
时间:2013-09-09 08:12:27
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简单英文自我评价 篇一

Self-Evaluation: My Journey of Learning English

English has always been a fascinating language to me. From a young age, I was exposed to English through movies, music, and books. As I grew older, I realized the importance of mastering this global language and decided to embark on a journey of learning English.

I started learning English formally in school, where we had regular English classes. I enjoyed these classes as they provided a structured approach to learning the language. However, I soon realized that classroom learning alone was not enough to become proficient in English. I needed to immerse myself in the language and practice it in real-life situations.

To enhance my English skills, I began watching English movies and TV shows with subtitles. This helped me improve my listening and comprehension skills. I also started reading English books and newspapers to expand my vocabulary and improve my reading skills. Additionally, I joined an English conversation club where I could practice speaking with native English speakers and other English learners. These activities helped me gain confidence in using English in everyday conversations.

Another aspect that significantly contributed to my English learning journey was the use of technology. I downloaded language learning apps that provided interactive exercises and quizzes to practice grammar and vocabulary. These apps also allowed me to connect with other learners around the world, providing an opportunity to practice my writing skills through online forums and discussions.

Although I have made significant progress in my English learning journey, I am aware that there is still room for improvement. One challenge I face is speaking fluently without hesitations. While I can understand and comprehend English well, I sometimes struggle to express myself confidently and fluently in spoken English. To overcome this challenge, I plan to practice speaking with native English speakers more frequently and participate in public speaking events.

Overall, my journey of learning English has been both rewarding and challenging. It has opened doors to new opportunities and allowed me to connect with people from different cultures. I am proud of the progress I have made so far, but I am also committed to continuous improvement. Learning a language is a lifelong process, and I am excited to continue my journey of mastering the English language.

简单英文自我评价 篇二

Self-Evaluation: Overcoming Challenges in Learning English

Learning English has been a transformative experience for me. It has not only improved my communication skills but also broadened my horizons and opened up new opportunities. However, my journey of learning English has not been without its challenges.

One of the main challenges I faced was understanding the nuances of English grammar. English grammar rules can be complex and often differ from those in my native language. I initially struggled with tenses, prepositions, and sentence structures. To overcome this challenge, I dedicated extra time to studying grammar rules and practicing through exercises and quizzes. I also sought help from English teachers and online resources to clarify any doubts I had. Gradually, I began to grasp the intricacies of English grammar and saw improvements in my writing and speaking skills.

Another challenge I encountered was building vocabulary. English has a vast vocabulary, and memorizing words can be overwhelming. To overcome this, I adopted various strategies. I started by learning common words and phrases used in everyday conversations. I also made use of flashcards and mnemonic techniques to remember new words. Additionally, I read extensively in English, which exposed me to a wide range of vocabulary in different contexts. Over time, my vocabulary expanded, and I became more confident in expressing myself accurately.

Furthermore, speaking fluently and confidently was another hurdle I faced. I often experienced anxiety and self-doubt when speaking in English, fearing that I would make mistakes or not be understood. To overcome this, I actively sought opportunities to practice speaking. I joined language exchange programs, where I could converse with native English speakers and receive feedback on my pronunciation and fluency. I also practiced speaking in front of a mirror to boost my confidence. While it was initially challenging, continuous practice and exposure to real-life conversations significantly improved my speaking skills.

In conclusion, my journey of learning English has been a rollercoaster ride filled with challenges and triumphs. I have learned to overcome obstacles such as grammar complexities, vocabulary building, and speaking anxieties. Through perseverance and dedication, I have made significant progress in my English language skills. Nonetheless, I recognize that language learning is a continuous process, and there is always room for improvement. I am excited to continue this journey and further enhance my English proficiency.

简单英文自我评价 篇三

  Handsome, handsome, suave romantic, jade tree, learn five cars, tall and mighty, with millions of 'fans', fans, I am a man of the world, Thousands of thousands of girls, known as a pear pressure Begonia Jade noodles small white dragon, Shuai to fall off!

  I have no merits The only advantage is that there is no shortcomings I basically all the shortcomings of the biggest drawback is that only the advantages if the handsome is a sin, I have criminals heinous; If there is a type of error, I have a mistake again; If I am humble, I will be tortured, and I will be able to escape too?

  I side 23, handsome Xiao wine. Seven-year-old Xuewen, nine-year-old martial arts, 12-year-old girl will be, on the known astronomical geography, the next trivial, every walk outside, often cited beautiful back, handsome jumping, kind-hearted and helpful. Elementary school language teacher to explain "handsome" meaning, I puzzled the same table secretly handed a small mirror. I have a photo. Oh. An instant to understand. . . It is said that when I was born, the sky north, there is a cloud, gradually from far to near, floating to my house after the roof, turned into a word: Shuai

简单英文自我评价 篇四

  Good interpersonal skills, good communication skills, innovative thinking, a team spirit and can withstand greater work pressure, strong self-learning ability, thirst for knowledge strong.

  I am responsible for import and export and domestic procurement of Korean companies have been a year, and conscientiously, imports of large equipment, raw materials and spare parts, etc., master the development of procurement plans, management orders and other work skills, A lot of work experience and skills. Work enthusiasm, enthusiasm, helpfulness, a high degree of cooperation spirit.

简单英文自我评价 篇五

  Years of administrative personnel management experience. Can reasonably handle labor disputes. Work experience in employee training, performance appraisal and mechanism framework establishment. Decisive, good manners, responsible for the work, communication and smooth, with excellent quality of integrated management. Cheerful, able to withstand stress. Long-term stability, the development potential of the work of enterprises.

  Familiar with the ka system operating procedures and daily business, with good negotiation skills and communication skills, practical work, stable, team-work spirit, to adapt to the larger elastic work, and challenging. Can often travel.

  I am cheerful, optimistic, warm and easy-going; with entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit, good coordination and communication skills and strong practical ability; adaptable, positive; have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility so that I can face all the difficulties And challenges; and constantly improve their work to adapt to the needs of the work. Proficiency in computer office software.

  Fluent in English, and experienced in supplier development and management in the trade sector. Excellent communication skills and team spirit. Good response to problems and unexpected incident handling capacity. Can be skilled in computer office software, can be hard-working, can withstand great pressure. Have a strong ability to accept new things and cognitive ability. On the matter, never give up. There is momentum, admit defeat.

简单英文自我评价 篇六



