
时间:2013-05-06 02:28:21
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As we all know, food is essential for our survival. However, it is alarming to see the amount of food wasted every day. Therefore, it is crucial for us to cherish and conserve food. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why we should value food and offer some practical tips on how to reduce food waste.

Firstly, wasting food has severe consequences for both the environment and society. It takes a tremendous amount of resources, such as water, energy, and land, to produce food. When we throw away food, we are essentially wasting all the resources that went into its production. Moreover, food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as decomposing food in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By cherishing food, we can reduce these negative impacts on the environment.

Secondly, wasting food also has economic implications. Food production and distribution require significant financial investments. When we waste food, we are essentially throwing away money. Additionally, by reducing food waste, we can alleviate the pressure on food prices, making it more affordable for everyone.

Now that we understand the importance of cherishing food, let's discuss some practical tips on how to reduce food waste. Firstly, proper meal planning can go a long way in preventing food waste. Before going grocery shopping, create a list of the items you need and stick to it. This will help you avoid buying unnecessary food items that might end up going to waste. Additionally, try to cook and serve appropriate portion sizes to avoid leftovers that might go uneaten.

Another effective way to reduce food waste is to properly store and preserve food. Make sure to store perishable items, such as fruits and vegetables, in the refrigerator to prolong their freshness. Additionally, learn how to properly freeze food to prevent spoilage. By taking these simple steps, we can extend the shelf life of our food and reduce waste.

Lastly, it is important to raise awareness about food waste and its consequences. Educate your family and friends about the importance of valuing food and the negative impacts of food waste. Encourage them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as composting food scraps or donating excess food to those in need.

In conclusion, cherishing food is crucial for our environment, economy, and society. By understanding the consequences of food waste and implementing practical tips to reduce it, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's work together to value and conserve our precious food resources.


Food is a precious resource that we should all cherish and conserve. However, it is disheartening to see the amount of food wasted every day. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of valuing food and offer some practical tips on how to reduce food waste.

First and foremost, cherishing food is essential to ensure food security. There are still millions of people around the world who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. By reducing food waste, we can redirect the surplus food to those in need and alleviate their suffering. It is our responsibility to ensure that every individual has access to an adequate and nutritious diet.

Furthermore, wasting food also has significant environmental consequences. The production and transportation of food require vast amounts of resources, including water, energy, and land. When we waste food, we are essentially wasting all the resources that went into its production. Additionally, food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as decomposing food in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By cherishing food, we can reduce these negative impacts on the environment.

Now, let's discuss some practical tips on how to reduce food waste. Firstly, proper meal planning is essential. Before going grocery shopping, create a list of the items you need and stick to it. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and unnecessary food items that might end up going to waste. Additionally, try to cook and serve appropriate portion sizes to avoid leftovers that might go uneaten.

Another effective way to reduce food waste is to properly store and preserve food. Make sure to store perishable items, such as fruits and vegetables, in the refrigerator to prolong their freshness. Additionally, learn how to properly freeze food to prevent spoilage. By taking these simple steps, we can extend the shelf life of our food and reduce waste.

Lastly, it is crucial to raise awareness about food waste and its consequences. Education plays a vital role in changing people's attitudes and behaviors. By organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns, we can inform the public about the importance of valuing food and provide them with practical tips on how to reduce food waste in their daily lives.

In conclusion, cherishing food is essential for food security and environmental sustainability. By understanding the importance of valuing food and implementing practical tips to reduce waste, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's work together to cherish and conserve our precious food resources.

爱惜粮食英语范文初一 篇三

As is vividly shown in the picture, the potbellied man is going to throw half of his food to the dustbin while a man like head stretchs out of the dustbin with his mouth opened. On the top of the man, it writes: half of the food is thrown away.

The picture clearly delivers an increasingly common phenomenon to us that the problem of wasting food is so universal and severe. As a result, it’s a must for us to lay emphasis on food saving. First of all, it’s all known that food comes uneasy and it’s very likely to happen. What’s more, with food thrown away, there are still many people worrying about meals everyday especially in undeveloped countries. It ’s such a contradictory thing that no one would throw away half of their food without any guilty at the sight of the poverty in such area. Above all, being thrifty is a conventional virtue of Chinese and the behavior of wasting food is absolutely not allowed among us. In a word, under no circumstance should we discard the virtue of thrift and wasting food.

爱惜粮食英语范文初一 篇四























爱惜粮食英语范文初一 篇五











爱惜粮食英语范文初一 篇六

I'm from class xx. The topic of my speech today is xxx.

Now in our school, the phenomenon of wasting food is more serious. At noon, the canteen is full of several barrels of leftovers, which are wasted by the students. Although these leftovers may be turned into feed to feed animals, it is only a last resort to prevent them from becoming garbage. Therefore, if we can eliminate the waste of food at the root, there will be no such problem again.

Many students are particularly picky about food. The dishes cooked in the canteen are fried in a big pot. Maybe the taste will not be so good, so they will pour out the rice after only a few bites. Such behavior is very wasteful. Not only do you starve when you are not full, but also you waste a lot of food.

Even if the food is not delicious, or the food cooked in the canteen that day is not what you like to eat, you should eat more or less. I saw many students pour out their meals without moving them. I didn't realize that such behavior was wrong. I might buy some snacks to solve today's lunch. If you don't like that dish, you can play less, or play the dish you like.

Now the State implements the CD-ROM action, and we should eat what we can eat. Now it's time for us to grow up. Don't think about losing weight. Now people in many parts of the world have no food, but we don't cherish it.

So I think we should get rid of our bad habit of wasting food and being picky and practice the CD-ROM action. Not only at school, but also at home and when eating out, we should also do the CD-ROM action, and let the family participate to save food. So we should save food by ourselves. Only when our families see it will they be affected by us and start saving food.

Students, from now on, from today on, let's take action! Save food, start with me!


