
时间:2013-06-07 03:23:39
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Military Training Reflection and Self-Evaluation - Part 1

During the military training, I have learned invaluable lessons and developed important skills that will undoubtedly shape my future. This experience has not only enhanced my physical fitness but also strengthened my mental resilience and taught me the importance of discipline and teamwork. In this reflection, I will discuss my personal growth and the challenges I faced during the training.

One of the most significant aspects of military training was the physical demands it placed on us. From early morning runs to intense drills, the training pushed me to my limits and beyond. Through perseverance and determination, I was able to improve my endurance and strength. My physical fitness has improved significantly, and I am proud of the progress I have made.

Moreover, the training taught me the importance of mental resilience. There were times when I felt exhausted and wanted to give up, but I learned to push through these moments and find the strength to continue. This mental toughness will undoubtedly benefit me in the future, as it has taught me the value of perseverance and the ability to overcome challenges.

In addition to physical and mental growth, military training has instilled in me a strong sense of discipline. The strict schedules and rules enforced during the training required us to be punctual and obedient. This discipline has taught me the importance of structure and order in achieving success. I have also learned to prioritize my tasks and manage my time effectively, which will undoubtedly benefit me in my future endeavors.

Furthermore, teamwork played a crucial role during the training. Through various team-building exercises and group tasks, I learned the significance of collaboration and cooperation. I realized that working together as a team not only enhances efficiency but also fosters a supportive and motivating environment. These teamwork skills will undoubtedly be beneficial in my future academic and professional pursuits.

Despite the numerous benefits of military training, I also faced several challenges. One of the most prominent challenges was the physical exertion and the demanding nature of the training. There were days when I felt overwhelmed and exhausted, but I learned to push past my limits and embrace the discomfort. This experience has taught me the importance of perseverance and grit in achieving success.

In conclusion, military training has been a transformative experience for me. It has not only improved my physical fitness but also enhanced my mental resilience, discipline, and teamwork skills. I am proud of the personal growth I have achieved and the challenges I have overcome. I am confident that the lessons I have learned during this training will continue to shape my future endeavors and contribute to my overall success.

Military Training Reflection and Self-Evaluation - Part 2

Military training has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through this experience, I have not only learned valuable skills but also gained a deeper understanding of myself and my capabilities. In this reflection, I will discuss the lessons I have learned, the challenges I have faced, and the ways in which I have grown during the training.

One of the most important lessons I have learned during military training is the significance of discipline. The training demanded strict adherence to rules and regulations, which required me to be punctual, obedient, and accountable for my actions. Through this experience, I have learned to prioritize my tasks, manage my time effectively, and take responsibility for my decisions. These skills will undoubtedly benefit me in my future academic and professional pursuits.

Moreover, the training has taught me the importance of mental resilience. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed and wanted to give up, but I learned to push through these challenges and find the strength to continue. This mental toughness will undoubtedly serve me well in the face of adversity and help me overcome any obstacles that come my way.

Additionally, military training has emphasized the value of teamwork and collaboration. Through various team-building exercises and group tasks, I have learned to work effectively with others, communicate clearly, and support my teammates. I have realized that working together as a team not only enhances productivity but also fosters a positive and motivating environment. These teamwork skills will undoubtedly be valuable in my future endeavors, both personally and professionally.

Furthermore, the physical demands of military training have pushed me to my limits and beyond. From intense physical exercises to long marches, the training has tested my endurance and strength. Through perseverance and determination, I have been able to improve my physical fitness and surpass my own expectations. This experience has taught me the importance of pushing past my comfort zone and embracing challenges to achieve personal growth.

Despite the numerous benefits of military training, I also faced several challenges. One of the most significant challenges was adapting to the strict schedule and rigorous routine. The demanding nature of the training required me to be disciplined and focused at all times. While it was initially challenging, I learned to embrace the structure and order it provided. This experience has taught me the importance of self-discipline and has instilled in me a stronger work ethic.

In conclusion, military training has been a transformative experience for me. It has taught me valuable lessons in discipline, mental resilience, teamwork, and physical fitness. I am proud of the personal growth I have achieved and the challenges I have overcome. I am confident that the skills and lessons I have learned during this training will continue to shape my future endeavors and contribute to my overall success.

军训总结英文自我评价 篇三

  A few days when we stay away from the beautiful city, we came to a remote military training base .. no warm bed. No rich morning.More parents without careful care,

  Facing us is a tough military training.

  Seven days of military training, contains our ups and downs. Station Junzi, starting to go, running, is to go, squat. We have tears, we have a laugh, we have tears, we have love.

  Dizziness, to continue training, foot pain, and continue to move forward, the body did not force, and continue our mission, which is the military must be done here we are like a small soldier.

  Seven days that slow is very slow, but that is just a moment .. we have to leave.

  Not many, many of our instructors, although outside the fierce, in fact, the heart is like tofu, will worry for us, for us to refuel ...

  I would like to thank the instructors for their hard work and thanks for the arrangement of the school, I will face the future life with a new attitude.

  We know that the instructor is actually bitter, no matter what we are required to do their own first to do, we have a half-way break when he stood in the sun, because he said the real

soldiers are not afraid of the sun. Once the training was very tired, we instructors take the initiative to propose with the class instructor to show the skills of martial arts, the results when the next class instructor deputy "target", was "fell" very embarrassed, but stand up or smile Xiaohe We say that in fact his fighting skills than the next class instructor is good, instructors really training is stern, but the rest and relaxation time is good for our students, has always reminded us to drink plenty of water, wearing a hat, so instructors, let us A better understanding of the meaning of the military training.

军训总结英文自我评价 篇四

  Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, leaving the hotbed of comfort, we have more than 800 high a freshman came to the xx military training base, Wearing a symbol of life and hope of the green, we carried out seven days of tension, strict, hard military training.

  Seven days, in the long life is just a hurry of the moment. But spent seven days in military training, is absolutely extraordinary seven days.

  Seven days of military training, contains our ups and downs. Station Junzi, starting to go, running, is to go, squat. We repeat the boring action over and over again; singing shouting password, we use the strength of the body roar, but can not let instructors satisfaction. Backache, but also straight; shouting dumb voice, throat still reluctantly screaming. Whether it is torrential rain, or hot sun, our training remains the same; whether sweat or tears, our pace can not stop. Iron-like discipline bound us all the time. In the strict requirements, there is our tired body stand, with our hands and feet repeated ache action.Serious instructors, hard life ... ... all in all, we must be strong to face.Because we are wearing uniforms, because we are in this green barracks.

  Seven days, we suffered from the pain. But there are also many military training in the sweet. Instructor beautiful loud and clear singing portrayal of the real barracks life, sing the soldiers of the tenacious will and relatives of the miss, touched every one of us; basketball game exciting intense tug of war tug of war, ears still echoed Enjoy the fresh air to the body and mind to bring the fresh pleasure, refreshing; there is a beautiful show with the arts and craftsmen as well as the beauty of the beautiful scenery of the sunrise,Melodic, moving dance and beat the cells. More teachers, students in every possible way of caring and thoughtful, instructors understanding and sense of humor. Hard we deeply appreciate the warmth of the collective, the taste is particularly sweet.

  Seven days, is suffering and tired of the seven days, is to pay more is the harvest of seven days. Our backs were straight, our faces were resolute, and we were full of energy. Between standing and squat, the military gave us the military temperament: upright, straight. Hard training, we learned to endure pain, learn to adhere to, and then persist. Military training has given us a strong quality, tenacious style. We have less arrogance, more copies of the hard work in the end the spirit and struggle, forever forward to the will.Through thick and thin, to see the students do not give up around, how can I easily bow; help each other, we grew up from arrogant to independent life.Military training taught us - unity is strength: this force is iron, steel, iron than steel is also stronger than steel, as long as the people as one mind, there is no victory over the enemy can not overcome the difficulties. Military training to us - discipline, obey orders is bounden duty, the order to keep in mind that the line is prohibited, consciously condensed into a collective battle.People's armed forces with iron discipline, will have infinite combat effectiveness. We also more profound understanding of the military's content.It is synonymous with seriousness, prestige, discipline. Soldiers and soldiers are always the most lovable people. Each of us in the military standards of strict demands on themselves. Although the seven days of the military training is short, we have learned a great many other things that can not be obtained elsewhere - knowledge, quality, spirit, and precious wealth.

  Seven days of military training, one after another test. We only experience it, to be able to sharpen their own, make themselves more resilient. We only overcome difficulties, bear the wind and rain, in order to more calmly face the future life. Military training is necessary for our growth; it is the only way to success. The taste of military training as flavors mixed together, we taste; but it can not just a moment of taste. We have to retain the essence of the military camp to learn the excellent quality with us in order to meet the military's attitude to the upcoming high school life, so that the whole life.

军训总结英文自我评价 篇五

  12-day university military training is over, at this time do not know the end or the end of this! Military training is full of hard and laughter tired and happy.Military training, I look forward to the end, can be over, time is so fast that people do not taste enough military training colors.

  Military training seems to let me back to a difficult high school life. 6 o'clock in the morning to get out of gymnastics as high school when 6 o'clock to get up training. Most of the day is in the training people do not have much free time, 20:30 lights out like high school time. 12 days of military training to me a deeper experience of tired and hard music solid unity and concentrate.Very happy and instructors and students to spend the past ten days.Although the military training a day very tired very tired but we also have laughter at night our song sound equally loud opponents can only tell us that our instructors can describe him very cattle so he led us to row is so good .Military training, he can let us be serious to each person did not dare say anything but he can also make us each filled with laughter.

  3, we carried out live ammunition shooting, we are playing the first row so we get up at 5:20, it is a bit early but it is also ordered that we must obey. Our school to the shooting range to sit more than 1 hour car, sitting in military vehicles on their own seems to feel that they are a soldier that is full of pride!High school military training we have played a live ammunition shooting, did not expect the University can play, I really feel a little lucky ~ ~ ~ University of shooting seems to have more experience. Because I was playing in the first row and I rang the first shot ~ This seems to have nothing, but their own feel a little bit happy!

  On the evening of the 5th, the school held military military theatrical performances. 6 pm more than 5 pm held our military training parade, that is, our military training at the end of the ceremony. Unfortunately, I did not participate in the ~ not I was going to participate in the parade in the parade when we suddenly more than a row of inpiduals to me to plot out because I ranked in the second row of the last trainer can only be my plot Out of the called out. 12 days of hard I adhere to the efforts down. The parade preview of the morning I have participated in why the afternoon more than a person ~ think of it a bit sorry! .


