
时间:2014-06-02 05:22:39
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电影观后感英语作文 篇一:《The Shawshank Redemption》

"The Shawshank Redemption" is a masterpiece that left a deep impression on me. The film, based on Stephen King's novella, tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary.

The film explores themes of hope, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. Andy, played brilliantly by Tim Robbins, maintains his innocence throughout the film and never loses hope, despite the harsh conditions of prison life. His friendship with Red, portrayed by Morgan Freeman, is the heart of the film. Red, a long-time inmate, becomes Andy's confidant and mentor, offering him solace and support.

One of the most powerful scenes in the film is when Andy plays Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" over the loudspeaker system, filling the prison yard with beautiful music. In that moment, the prisoners, who are hardened criminals, are transformed. They are reminded of their humanity and experience a brief moment of freedom through the power of music. This scene perfectly captures the theme of the film – the ability of the human spirit to triumph over adversity.

"The Shawshank Redemption" also explores the corrupt and oppressive nature of the prison system. The warden, played by Bob Gunton, represents the abuse of power and the lengths people will go to maintain control. The film exposes the hypocrisy and injustice within the system and raises important questions about the nature of punishment and redemption.

Overall, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a thought-provoking and emotionally powerful film. It reminds us of the importance of hope, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit. The performances are exceptional, the cinematography is stunning, and the storytelling is masterful. It is a film that will stay with me for a long time and serves as a reminder of the power of cinema to inspire and touch the hearts of its audience.

电影观后感英语作文 篇二:《La La Land》

"La La Land" is a modern musical that captivated me from beginning to end. The film, directed by Damien Chazelle, tells the story of Mia, an aspiring actress, and Sebastian, a jazz pianist, as they pursue their dreams and navigate their complicated love affair in the bustling city of Los Angeles.

The film is a love letter to the golden age of Hollywood musicals, with its vibrant colors, catchy songs, and breathtaking dance sequences. The chemistry between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, who play Mia and Sebastian, is palpable and their performances are nothing short of extraordinary. The film beautifully captures the joy and heartbreak of following one's passion and the sacrifices that come with it.

What sets "La La Land" apart is its ability to blend the old with the new. While it pays homage to classic musicals, it also addresses contemporary issues such as the pursuit of fame, the compromises we make for success, and the price we pay for our dreams. The film is both nostalgic and relevant, reminding us of the power of dreams and the importance of staying true to ourselves.

The musical numbers in the film are breathtaking, with elaborate choreography and stunning cinematography. The standout song, "City of Stars", is a hauntingly beautiful ballad that stays with you long after the film is over. The music, composed by Justin Hurwitz, perfectly complements the story and adds another layer of emotion to the film.

"La La Land" is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that celebrates the magic of cinema. It is a love story, a tribute to the arts, and a reminder to never give up on our dreams. The film's bittersweet ending leaves a lasting impact and prompts reflection on the choices we make in life. It is a film that reminds us of the power of storytelling and its ability to transport us to another world.

In conclusion, "La La Land" is a modern masterpiece that combines the charm of old Hollywood with a fresh and contemporary narrative. It is a film that will leave you humming its melodies and dreaming of a world where anything is possible.

电影观后感英语作文 篇三




Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow。What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc。 the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree。The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of 。

Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one。

This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the person"s heart can"t fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm。。。So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!

电影观后感英语作文 篇四


This film is based on a true story . That happened in Japan in 1935.So I was moved by the spirit of Hachi!

No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and consciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

In fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease. It’s his only way to hold him back . Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fel

low to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.

电影观后感英语作文 篇五



