
时间:2012-02-02 03:40:43
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傲慢与偏见的英文读书心得 篇一

Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel written by Jane Austen, which tells the story of Elizabeth Bennet and her journey to finding love and happiness. As I immersed myself in the world of this novel, I was captivated by the themes of pride and prejudice and the subtle social commentary that Austen weaves into the narrative.

One of the main themes explored in Pride and Prejudice is the destructive nature of pride. Throughout the novel, we see how pride blinds characters to their own faults and prevents them from forming genuine connections with others. Mr. Darcy, for example, is initially portrayed as arrogant and condescending, looking down upon those he deems beneath him. However, as the story progresses, we see a transformation in his character as he learns to overcome his pride and truly see Elizabeth's worth. This serves as a reminder to readers about the dangers of pride and the importance of humility.

Another theme that struck me was the power of first impressions and the dangers of prejudice. Elizabeth's initial prejudice against Mr. Darcy leads her to form a negative opinion of him, dismissing him as proud and unkind. However, as she begins to interact with him more, she realizes that her prejudice was unfounded and that there is more to him than meets the eye. This serves as a lesson to readers about the importance of not judging others based solely on first impressions and the need to approach people with an open mind.

What I found particularly impressive about Pride and Prejudice is Austen's ability to create complex and multi-dimensional characters. Each character is flawlessly crafted, with their own unique personalities, motivations, and flaws. From the witty and independent Elizabeth to the charming but superficial Mr. Wickham, each character adds depth and richness to the story. It is through these characters that Austen explores the intricacies of human nature and the complexities of relationships.

Furthermore, Austen's writing style is elegant and sophisticated, perfectly capturing the manners and social conventions of the time. Her use of irony and satire adds a layer of wit and humor to the story, making it both entertaining and thought-provoking. The dialogue between characters is sharp and insightful, revealing their true thoughts and emotions. I found myself engrossed in the conversations between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, eagerly awaiting their verbal sparring matches.

In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice is a timeless masterpiece that explores themes of pride, prejudice, and the complexities of human relationships. Jane Austen's skillful storytelling and insightful social commentary make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in literature. It serves as a reminder to readers about the dangers of pride, the importance of not judging others based on first impressions, and the power of love and understanding. I highly recommend Pride and Prejudice to all lovers of classic literature.

傲慢与偏见的英文读书心得 篇三



  Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story,but in my opinion,this book is an illustration of the society at that time.She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.

  The characters have their own personalities.Mrs.Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters.Mr.Bingley is a friendly young man,but his friend,Mr.Darcy,is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior.Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different.Jane is simple,innocent and never speaks evil of others.Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion.Mary likes reading classic books.(Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister,Lydia.Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things,handsome man,and is somehow a little profligate.When I read the book,I can always find the same personalities in the society now.That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.

  The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic.But this little topic can reflect big problems.It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century.You can find these from the very beginning of this book.

  Austen left this problem for us to think.The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity,the simplicity that reflects big problems.Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”,her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively.The plots in her works are always very natural.The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics.I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic.Today,her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.


  Pride and Prejudice ",a novel a pleasure to behold,a beautiful and movin

g story.

  The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story.Ji-an eldest daughter,gentle kind-hearted,beautiful Keren,Bentley and rich kids at first sight,but at the crucial moment has brought a twist.Second daughter,Elizabeth,Qingli intelligent,ambitious,assertive,consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy.Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric,Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious,they love but refuse to recognize the obvious,but also continue to hurt each other with words,but fortunately dispelled the last mistake,married lovers.

  Reading this novel,I have benefited greatly.In our people,there are many very modest,but there are some arrogant people.These arrogant people who sometimes annoying,they have eyes in the head long,others are dismissive.Indeed,the arrogance is a shortcoming in the environment to develop a character.Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding typical "little emperors." If so has been from small to large,how could it not arrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices,but the more soul-searching myself,to see if they have not arrogant,after their own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about,tired.

  As the book said: "Heart of pride in everyone.As long as we have so a little bit of strength,they will feel especially great.But pride and vanity while the same meaning,but in real terms in different kinds of self-pride is a feeling,Vanity will need to involve other people overestimate their own,so people have a pride without vanity,which is justifiable.


  then man treat GREat event in one's life with punishing,Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns,Thus reflected authors oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property,money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too.So,she objects to getting married for money ,objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter.She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage ,and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage.

  the woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord's family,reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers.Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west,propose to her,but is refused.Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason,but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him.Reach the thes of the west in fact status' the reflections of difference,exist this kind arrogant,Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth,the marriage that can not have lofty ideals.Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards,See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by,dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him,Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.


