not cherish, accompany, is the best commitment.


  I am not qualified to cry, because I have nearly numb to know what is pain.


  Recall the blooming Ningxia, as if you can touch the rainbow.


  There is a number that you will never call or .


  Time has separated our love and heart, and the distance is getting farther and farther.


  Don't always in front of others, pour out your difficulties, and expose your vulnerability.


  Like the wind into the memories of love, the pain was blown away, love unconsciously in the cold.


  Love does not know national boundaries, even if far away in the world, the distance between the soul will not be too far away.


  If love can't conquer everything, how can it be called love?


  When a person no longer has, the only thing you can do is not to forget.


  Commitment is often like a butterfly, beautiful circle and then disappear.


  Is love enough if you love me and I love you?


  A true friend is someone who reaches out to you and touches your heart.


  Live a good today, but also can let the years to come without regret, add a point of peace.


  Rice light tea cool, lights out to death, thrush birds, into a pair, than eyebrows with the famine.


  I am such a person, who is good to me, I am good to anyone.


  Cherish all the encounter, but also respect all the loss.


  People who really love you will always find reasons to spoil you.


  In love, women learn to talk in their sleep, while men in love break away from swearing.


  Once the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, it can't reach a good gathering and scattering.


  Hold my hand, even if you close your eyes, you won't get lost.


  Love needs courage. We need to be together forever.


  He stood at the end of the light, a place I wanted to step on but didn't dare to touch.


  Since when, I have nothing but you.


  If you can't come into this life, just want to be with you when you stop breathing.


  Your face is too big, blocking my sunshine, I want to break up with you.


  You stop at the entrance of life, looking for a rainless sky for me.


  It's a pity that I don't even have a group photo.


  The husband in your mouth is so casual, I take what to believe you.


  If the whole world betrays you, I will stand behind you, betray the whole world!


  What is lost never really belongs to you.


  You said, not that you don't look up to me, is to study hard, I smile, you are true or false.


  The original love has no end, no one can always accompany who to the end.


  I'm afraid there are some things I haven't said yet, but you're tired of listening to others.


  I would rather love myself more than give you my love.


  Don't need to love until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten. As long as you are with me in your lifetime.


  Flowers bloom and fall again, my love for you still has no consequence.


  Miss not obedient, run out of their own. Distance is useless, missing is very heavy.


  When I am not by your side, let those things that I send you accompany you!


  Beauty can only be used to deceive men, but cleverness can be used to deceive the world.


  Meet the right person, every day is Valentine's day.


  Love is so long, and I'm not your direction.


  Regard you as the love of my life, but you abandon me thousands of miles away.


  Flowers bloom is the memory of flowers, meeting is the prelude of parting.


  Instead of regretting today with tears, it is better to fight for today with sweat.


  Women, you have to remember, the keyboard is not out of love.


  Loneliness so much, in the bear of a few.


  It's you who make me hurt, so I'm going to let you rip your heart.


  The meaning of love is to help the other party improve, but also to improve themselves.


  Now slowly like to listen to the music quietly, and then to think of you.


  When you are full, you will know how to hold on. If you laugh enough, you will know the pain.


  You never know what your habits will make you miss.


  For you, abandon everything, but willingly.


  When you go out of my heart completely, I hope you forget me too.


